Thursday, July 9, 2009

Everyday Mineralsmorning Cup

the fight against the regime

Today, Thursday July 9, it was a day of struggle for all Iranians, both inside and outside their country, are opposed to the further degeneration of the system theocracy. Even in Italy, organized by young Iranians, there were demonstrations and sit-ins in various cities. For example, in Milan. The Italian radicals are mobilizing their own way "Western" as opposed to "peace" che, disgraziatamente, spesso confondono l'"anti-imperialismo" con l'anti-americanismo...
Si è ricordata la protesta studentesca che 10 anni fa fu stroncata con un massacro. Si è ribadito che oggi la lotta per la libertà non si lascia spegnere dalle uccisioni, dagli arresti, dalle torture, dalla censura.
Il governo Ahmadinejad sta gestendo con grande brutalità una specie di legge marziale, e sta scatenando la repressione contro oppositori e semplici dissenzienti, infierendo particolarmente contro le categorie dei giornalisti, degli avvocati, dei pacifici difensori dei diritti umani.
Gli "anti-imperialisti", ad esempio, sono invitati a sostenere il movimento iraniano per la democrazia e a contribuire, dalla parte the oppressed, the prevention of possible limited nuclear war (which, if burst, will be the result of convergence, for nothing paradoxical opposites militarism, Israel and Iran). In the case of "satyagraha," I repeat that this is not about solidarity but the direct involvement and "strategic" to help solve the problem today with the greatest impact on the balance-war peace globally.

(On our blog you can sign the pledge not to leave only the wave of Tehran).

IRAN. Iranian students and councilors Lighting Candles PIAZZA SCALA AND THEN A MINUTE OF SILENCE PALAZZO MARINO

Milan, July 9, 2009 -

Today, Thursday, July 9, at 16.15, in Piazza della Scala, Milan Iranian students have lit a candle for the people of Iran in the tenth anniversary of the great demonstration of July 9, 1999 in Tehran, in which more than twenty children were killed. They have received the solidarity of the official City Council of Milan. The President of the Council Manfredi Palmeri spoke with the spokesman of the Committee "A way for Iranian students" Daniele Nahum. In the classroom, the counselors have dedivato a minute's silence with a thought to all the victims and, in particular, Neda, the girl killed last June and became the symbol of the protest against the regime in Iran.

From the website of the "Republic" in Tehran learn that the police would fire on protesters, killing two more and wounding 12 ... (See post reporting the article)


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