Tuesday, July 21, 2009

How Many Calories Stewed Tomatoes

The militarization of Iran - a discussion

COORDINATION stop people playing with fire ATOMIC

Dear Peter Ancona,

If you give a hand to Ahmadinejad and his dreams of military glory and power make the game of Israeli militarism and American, just waiting to reassert, against Obama, their "war first!" If the Green Wave

sollevatasi in Tehran does not give up but continue to hold (thanks to the internal contradictions of the system clerical-fascist) these plans jump - thankfully - in the air.

(more ...)

In my brief analysis starts from the assumption that nuclear power typically represents 1 / 5 of the defensive USA, at a cost that is about $ 100 billion per year (confirmed A recent report by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, see the URL http://nwoobserver.wordpress.com/).

This quantity as weight. Qualitatively

instead be considered the ultimate tool, the focus of the defense strategy, which now tends to move from deterrence employability.

In this context we can describe the complaint di Angelo Baracca sulle "armi misteriose" impiegate a Gaza, di cui parla un servizio di RAINEWS 24.

Il governo israeliano, in questo caso, ha sperimentato per conto del MIC-Military Industrial Complex USA - che va distinto dalla Nazione Americana.

Angelo Baracca, in un suo recente messaggio nella mauling list "rivoluzione scientifica", lancia un allarme nei confronti degli orrori che il "progresso" (?) tecnologico al servizio della guerra sta realizzando.

Baracca cita, ad esempio, notizie su "orripilanti utilizzazioni delle nanotecnologie".

Ed aggiunge: "Da anni cerco di lanciare un allarme sul gravissimo (quanto taciuto) inquinamento radioattivo dell'atmosfera terrestre (ne I have dealt with many references, on my latest book on the nuclear issue), is now unambiguously associated with the increase of cancer. "

" I am convinced more and more, says in conclusion - that we are on the brink of the abyss of barbarism more wanton and reckless "...

What is the answer, in the face of this slope that leads to disaster?

Some - and you, Peter Ancona falls between them - they think that the road is helping the" anti-imperialist States "chasing the great powers in their race to more destructive weapons and increasingly lethal.

On the one hand condemn the" bad "American nuclear and Israel, support the" right "of Nations "proletarian" to make their own bombs ... This serves to make them "independent"!

E 'vision mirrors that of his partner Barbara Spinelli, known fundamentalist Zionist, for which the nuclear "good" is in the hands of the "Western", "good", in fact, by definition and therefore beneficiaries of the' omnia munda mundis.

Viva democracy with the Atomic Bomb "autonomous" in the hands of everyone! and meanwhile the only widening of the production cycle of uranium and plutonium condemns us all to the ecological disaster, even if the warheads were to remain always and only packed in silos. At

signed this orientation is a stupid delusion and self-destructive, which could make sense - perhaps - in 1968, when he could claim the idea of \u200b\u200bcredibility Reconstitution an "anti-imperialist front" about the People's Republic of China, engaged in the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution ...

As you enter, if it were not for those who noticed, in the XXI Century, having noted the failure of the "real communism" in the presence of the near collapse of the "real capitalism", we now need global visions that refer to the "common humanity "and to unite human beings - at the forefront of the" oppressed "- in the fight against" social apparatus of power. "

This is the task of today for those who want the military "against the survival of the species."

The other battles at the same level that I consider today revive the conflict-Guelphs Ghibellines: outdated stuff, as well as unclean, which only serves to legitimize the powers that be that we should break down instead.

If we give a hand to Ahmadinejad and his dreams of military glory and power make the game of Israeli and American militarism, just waiting to reassert, against Obama, their "war first!" If the Green Wave

sollevatasi in Tehran does not give up but continue to hold (thanks to the internal contradictions of the clerical-fascist regime) these plans jump - thankfully - in the air.

that boys and girls as Neda, like the Indians and peasants in Latin America, are the hope for peace in the world is still out on the possibility of understanding who can not get out of his old ideological cage, made of abstract concepts that, as now, I'm always on the side of the shoots poor in the name of now disgraced future paradise on earth.

The need to "break the encirclement and siege" as a justification of all wickedness is a story that we know at least since the days of Stalin.

And if Abu Mazen is a "sold" because they are much less free and independent from "foreign" bands of Hamas!

But do not worry, Neda. The marches ideologies than two centuries ago (time passes ...) not be able to bury a second time and give glory to your standard popular butcher Ahmadinejad.

Our dreams are simple, specific, dreams of freedom are elementary (to wear long hair: '68 was born here too), are basic rights of dreams, are dreams and needs together: for this, though colorful, and without the need to study Gene Sharp, we will succeed.

For the meantime, remember to practice the objection to military spending and nuclear

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Dear Dr. Spinelli,

She writes beautiful prose, rich in cultural references. Often one has the pleasure reading it, to do a reading educated, informed, stimulating.

When this beautiful writing is applied to the demonstration of a false truth, that is a lie, it is doubly reprehensible. E 'preferred rough and aggressive prose of those who openly want and prepare for another apocalypse Iran, apocalypse for which Israeli submarines with the complicity of Egypt (whose regime she also looks good from analyzing with the same microscope that uses for Iran), have crossed the Straits of Suez and were placed, perhaps with nuclear microbombe, behind Iran.

Israeli Naval Forces, with assistance from European and U.S. practice for many months off Gibraltar with a view to a just attack on Iran.

She has under the involutions of the Iranian regime towards nationalism and militarism by internal dynamics, as if no matter what happens in Iran and can not depend on the situation of international isolation and encirclement in which he is forced by the West for years. You could save it from were it to be as ferocious and bloodthirsty Shah guardian of Western interests in the area and if they cooperate militarily with the U.S. in Afghanistan. Mousavi and Rafsanjani are the picks to destroy the independence of Iran and do what they did Abu Mazen's West Bank, not a nation of rogue "but a servant of padrone che si fa rappresentare in loco dalla enorme e minacciosa potenza atomica israeliana.

Non ho dubbi che l'anelito di libertà e di democrazia dei giovani iraniani sia oggi strumentalizzato alla causa della ennesima rivoluzione colorata attentamente studiata da Gene Sharp e di già applicata con successo in tanti posti di grande interesse strategico per gli Usa come la Georgia, la Bielorussia, l'Ucraina........

La responsabilità dell'indurimento del regime iraniano è dell'Occidente e delle sue politiche di strangolamento di ogni opposizione ad una omologazione sottomessa. Tutti i popoli che si sono dati regimi ideologicamente diversi dal capitalismo hanno subito la stessa tragica sorte. Dalla Russia di Lenin a Cuba di Fidel Castro. We do not know if the Communists were dictatorships without the encirclement of the various "white guards". Perhaps we'll never know. Of course, the sword of Damocles of the invasion and destruction of freedom does not flourish, and with it democracy.

The Iranian situation is very dangerous because the West has split the leadership of the Revolution and has hired peteinista wing that is very powerful and they may succeed in toppling Ahmanidjed and to be open to the imperial pretensions of the U.S. and his praetorian Israel. In this case the people of Gaza continue to suffer hunger and thirst, and imprisonment until his physical extinction and maybe Lebanon, someone has just finished to rebuild it, will be reduced to rubble for the third time. The fate of Iran will be marked by governments such as those that underpin the Americans with swords in Iraq and Afghanistan.

What will the victory of the Iranian youth movement underway?

Peter Ancona

http://www.lastampa.it/_web/cmstp/tmplRubriche/editoriali/grubrica.asp?ID_blog=40&ID_articolo=162&ID_sezione=55&sezione =

28/06/2009 The Apocalypse
form of power

Barbara Spinelli

There are habits like blindfolds, they are unable to see. Or similar to leads, which shorten the thought knotting conformity. Our view on Iran is a prisoner of these bands and these leads, since the time of the Shah and then after the Khomeini revolution. Iran identified him now for thirty years with the turban, with the Koran with violence in the name of God, which is bound up with religion in politics el'inghiotte. When its leaders stand against the outside world or against its own people, now we tend to see the hand and mind of a retrograde clergy. Its establishment we call religious, priestly elite we persist in not seeing nothing but fundamentalism.

is from the 50 that the government U.S. wrong policy in Persia, causing systematic errors in the worst option and dragging Europe too. More pressing is leave of bandages and leashes, and start looking at what is really happening in Iran.

Since the elections were held, June 12, the roofs of the houses are around young people who thirst for freedom in the night shouting "Allah Akbar," God is great, adding immediately: "Death to the dictator," just as in 1979. They are citizens of that day they marched through the streets to protest electoral fraud: they stopped the fear and risk their lives talking frequency of self-sacrifice. Even Mir Hossein Mousavi, their leader, announces that it will resist "until martyrdom."

In Qom, which is one of Shiite Islam's holy cities of the Khomeini revolution there, we live a priestly class that in the vast majority opposing the president. No more than three, four ayatollahs supporting it, even if their men occupy the main centers of power (Pasdaran, services, justice). The top of the Seminary of Qom theologians have written an open letter after the vote, as they declare the results "null and void." It comes from Qom and is the son of an ayatollah Larjiani the Speaker of Parliament, hostile to Ahmadinejad. It is confined to the number two state Qom, Ayatollah Rafsanjani, to verify se sia possibile mettere in piedi una maggioranza di religiosi, nel Consiglio degli esperti che presiede, capace di destabilizzare e forse spodestare la Guida suprema, l’ayatollah Khamenei che ancora difende la legittimità di Ahmadinejad. Il Consiglio degli esperti nomina la Guida suprema a vita, ma può destituirla se essa non mostra saggezza. Sembra che Rafsanjani abbia già convinto 40 capi religiosi, sugli 86 che compongono il Consiglio. Nella città religiosa di Mashhad, molti sacerdoti musulmani hanno partecipato alle manifestazioni contro il regime. Non trascurabile è infine il simbolo della resistenza: verde è il colore dell’Islam. Questo significa che non siamo di fronte a una sollevazione contro lo Stato religioso. Per il momento, we are faced with an insurrection made in the name of Islam against a leadership team considered blasphemous and an enemy of the clergy.

Ahmadinejad has this habit blasphemous in the eyes of the majority of traditional priests and very large proportion of the population. In him we do not perceive a fundamentalist leader, but a dictator who has anything but religious reasons. Its power is primarily military, and in the meantime has also become cheap. Its watchwords are marked by radical nationalism, alien to spirituality. The correspondent of the Frankfurter Allgemeine, Rainer Hermann, is a fine connoisseur of the country and speaks of "turning Pakistan 'under President Ahmadinejad, in the last four years, would take the power elite that is secular in spirit, and that use religion not only to reduce all forms of democracy but to destroy the traditional clergy.

The use of religion is political from the beginning, in Ahmadinejad. Faithful to the teachings

apocalyptic Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, the president says he is convinced that the last Imam was the messianic Twelfth Imam, the Mahdi hid from God for over 1100 years is about to reopen, with the return of the Mahdi. All of the apocalypse, even the Jewish and Christian, are revelations that involve turbulent times, in which evil is intensified. Even for the school Hakkani that Yazdi heads and they belong to the Iranian Hezbollah, the evil must be maximized to produce the final good. The ayatollah has taught the use of the messianic Ahmadinejad for political, not theological. Politicians usually talk about the Messianic Apocalypse, not because they believe in revelation, but because the Apocalypse is direct dialogue with God (the Apocalypse of John disappear temples) and capopopolo does not need the clergy as an intermediary. The apocalypse is used to exclude the clergy from politics and perhaps even religion.

The most obvious sign of the turn-secular Pakistani Ahmadinejad is the militarization of the regime. The Revolutionary Guards, the Pasdaran, depend on it as well as by Khamenei. And the thugs of the Basij militia were not born in the religious fervor but in the heat of the eight-year war between Iran and Iraq. The Basij were children or young people who in that terrible war, between 1980 and 1988, were thrown, unarmed, in the minefields of the enemy were killed in thousands. According to some historians (including the specialist Hassan Hussein) Ahmadinejad was the instructor of these young martyrs labor. His plan: to break the singular balance of power between popular sovereignty, democratic sovereignty, and religious sovereignty that characterizes militarized Iran. Repeatedly violated but a balance that reflects the history of the country, always oscillating between democratic constitutionalism became established in 1906 and never extinguished the desire for absolute state. The power of Ahmadinejad and the Guardian is now even stronger in the poorest country of the mullahs, the priests who made the revolution.

What happened under Ahmadinejad is a sort of modernist coup, which has enthroned the elite formed in the war against Iraq. Than this is the power that protects Ahmadinejad, and it does not coincide with the religious power. Among many examples we can cite the decision to remove the management of pilgrimages to the clergy and to entrust the Ministry of Tourism: a measure that has deeply humiliated the religious. The apocalypse is a means of reducing a lot of ground: in press conference after the election, Ahmadinejad repeated the formula that imposes obligation to speak "in the name of Allah the Merciful," but soon after she broke tradition by invoking the twelfth Imam. The Basij militia for some time you are cutting the beard is another sign of rebellion against the mullahs. In the election campaign, Mousavi was presented with the green of Islam and the reform movement. Ahmadinejad with the national flag.

militarized nationalism is therefore, the system falters and is now reduced to silence the reformers. It is nationalism that is clinging to the atom, and effort to negotiate on it. But the atom is at the same time Iran's response intero ai tanti errori di valutazione dell’Occidente e alla cecità delle amministrazioni Usa, che mai hanno capito le riforme di cui questo paese aveva bisogno (non lo capirono con il Premier Mossadeq, che spodestarono nel 1953 per tutelare lo Scià e le vie del petrolio; non lo capirono quando minacciarono Teheran nonostante al governo ci fossero riformatori come Rafsanjani o Khatami). La sfida atomica iraniana non verrà meno, il giorno in cui vincessero i riformatori. Ma almeno non sarà al servizio del più tremendo dei nazionalismi: quello che sceglie come maschera l’Apocalisse.


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