Thursday, July 9, 2009

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The police fired on protesters - July 9, 2009 Breaking news

Teheran, la polizia spara - almeno 2 morti e 12 feriti

Carica degli agenti anti-sommossa. La denuncia degli iraniani su TwitterLa protesta nell'anniversario del decennale della strage dell'Univerisità

Appello in rete: mandate medici e personale specializzatoRagazze si tolgono il velo per tamponare le ferite dei dimostranti

TEHRAN - At least two demonstrators were killed by gun shots and 12 others were injured in clashes with security forces in Tehran, according to some messages appeared on Twitter, the microblogging site that young people Iranians use to talk about the protests. The Iranian police fired shots into the air to disperse thousands of demonstrators took to the streets despite the ban imposed by the regime. The witnesses reported, according to which several protesters close to the reformist leader Mir Hossein Moussavi were arrested by Iranian security forces in central Baghdad.

The arrests and the shooting in the air have been confirmed by witnesses Agency Reuters news, while some bloggers on Twitter, the service used by Iranian demonstrators for broadcast on the news of the protest, reported that 30 people were arrested in the clashes and that there would be at least 12 injured, hit by rubber bullets fired by and 2 police dead. Hence, many social network users have posted a post that prompts you to visit doctors and specialists in areas of conflict to provide aid to the injured.
According to CNN online, which quoted a journalist on the spot, anti-riot agents accompanied by Basij militia, paramilitaries usually used in the suppression of street protests, have uploaded about 2-3000 people as they tried to reach the university, theater in July 1999 of a student protest that was crushed in blood. Many demonstrators were beaten on the arms and back from the Basij. The militias have been trying to convince a man with his face bleeding to board an ambulance, but he refused, according to the journalist. The Agence France Presse, citing witnesses, spoke of some 3,000 protesters near the university. Many chanted slogans like "Free political prisoners" and "Death to the dictator", according to sources.

Major tensions between security forces and demonstrators occurred near the University of Tehran, Azadi Square, where three protesters were injured from gunshot fired by Basij militia. There were also clashes in other parts of Tehran, Vanak Square to Piazza Vali Asr, while in the central districts of Tehran, there would be a black-out of mobile lines.
Other messages posted on Twitter, talking about the police charges in other cities across the country as Isfahan and Shiraz. The news sent bloggers are not confirmed by independent sources because of the few foreign journalists in the country are limited in movement and prevented them from telling the protests.
The demonstration was organized to coincide with the tenth anniversary of the student revolt of 1999. But it was also the first attempt to demonstrate da quando, il 29 giugno, il Consiglio dei Guardiani ha confermato la vittoria di Ahmadinejad nel voto del 12 giugno, rigettando le denunce di brogli del candidato moderato Mir Hossein Mussavi e di quello riformista Mehdi Karrubi. Le contestazioni avevano portato ai più grandi raduni di protesta nella storia della repubblica islamica, poi represse con un bilancio di almeno 20 morti, secondo le fonti ufficiali.
Rivolgendosi ai suoi oppositori il presidente iraniano oggi ha detto che "i nemici" saranno "obbligati a trattare" con il suo governo, dopo la sua riconferma, contestate dagli altri candidati e dai loro sostenitori. "Oggi i nemici - ha detto Ahmadinejad, citato dall'agenzia Isna - sono molto arrabbiati poiché, malgrado la loro propaganda, came to power a government with the support of 40 million voters who do not give them any advantage. They are forced to deal with this government. "Ahmadinejad was referring to some 39 million voters who voted on a total of just over 46 million. The high turnout was underlined by the authorities in Tehran as a support for the regime . The President was declared re-elected with 63 percent of the vote.


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