Friday, July 17, 2009

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Israel is preparing the 'attack on Iran

The "Manifesto" published today - July 17, Manlio Dinucci an article entitled: "Israel is preparing to attack Iran."
Dinucci highlights the propensity of some members of the Obama, the front row with the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, to justify an eventual attack by the Israeli government to impenti nuclear Iran.
the face of this ends his piece with the following words: "At this point it is for analysts to understand what is different in the Obama administration's foreign policy from Bush." We
antiwar satyagrahi instead we would reiterate that there is a difference, and that in these days you're playing the most aggressive part of the military (both the U.S. and Israel) against the Obama "sustainable development", even Type "capitalist."
This game goes by, coincidentally, also the ability to "not let go" Green Wave Iran (and we arrange it with a "common front" as part of the international human rights, for the liberation of the oppressed .. .)

We do not need - we believe - bet on the worst, but redouble its own efforts also include such contexts we offer broader and more concrete opportunities.

resistant communities in the area are fully involved, from those that host U.S. bases and NATO and / or 11 ports that suffer the docking of ships and submarines with nuclear propulsion (real floating nuclear power plants).

We invite you to visit to join the resistance against the costs of war and nuclear weapons!

Click to read the article by Manlio Dinucci

Magazine: The Manifesto
Date: July 17, 2009
Page: 9
Author: Manlio Dinucci
title: "Israel is preparing an attack against ' Iran '

The deployment of Dolphin submarines and warships in the Red Sea Israel "must be taken seriously: Israel is preparing for the complexity of an attack on Iran." This was stated yesterday at the Times of London difesa.Ha of an Israeli official also confirmed the existence of an agreement with Egypt for the transit of military units from the Suez Canal, adding that the governments of both countries are united by "common mistrust of Iran" and that Israel is strengthening ties with "certain Arab countries, too fearful of the Iranian nuclear threat." Thus Israel, the only country in the region that possesses nuclear weapons (which are also armed iDolphin) and rejects the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), simette the head of a crusade, which also involves some Arab governments against the "threat Nuclear Iran, a country that adheres to the NPT and is therefore subject to controls by the International Atomic Energy Agency. This has confirmed that it had "no evidence that Iran is trying to produce a nuclear weapon. " The submarines and warships in the Red Sea of \u200b\u200bIsrael are not only to prepare an attack on Iran, wrote yesterday in Haaretz, but also "to prevent arms smuggling from Iran to the Gaza Strip", and then through the Sudan Viamare . He then accuses Iran of fomenting and arming the Palestinians, erasing what emerges from the investigation of the Israeli "Breaking the Silence", which shows that the operation Cast Lead "was decided on the basis of a clear political calculation to terrorize the Palestinians by slaughter of civilians. Nor is it credible that in the Gaza Strip, where they can not even enter gli aiuti umanitari, arrivi un flusso di armi dall’Iran. A dar man forte al governo israeliano è scesa in campo mercoledì la segretaria di stato Usa Hillary Clinton, che ha lanciato un «ultimatum all’Iran» perché «si unisca alla comunità internazionale quale membro responsabile», cessando di «minacciare i vicini e sostenere il terrorismo». Ha ribadito che «l’Iran non ha diritto di avere una capacità nuclearemilitare» (che invece gli Usa hanno diritto di avere, possedendo le forze nucleari più potenti delmondo), e che «gli Usa sono decisi a impedire che l’acquisisca». Ha quindi dichiarato che «non esiteremo a difendere i nostri amici, i nostri interessi e soprattutto our people with force and, if necessary, with the world's most powerful military force. " Ilmessaggio in Tehran is unequivocal: if Israel attacks Iran and this will respond with its missiles (not nuclear), the U.S. will support Israel with "the world's most powerful military force." At this point it is for analysts to understand what Obama's foreign policy differs from Bush.


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