Friday, July 17, 2009

Monster Cable J2 Hcam Sm-6

Opposition to the streets again from July 17, 2009

Demonstration against the government in front of the university during Friday prayers
The former chairman of Republic criticizes Ahmadinejad: "Release the opponents' slogans
Moussavi to Rafsanjani's sermon
Police charged with batons and tear gas
At least 15 arrests. Ayatollah: "The crisis can be resolved with a president wanted by the people"
TEHRAN - The protest against Ahmadinejad does not lower his head. They return to the streets thousands of supporters of the exponent reformist Mir Hussein Moussavi. They defy the police and demonstrated outside the University of Tehran during the Friday sermon Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani. Chanted slogans against President Ahmadinejad re-election. They shout "Allah akbar" (God is great), the same cry of protest that is heard at night for weeks from the rooftops of Tehran. Witnesses said hundreds of thousands, a crowd so large that fill an area of \u200b\u200bthree kilometers around the University. Most of the people even managed to close the university is closed around a cordon of security forces.

Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani, former president of the Islamic Republic, does not spare criticism of the regime: "In Iran there is a bitter situation that can only be resolved with the election of a president who is wanted by the people. immediately release the arrested opponents. must be created an atmosphere of freedom where everyone has the right to express his criticisms. Only in this way is in the solution of the crisis. "

Violent reaction of the police who charged the protesters with tear gas and clubs, dressed in green and wearing a bracelet with the color chosen by Moussavi during the election campaign. Riot, officers dragged away at least 15 protesters rushed into prisons to swell the number of opponents behind bars. In an attempt to halt the spread of information across borders, cell phones in the center of Tehran have been disabled: You can not even send a sms. According to the reformist pro Moujcamp site, the security services were also denied permission to several reporters to follow the live speech Rafsanjani.


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