Thursday, July 16, 2009

Samsung Surge Protector

for freedom in Iran - July 18, 2009 July 9

report noting that the following initiative:
- one of the promoters do not appear in Iranian organizations
- one of the slogans guidance sets out a very marked ideologically, they speak of "absolute confidence in the system of States"
- it is however important to take steps "to freedom in Iran", even more so when it evaporates the volatile media attention ...

July 18, 2009 - 15:30 - Florence (FI)
departure from Milan coach h. 09:30


With women and men for freedom in Iran IRAN
Saturday, July 18 national demonstration in Florence

against the reactionary regime!

Stop the repression!

no confidence in the system of states!

Concentration at 16.30 in Piazza San Marco, Florence

revolutionary socialism, Unicobas, Libertarian Socialism, Help to Change (Humanist Association), the Humanist Party (FI), Ait-Use Centre of Cultures (FI), Anti-Racism Committee busy lives (FI), Mariposa Collective (GE), Perunaltracitta (FI), Asst IREOS - self-managed Community Service Center Queer (TE) Committee Stoprazzismo Prato

Info and membership:
phone 055-2302015

For more information:
333-7.158207 am -

Written by Renato Scarola - of revolutionary socialism
Editorial de La Commune
130 Thursday, July 9, 2009
Iran alongside the men and women fighting for freedom

Be supportive people who feel like they own the fate of all humanity it means taking sides without hesitation on the side of women and men who bravely in Iran are struggling for freedom.

Millions of people are expressing their protagonists with the direct initiative, recapturing the spirit of the revolution in '79 that led to the fall of the dictatorship of the Shah of freedom and whose bodies were later betrayed by his head and suffocated.

Schierarsi vuol dire immedesimarsi nella lezione di impegno e coraggio che ci stanno trasmettendo scendendo nelle strade, salendo sui tetti, inventandosi i modi più svariati per protestare e comunicare aggirando l’asfissiante censura e sfidando la tremenda repressione dello Stato reazionario e militarista iraniano. Questo esempio e coraggio meritano il nostro appoggio e impegno di solidarietà.

Per questo vale la pena fare la cosa giusta, scegliendo di mobilitarsi il 18 luglio al fianco di questa lotta, come principio di un impegno solidale che dovrà continuare e moltiplicarsi nei prossimi mesi.

Perché le donne e gli uomini iraniani non potranno certo ricevere aiuto dagli Stati che sono guidati da interessi instrumental and opposed the demands, needs and dreams of our people nor the Western states and democratic, warmongering and war mongers, who have previously supported the bloody dictatorship of the Shah, nor those who do not hesitate to support the reactionary regime of Ahmadinejad in the name of an alleged "anti-imperialism."

Conversely, challenging the cynicism and indifference, unfortunately widespread among the people, a real solidarity can grow and develop, among women, workers, youth, immigrant brothers and sisters. Why this fight affects us and affects us all if we care about our fellow man. Because freedom is a universal human value that engage and mobilize.

July 18 is a step in this effort
passionate, loyal, and deployment of critical solidarity alongside those who in Iran is fighting for freedom.

July 5, 2009


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