Friday, July 17, 2009

Why Do My Swollen Glands While Pregnant

VENI ALLEYS SEE ... Under the arch of the ancient village

A seguito di reclami pervenutaci da diversi operatori economici, in merito alle azioni indebite realizzate dall'Ass. Culturale Vicoli & Dintorni, e nello specifico della raccolta di fondi per la seconda edizione della nostra manifestazione di cui al titolo.
La Pro Loco porta a conoscenza:
che non ha mai autorizzato altri a svolgere tale manifestazione;
che la seconda edizione era planned for the day 10-11-12 July 2009;
which commenced the collection of funds only after the holding of municipal elections;
that people who have collected the funds are neither members have been authorized for account of the Pro Loco;
the Ass. & Surrounding streets were specially called upon;
anyone on behalf of the Pro Loco is entitled to collect the funds raised by the Association. Lanes & Surroundings;
which reserves the right to appeal to legally protect the image and reputation as well as damage to the non-performance of the event;
We will assist all stakeholders economic cheated, giving them information so that the funds should be reimbursed and not for the other event.


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