Sunday, July 19, 2009

What Cases Projectors To Bleed Blue

protection on Italy in Afghanistan


Quello che Dal Lago non ricorda nel suo articolo per il "Manifesto" del 16-7-09 (di seguito riportato) รจ che le truppe italiane nell'Afghanistan si sono piazzate in the region of Herat, practically under - Conditioning - Iranian security.
It said that our country is the main trading partner in the world, but something that will count. Import oil. And let the drug flow from Afghanistan to Europe, passing just to Iran via Herat ...

Giorgio Beretta, the RID, reminds us of some data interchange Italy-Iran: "A study of Unimondo database on foreign trade by Istat, Italy in 2008 alone, Iran has exported goods worth more than € 13.6 billion. And the progression is growing: it went from just under 200 million euro in January 2008 to almost 2.2 billion in December of the year. The trade balance is still in favor of Tehran in 2008, Italy has in fact imported goods - especially oil - worth over 25 billion euro ".
nell'Herat Italy where he manages the PRT set (Provincial Reconstruction Team) and is responsible for four provinces west of its region.
The people here, although of Sunni Islam, but they speak the language "Dari", a variant of Persian, their organizations look to Tehran, but the border hostile Pashtun presence.
Farah, the province where he died the Italian paratroopers, it borders the Helmand, where Obama has unleashed his "major offensive" in the elections of 20 August and where the 'occurrence Pashtun "is strong, tough and well organized.
In the city of Farah, the Americans have created a new basis.
Margherita Paolini, on Limes 3 / 07" Never Say War "(the article is entitled" Not to lose Afghanistan ") plays about it - the basis - the following considerations:
" (The base is located) to 45 km from the Iranian border, according to most certainly antiraniana antitalibana that, since in this area they do not have extensive backgrounds. The base is positioned to also check the axis linking Herat with the important center gasifero Mary in Turkmenistan. Rail travel on this route ensures that our supplies, in part also insured by air through the air corridors granted by the Iranians. In the case of a war "preventive" US-Iran, our troops would be in one of the areas most vulnerable to retaliation by the cheerleaders along the 630 km border that divides the region of Herat to Iran. "
Minister Frattini argues that Iran spends 40% of the opiates produced in Afghanistan, drug directly to the European market (source: Reuters - June 27, 2009). Many analysts still remember him, have the suspicion that Italy is close your eyes on these trades ...
In recent months the Italian contingent has grown in number to count up to 3,300 soldiers, is equipped with means such as four Tornado aircraft and a team Mangusta helicopters, while the commitment from operations increased significantly with the elimination of the caveats that limit its use. The paratroopers also lead from May offensive actions alongside the troops to Kabul to the Taliban in order to wrest control of some areas of the territory. That is the task assigned to the British and Americans in Helmand and other provinces in southern and eastern Afghanistan by allied command of Kabul, which aims to extend the most of the territory with a view, as stated above, the presidential elections of 20 August.
But our soldiers are involved in fire fights mainly for the following dynamic: the offensive in Helmand of Anglo-American Taliban forces to move into "our" territory of Herat: here's "allies" they expect us to shoot at them ...
The Iranians want to instead do not give too much bother for the insurgents. What to do? We can still claim to be in the middle of a war between different fires, pretending that we are there to build hospitals and distributing candy to children?
in Herat are currently active in the sector, assistance to vulnerable groups "two Italian NGOs: Intersos and Cesvi. Both projects are undertaken, funded by the DG for Development Cooperation, in the city of Herat and surrounding districts, promoting "vocational training, self sustaining activities in the agro pastoral assistance and social reintegration of Afghan refugees returning from Iran. "
This presence is presented by the DGDC as a" champion of civil-military cooperation "(Source: DG Italian Development Cooperation).
The one who works for the Corps civil Peace should frankly rather avoid like the plague, at least at this stage where the Italian military involvement policy (subordinate) in the "war on terror"
... And here we repeat the usual speech, as opposed to any kind of military intervention, we must to leave Afghanistan to Afghans! as soon and as completely as we move along better.
This means
1 - withdraw all of our "charitable" soldiers, even those "Europeans" who, with the best intentions, they wanted to do by the warlords hauberk;
2 - to hit, however, the warlords: a) going to find here trafficoni (military) and trafficking (crime) with which they - the lords of war - are in cahoots b) fair price to buy opium from Afghan farmers that serves as a medicine c) freeing us from the "soft" drugs and legalizing drugs heavily.
We are not yet tired of "solidarity" that wants to solve the problems of "underdeveloped", under the assumption that we are strong and civilians and others are weak and Minus Habens? We
Afghan farmers and we have a common problem on which we can set, like, a common struggle: crush together the international drug traffic, and prohibition that forms the legal basis.
We need to know - civil society - to build and communicate, as equals, a new international human rights on the basis of the centrality of the oppressed. A
this could serve as a peace embassy in Kabul.
not make the "resistance" to rebuild the place of others: the "resistance", the same way as democracies, do not you export. The solution, experience tells us a multi-secular, would be the worst problems that you would like to remedy ...
For the meantime, however, need to reaffirm the commitment to fight for unconditional withdrawal of all NATO troops, from this and other fronts of the "war on terror."
And bring the whole no-war movement's objection to military spending ( go to the website) as a form of protest and resistance to our military involvement.
a form that could and should also involve local resistance movements, because the dispute and the reduction of military spending and war weaken the authoritarian state, with its "Great Works" invasive and oppressive, and free resources for the real social needs .

source of the manifest

Alessandro Dal Lago

As Obama begins to speak, albeit with great caution, some of exit strategy from Afghanistan, in Italy all the highest authorities of state and government are quick to reaffirm loyalty to the NATO mission.
Nothing reveals this discrepancy as the absolute margin of strategic issues in our country and regardless of subordination, mental as well as political, NATO and the United States.
So it went with Iraq and will continue to go well. The only difference is that, every soldier killed, another falls veil of hypocrisy. The one on which Italy participates with forces will increase, it is not a peacekeeping or "nation building, "with our good guys that distribute food and build schools, but a real war and its conduct in difficult conditions in a country where, in the last three hundred years, no foreign army has emerged victorious. A war which, of course, will bring more deaths in a country like ours, who fought but did not want to admit.
For months, observers and even the military authorities of the countries involved (for example, the British) state that the war has bogged down and that in fact American and NATO control, apart from the Kabul area, and a few other enclaves, only military bases. But the reasons for the stall (or, rather, a strategic defeat creeping) are not only military - such as lack of clear objectives, or the illusion of coping with the bombing "targeted" and the special forces of resistance clearly rooted in the Pashtun social fabric.
are mainly political: the government of Karzai is notoriously corrupt, and to curb the influence of the Taliban, comes to terms with the more conservative forces, which makes it less and less popular. In addition, the massacres of prisoners committed by some warlords (with U.S. complicity) in 2001 were rooted in large parts of the country's hatred for Westerners who can not be explained only by the propaganda of the Taliban.
Obama, of course, is aware of, but at the same time is forced to manage the legacy poisoned by Bush: the consequences of the war in Iraq (with the conflict between Sunnis and Shiites), the crisis of the Iranian regime (which at this stage prevents any negotiations on the nuclear issue) and make a jigsaw puzzle Pakistani strategic insoluble.
Consequently, the idea of \u200b\u200bdelegating some functions out of Afghanistan and military all'inetto Karzai government sounds more like a get my hands on that as a real viable prospect in the short term.
all of this is currently being discussed openly, in the U.S. and NATO countries that count. But not by us, we do not know if by mere ignorance or hide our heads in the sand. It does not do the majority and the opposition does, that at the time, when was the government, was equally short-sighted.
Here you prefer, always, the rhetoric of national unity in the face of grief. This simply means that other families will open the door to senior officers and chaplains who bring dire news.


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