Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ingrown Hair Vitamin D


Anche quest’anno siamo al punto “L”

“L” è una lettera che ci piace,

perchè “L” è come LAVORO, quello dei nostri artigiani e quello che sarebbe diritto di ognuno...

perchè “L” è come LIBRI, perchè tutti, adulti e bambini, possono trovare nella parola scritta un motivo di conoscenza e di crescita...

perchè “L” è come LIBERTA’...

PROGRAMMA del punto “L” – Spazio espositivo
Ex Latteria

Venerdì 7 agosto

Ore 18.00 - ex Latteria - “Sulle Vie dell’Acqua col Mazarol”.
Apertura Bancarella del Libro Al Mazarol (aperta tutti i giorni)
con sezione “I libri non si gettano mai” per il Burkina Faso
a cura dell’Associazione Enzo Missoni, Onlus.

Ore 19.30 - ex Latteria - Osteria con Cucina “Al Mazarol”.

Ore 21.30 - ex Latteria - MIND BEYOND LAKOTA CIRCLE – Improvvisazioni musicali di contaminazione.

Sabato 8 agosto

Ore 17.00 - ex Latteria - “Sulle Vie dell’Acqua col Mazarol”.
Arte e cultura. At the stand of the Paper Mazarol. Osteria Al Mazarol
cuisine: fried fresh fish.
Laboratory and activities by the Association PLAY AND CREATE.

17.00 - Public Library - Vladimir Tonielli presents:
"A journey into a microcosm of living in our fields, experience the microscope by the Association Via dei Mulini. Reservations at the former dairy. Participation is free subject to availability.

18.00 - Former Italian Federation of Dairy Queen: simultaneous match with Renato Menegon.

21.30 - old dairy - "Cartoncerto" little show of songs, poems and stories with CAMERIN DAVID, GERARDO WELLS ISEO and PIN.

Sunday, August 9

10.00 - old dairy - "On the Streets with Mazarol Water."
Arts and Culture. At the stand of the Paper Mazarol. Osteria Al Mazarol

10.30 - Former Dairy - Path of play for children, and not only on the ways of water: "Tales Of
... nests and other stories. " Information from former dairy.

11.00 - Entrance Hall - Start a tour along the Via dei Mulini. Information from former dairy.

12.30 - Former Dairy - spit. (Reservations are recommended on the spot).

16.00 - Public Library - Vladimir Tonielli presents:
"A journey into a microcosm of living in our waters," experience under the microscope, edited by the Via dei Mulini. Reservations at the former dairy. Participation is free subject to availability.

16.00 - old dairy - "Travestiriciclando" lab down the street from recycled materials by IL jalopy of dreams.

18.00 - Former Dairy - Italian Federation of Draughts: simultaneous match with Renato Menegon.

21.30 - Former Dairy - HATRIA QUARTET music - jazz standards reinterpreted.

Monday, August 10

17.00 - old dairy - "On the Streets with Mazarol Water."
Arts and Culture. At the stand of the Paper Mazarol. Osteria Al
kitchen Mazarol: Knuckle of pork with mushrooms.
Laboratory and activities by the Association PLAY AND CREATE.

19.00 - The Lodge - Cocktails on the terrace. Round table on food. "Eating is an agricultural act," meeting between food and land. Introduced and leads Danilo Gasparini. Organised by the Via dei Mulini.
followed, at 22:15 in the former dairy, the film MOTHER EARTH, by Ermanno Olmi.

20.00 - Former Dairy - SUNRISE-ACOUSTIC QUARTET music - rock and blues in tone.

22:15 pm - Former Dairy - Film MOTHER EARTH by Ermanno Olmi.

Tuesday, August 11

17.00 - old dairy - "On the Streets with Mazarol Water."
Arts and Culture. At the stand of the Paper Mazarol. Osteria Al Mazarol
cuisine: fried fresh fish.
Laboratory and activities by the Association PLAY AND CREATE.

18.00 - Former Dairy - Italian Federation of Draughts: simultaneous match with Renato Menegon.

19.00 - Former Dairy - Presentation of the book "The Magician". The Jesus of Pilate: a different story. Ed Kellermann. Will This author MASSIMO Guss.

21.30 - Former Dairy - Jazz ... Armando Battiston. Accordion only.

Wednesday, August 12

17.00 - old dairy - "On the Streets with Mazarol Water."
Arts and Culture. At the stand of the Paper Mazarol. Osteria Al Mazarol
Laboratory and activities by the Association PLAY AND CREATE.

17.00 - Entrance Hall - Start a tour along the Via dei Mulini. Information from former dairy.

17.00 - Former Dairy - THE Biorcio-STRA: percussion workshop for free musical expression with the final explosion 21.30. By IN DA PONT.

20.00 - Former Dairy - Osteria Al Mazarol kitchen. Tasting of the spit bridge prepared by the Masters cisonesi.

21.30 - Former Dairy - final explosion of the Laboratory of percussion. By IN DA PONT.

Thursday, August 13

17.00 - old dairy - "On the Streets with Mazarol Water."
Arts and Culture. At the stand of the Paper Mazarol. Osteria Al Mazarol
Laboratory and activities by the Association PLAY AND CREATE.

18.00 - Former Dairy - School ValmarenoSHOTOkai: demonstration of karate.
Instructor Oscar Gregori.

21.30 - old dairy - "In serious and humorous - monologues of Robert Sonego, Cinzia Vignato, Doris Carlet, Renzo Seffino, Marica Sperandio. Directed by Paul Russo.

Friday, August 14

17.00 - old dairy - "On the Streets with Mazarol Water."
Arts and Culture. At the stand of the Paper Mazarol. Osteria Al Mazarol
Laboratory and activities by the Association PLAY AND CREATE.

18.00 - Former Dairy - Italian Federation of Draughts: simultaneous match with Renato Menegon.

19.00 - La Loggia - Cocktails on the terrace. The Association has the Via dei Mulini Mazarol XIII's notebook. "Among magicians and tiraossi. Louis Novello Alpago-generation medical Cison Valmarino of up to 800 ". By DANILO GASPARINI Munn and Cristina.

21.30 - old dairy - "There was a dream hat." ALBERTO CANTON show with the singer.

Saturday, August 15

10.00 - old dairy - "On the Streets with Mazarol Water."
Arts and Culture. At the stand of the Paper Mazarol. Osteria Al Mazarol

12.30 - Former Dairy - spit. (Reservations are recommended in site).

15.00 - old dairy - "The world is waiting". Laboratory manual and animated by the Association PLAY AND CREATE.

16.00 - Former Dairy - School ValmarenoSHOTOkai: demonstration of karate. Instructor Oscar

18.00 - Former Dairy - Italian Federation of Draughts: simultaneous match with Renato Menegon.

19.00 - The Lodge - Cocktails on the terrace. ALESSIO FARAON presents Thesis: "Signs of water in the highlands of Cison Valmarino.
In collaboration with the Via dei Mulini.

19.00 - Former Dairy - Osteria Al Mazarol kitchen. FRIED FRESH FISH.

21.30 - Former Dairy - Music with RED SUN: Fabio, Paolo and Renzo.

Sunday, August 16

10.00 - old dairy - "On the Streets with Mazarol Water."
Arts and Culture. At the stand of the Paper Mazarol.

12.30 - old dairy - with Cooking Osteria "Al Mazarol.

15.00 - old dairy - "The world is waiting". Laboratory manual and animated by the Association PLAY AND CREATE.

21.30 - Former Dairy - CsKDsuonare (It runs to play) - Breton folk music and more.

During the exhibition will be present at the space n.____ exhibition, the painter ELIO BOTTEGA with his art and his creativity.

A "THANK YOU FOR AVAILABILITY AND PATIENCE demonstrated by the (owners and neighbors), ARE allowed to use the space in which the event takes place. ASSOCIATION OF MILLS AND THE WAY TO THE CLUB CULTURAL Mazarol, apologized in advance for the inconvenience that the initiative will POSSIBLE CAUSE PEOPLE TO RESIDENTS.

Cultural Association Via dei Mulini is available all year round for guided tours on Water Streets.

For reservations and information: Phone 338 4874716 Fax 0438 975100



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