Thursday, July 9, 2009

Leather Bracelets For Leather Burning


Iran, the general strike, demonstrations, sanctions, peace embassy

Milan, July 2, 2009

Manifest, come on, even in Italy, and signed the appeal to not only leave the Green Wave ...
(The message is left on the membership URL: )

Rebellion Iran does not stop. The "coup" clerical-fascist has not yet closed the game. The Guardian Council has validated (and certainly fraudulent dubbissima) victory of Ahmadinejad, but the challenger Mousavi, now perhaps despite himself leader of a democratic context, does not recognize the legitimacy of its government.
Mousavi requests to "reestablish the course of law" to end the militarization of society, to revise the electoral laws, honor the art. 27 of the Constitution (freedom of association) and the freedom of the media, re-enable the Web sites censored.
I think, with all the limitations of those who look at things from a distance and without an adequate depth of knowledge, that the "final weapon" against the regime, in the further degeneration of militarism, might be in order: 1
- deserting the mosques on Fridays (but associated with, for who wants to alternative forms of prayer: the initiative should not be presented as an attack on religion as such, but one challenge to the "Supreme Leader");
2 - strike general
3 - The fiscal disobedience.
The strike seems to have been declared for five days from July 8 (See article "Republic"). We also discuss a major demonstration of Tehran and parades throughout the country.
The occupation continues and massive squares works only in the presence of contradicting the repressive apparatus: see East Germany (I lived experience that directly). Otherwise, this mode offers an easy right to the use of deadly physical force, the soil in which the authoritarian power is better equipped and more successful, hand the destructive technology progresses. Divisions within the Iranian power system are in progress. It seems to me that Khameini has allied with Ahmadinejad to eliminate the "Jaws" Rafsanjani, who chairs the body ("Assembly of Experts) which theoretically can lay the" Supreme Guide. "But who of the two (between Khameini and Ahmadinejad) is now the" majority shareholder "
... At the party for the victory of Ahmadinejad have been presented only 105 out of 290 deputies in the Iranian Parliament. The first of the absent: the speaker of parliament, Larijani. The most esteemed religious figure, the Ajatollah Montazeri (which would have happened to Khomeini), brought the national mourning in tribute to victims violence, and he said, pointing to the authorities: " back to reason and not divert the people by the state and Islamic religion. Certainly your conduct does not benefit Islam and stain our religion. Saranno tante le persone che, osservando il vostro operato, sotto il nome dell'Islam, si allontaneranno dalla religione. Riflettete prima che sia troppo tardi ”. Ma anche molti altri grandi Ajatollah si sono pronunciati contro Ahmadinejad. Lo "strappo" da lui compito all'interno dell'establishment islamico è sicuramente lacerante. Se non gli si dà l'occasione per fare piazza pulita manu militari, contraddizioni interne, in ebollizione, potrebbero esplodere anche tra i gradi alti ed i gradi medi dei Basji...

Alfonso Navarra - obiettore alle spese militari e nucleari Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 8:19 PM

Subject: Iran - sanzioni o nuovi strumenti

Anche l'esperienza dell'Iraq conferma che le "sanzioni" statali sono pagate pesantemente dai popoli, specie nei settori più deboli, ed incidono poco sui regimi oppressivi, anzi li rafforzano ed incarogniscono. L'offerta di "dialogo" (es. la "mano tesa" di Obama dal Cairo) fa invece esplodere le loro contraddizioni interne. Ed occorre inventarsi NUOVI STRUMENTI DI INTERVENTO, basati sul principio della creazione di ponti tra le diverse società civili. Le "ambasciate di pace" rientrano tra essi. Da questo punto di vista è importantissimo che si attivino e potenzino network internazionali delle donne. La domanda però resta, per tutti i dubbiosi e le dubbiose, che temono di portare acqua al mulino dell'America, o addirittura di picconare il "fronte anti-imperialista": analysis is fine, but now mobilize against women massacred not? For me there is also an element of "selfish" I know very well that the events may well be the first Iranian nuclear limited war of humanity. So when I go to sit-in students and students of Iran I do not wear only my support, I'm also fighting directly for myself ... Alfonso Navarro - objector to military spending and nuclear PS-remember that it is a mistake to identify the American lobby of "sustainable development" with the Military Industrial Complex ... There are, to the world, social realities monolithically uniform. Even Iran is, let alone the U.S.! Precisely this assumption is based on the theoretical feasibility of a non-violent strategy, but also - in fact - kind of a Marxist revolutionary. There is a famous saying of Mao, made from Confucius: "The one divides into two" ...

Friday, June 26, 2009 14:45

I participated in the sit in front of the Peruvian consulate in Milan - a journalist - I am preparing a piece engaged on the side of the indigenous struggle defending an environmental heritage of humanity. Being against the bullets that kill young Iranians - and the Peruvian Indians - called also to protest against the bombs that massacre civilians, Afghan ... Ordinary people, those who want to work and live in peace, with social and human rights guaranteed, it is now "cannon fodder" worldwide and the torturers various hoisting flags and wearing different uniforms. The international release of all oppressed them, the system that gives them power, and ensure a future for the human species.

Alfonso Navarra


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