Thursday, July 23, 2009

Flat Floor For Laminate?

Milan, July 24 - 24 hours with the Iranian Students

Iranian Consulate in Milan, Piazza Diaz, from 17:00, 24 July 2009

Students Iranians on a hunger strike, protests all over the world to protest against the election-fraud and repression at the Ahmadinejad's inauguration speech, in Milan, from 17.00, start a garrison long 24 hours before the consulate in Piazza Diaz.
"We call on-telling - to all those who defend human rights. We invite you to support us and support us in our path to freedom."
One way to visually express solidarity is wearing a green ribbon on his arm.

Alfonso Navarre's campaign claim of conscience in military spending, has been invited to speak about his experience in Berlin in 1989, when he attended, alongside the peace of Eastern Europe, the democratic revolution that brought the wall was demolished as part of an international initiative for the dissolution of military blocs.

is recalled for Saturday, July 25, in Rome, the protest in front of the embassy of Iran (17 hours, via Nomentana 361).

from URL:
"Reporters Without Borders ", 41 prisoners in Iran: the imprisonment of bloggers, journalists and photographers
Joshua Evans - July 23, 2009

Forty. Bloggers, journalists and photographers in Iranian prison. For a month after the protests after the elections, Reporters Without Borders expresses its concern, saying that "four of the last five arrested are hidden in a secret place and, as happens to the other, the families have no news about their condition . In many of these cases, the prisoners they can not visit and lawyers are not allowed access to their files. "
Among the latest is the photographer arrested Tohid Bighi Mashroteh site (to which the reformist candidate presidenzialisupportava Mehedi Karoubi), detained since Saturday without any apparent reason. The day before is touched, stopped in front of the house, to his colleague Majid Saeedi (, which in 2001 had a report from Afghanistan for Time.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

How Many Calories Stewed Tomatoes

The militarization of Iran - a discussion

COORDINATION stop people playing with fire ATOMIC

Dear Peter Ancona,

If you give a hand to Ahmadinejad and his dreams of military glory and power make the game of Israeli militarism and American, just waiting to reassert, against Obama, their "war first!" If the Green Wave

sollevatasi in Tehran does not give up but continue to hold (thanks to the internal contradictions of the system clerical-fascist) these plans jump - thankfully - in the air.

(more ...)

In my brief analysis starts from the assumption that nuclear power typically represents 1 / 5 of the defensive USA, at a cost that is about $ 100 billion per year (confirmed A recent report by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, see the URL

This quantity as weight. Qualitatively

instead be considered the ultimate tool, the focus of the defense strategy, which now tends to move from deterrence employability.

In this context we can describe the complaint di Angelo Baracca sulle "armi misteriose" impiegate a Gaza, di cui parla un servizio di RAINEWS 24.

Il governo israeliano, in questo caso, ha sperimentato per conto del MIC-Military Industrial Complex USA - che va distinto dalla Nazione Americana.

Angelo Baracca, in un suo recente messaggio nella mauling list "rivoluzione scientifica", lancia un allarme nei confronti degli orrori che il "progresso" (?) tecnologico al servizio della guerra sta realizzando.

Baracca cita, ad esempio, notizie su "orripilanti utilizzazioni delle nanotecnologie".

Ed aggiunge: "Da anni cerco di lanciare un allarme sul gravissimo (quanto taciuto) inquinamento radioattivo dell'atmosfera terrestre (ne I have dealt with many references, on my latest book on the nuclear issue), is now unambiguously associated with the increase of cancer. "

" I am convinced more and more, says in conclusion - that we are on the brink of the abyss of barbarism more wanton and reckless "...

What is the answer, in the face of this slope that leads to disaster?

Some - and you, Peter Ancona falls between them - they think that the road is helping the" anti-imperialist States "chasing the great powers in their race to more destructive weapons and increasingly lethal.

On the one hand condemn the" bad "American nuclear and Israel, support the" right "of Nations "proletarian" to make their own bombs ... This serves to make them "independent"!

E 'vision mirrors that of his partner Barbara Spinelli, known fundamentalist Zionist, for which the nuclear "good" is in the hands of the "Western", "good", in fact, by definition and therefore beneficiaries of the' omnia munda mundis.

Viva democracy with the Atomic Bomb "autonomous" in the hands of everyone! and meanwhile the only widening of the production cycle of uranium and plutonium condemns us all to the ecological disaster, even if the warheads were to remain always and only packed in silos. At

signed this orientation is a stupid delusion and self-destructive, which could make sense - perhaps - in 1968, when he could claim the idea of \u200b\u200bcredibility Reconstitution an "anti-imperialist front" about the People's Republic of China, engaged in the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution ...

As you enter, if it were not for those who noticed, in the XXI Century, having noted the failure of the "real communism" in the presence of the near collapse of the "real capitalism", we now need global visions that refer to the "common humanity "and to unite human beings - at the forefront of the" oppressed "- in the fight against" social apparatus of power. "

This is the task of today for those who want the military "against the survival of the species."

The other battles at the same level that I consider today revive the conflict-Guelphs Ghibellines: outdated stuff, as well as unclean, which only serves to legitimize the powers that be that we should break down instead.

If we give a hand to Ahmadinejad and his dreams of military glory and power make the game of Israeli and American militarism, just waiting to reassert, against Obama, their "war first!" If the Green Wave

sollevatasi in Tehran does not give up but continue to hold (thanks to the internal contradictions of the clerical-fascist regime) these plans jump - thankfully - in the air.

that boys and girls as Neda, like the Indians and peasants in Latin America, are the hope for peace in the world is still out on the possibility of understanding who can not get out of his old ideological cage, made of abstract concepts that, as now, I'm always on the side of the shoots poor in the name of now disgraced future paradise on earth.

The need to "break the encirclement and siege" as a justification of all wickedness is a story that we know at least since the days of Stalin.

And if Abu Mazen is a "sold" because they are much less free and independent from "foreign" bands of Hamas!

But do not worry, Neda. The marches ideologies than two centuries ago (time passes ...) not be able to bury a second time and give glory to your standard popular butcher Ahmadinejad.

Our dreams are simple, specific, dreams of freedom are elementary (to wear long hair: '68 was born here too), are basic rights of dreams, are dreams and needs together: for this, though colorful, and without the need to study Gene Sharp, we will succeed.

For the meantime, remember to practice the objection to military spending and nuclear

About this site:


Dear Dr. Spinelli,

She writes beautiful prose, rich in cultural references. Often one has the pleasure reading it, to do a reading educated, informed, stimulating.

When this beautiful writing is applied to the demonstration of a false truth, that is a lie, it is doubly reprehensible. E 'preferred rough and aggressive prose of those who openly want and prepare for another apocalypse Iran, apocalypse for which Israeli submarines with the complicity of Egypt (whose regime she also looks good from analyzing with the same microscope that uses for Iran), have crossed the Straits of Suez and were placed, perhaps with nuclear microbombe, behind Iran.

Israeli Naval Forces, with assistance from European and U.S. practice for many months off Gibraltar with a view to a just attack on Iran.

She has under the involutions of the Iranian regime towards nationalism and militarism by internal dynamics, as if no matter what happens in Iran and can not depend on the situation of international isolation and encirclement in which he is forced by the West for years. You could save it from were it to be as ferocious and bloodthirsty Shah guardian of Western interests in the area and if they cooperate militarily with the U.S. in Afghanistan. Mousavi and Rafsanjani are the picks to destroy the independence of Iran and do what they did Abu Mazen's West Bank, not a nation of rogue "but a servant of padrone che si fa rappresentare in loco dalla enorme e minacciosa potenza atomica israeliana.

Non ho dubbi che l'anelito di libertà e di democrazia dei giovani iraniani sia oggi strumentalizzato alla causa della ennesima rivoluzione colorata attentamente studiata da Gene Sharp e di già applicata con successo in tanti posti di grande interesse strategico per gli Usa come la Georgia, la Bielorussia, l'Ucraina........

La responsabilità dell'indurimento del regime iraniano è dell'Occidente e delle sue politiche di strangolamento di ogni opposizione ad una omologazione sottomessa. Tutti i popoli che si sono dati regimi ideologicamente diversi dal capitalismo hanno subito la stessa tragica sorte. Dalla Russia di Lenin a Cuba di Fidel Castro. We do not know if the Communists were dictatorships without the encirclement of the various "white guards". Perhaps we'll never know. Of course, the sword of Damocles of the invasion and destruction of freedom does not flourish, and with it democracy.

The Iranian situation is very dangerous because the West has split the leadership of the Revolution and has hired peteinista wing that is very powerful and they may succeed in toppling Ahmanidjed and to be open to the imperial pretensions of the U.S. and his praetorian Israel. In this case the people of Gaza continue to suffer hunger and thirst, and imprisonment until his physical extinction and maybe Lebanon, someone has just finished to rebuild it, will be reduced to rubble for the third time. The fate of Iran will be marked by governments such as those that underpin the Americans with swords in Iraq and Afghanistan.

What will the victory of the Iranian youth movement underway?

Peter Ancona =

28/06/2009 The Apocalypse
form of power

Barbara Spinelli

There are habits like blindfolds, they are unable to see. Or similar to leads, which shorten the thought knotting conformity. Our view on Iran is a prisoner of these bands and these leads, since the time of the Shah and then after the Khomeini revolution. Iran identified him now for thirty years with the turban, with the Koran with violence in the name of God, which is bound up with religion in politics el'inghiotte. When its leaders stand against the outside world or against its own people, now we tend to see the hand and mind of a retrograde clergy. Its establishment we call religious, priestly elite we persist in not seeing nothing but fundamentalism.

is from the 50 that the government U.S. wrong policy in Persia, causing systematic errors in the worst option and dragging Europe too. More pressing is leave of bandages and leashes, and start looking at what is really happening in Iran.

Since the elections were held, June 12, the roofs of the houses are around young people who thirst for freedom in the night shouting "Allah Akbar," God is great, adding immediately: "Death to the dictator," just as in 1979. They are citizens of that day they marched through the streets to protest electoral fraud: they stopped the fear and risk their lives talking frequency of self-sacrifice. Even Mir Hossein Mousavi, their leader, announces that it will resist "until martyrdom."

In Qom, which is one of Shiite Islam's holy cities of the Khomeini revolution there, we live a priestly class that in the vast majority opposing the president. No more than three, four ayatollahs supporting it, even if their men occupy the main centers of power (Pasdaran, services, justice). The top of the Seminary of Qom theologians have written an open letter after the vote, as they declare the results "null and void." It comes from Qom and is the son of an ayatollah Larjiani the Speaker of Parliament, hostile to Ahmadinejad. It is confined to the number two state Qom, Ayatollah Rafsanjani, to verify se sia possibile mettere in piedi una maggioranza di religiosi, nel Consiglio degli esperti che presiede, capace di destabilizzare e forse spodestare la Guida suprema, l’ayatollah Khamenei che ancora difende la legittimità di Ahmadinejad. Il Consiglio degli esperti nomina la Guida suprema a vita, ma può destituirla se essa non mostra saggezza. Sembra che Rafsanjani abbia già convinto 40 capi religiosi, sugli 86 che compongono il Consiglio. Nella città religiosa di Mashhad, molti sacerdoti musulmani hanno partecipato alle manifestazioni contro il regime. Non trascurabile è infine il simbolo della resistenza: verde è il colore dell’Islam. Questo significa che non siamo di fronte a una sollevazione contro lo Stato religioso. Per il momento, we are faced with an insurrection made in the name of Islam against a leadership team considered blasphemous and an enemy of the clergy.

Ahmadinejad has this habit blasphemous in the eyes of the majority of traditional priests and very large proportion of the population. In him we do not perceive a fundamentalist leader, but a dictator who has anything but religious reasons. Its power is primarily military, and in the meantime has also become cheap. Its watchwords are marked by radical nationalism, alien to spirituality. The correspondent of the Frankfurter Allgemeine, Rainer Hermann, is a fine connoisseur of the country and speaks of "turning Pakistan 'under President Ahmadinejad, in the last four years, would take the power elite that is secular in spirit, and that use religion not only to reduce all forms of democracy but to destroy the traditional clergy.

The use of religion is political from the beginning, in Ahmadinejad. Faithful to the teachings

apocalyptic Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, the president says he is convinced that the last Imam was the messianic Twelfth Imam, the Mahdi hid from God for over 1100 years is about to reopen, with the return of the Mahdi. All of the apocalypse, even the Jewish and Christian, are revelations that involve turbulent times, in which evil is intensified. Even for the school Hakkani that Yazdi heads and they belong to the Iranian Hezbollah, the evil must be maximized to produce the final good. The ayatollah has taught the use of the messianic Ahmadinejad for political, not theological. Politicians usually talk about the Messianic Apocalypse, not because they believe in revelation, but because the Apocalypse is direct dialogue with God (the Apocalypse of John disappear temples) and capopopolo does not need the clergy as an intermediary. The apocalypse is used to exclude the clergy from politics and perhaps even religion.

The most obvious sign of the turn-secular Pakistani Ahmadinejad is the militarization of the regime. The Revolutionary Guards, the Pasdaran, depend on it as well as by Khamenei. And the thugs of the Basij militia were not born in the religious fervor but in the heat of the eight-year war between Iran and Iraq. The Basij were children or young people who in that terrible war, between 1980 and 1988, were thrown, unarmed, in the minefields of the enemy were killed in thousands. According to some historians (including the specialist Hassan Hussein) Ahmadinejad was the instructor of these young martyrs labor. His plan: to break the singular balance of power between popular sovereignty, democratic sovereignty, and religious sovereignty that characterizes militarized Iran. Repeatedly violated but a balance that reflects the history of the country, always oscillating between democratic constitutionalism became established in 1906 and never extinguished the desire for absolute state. The power of Ahmadinejad and the Guardian is now even stronger in the poorest country of the mullahs, the priests who made the revolution.

What happened under Ahmadinejad is a sort of modernist coup, which has enthroned the elite formed in the war against Iraq. Than this is the power that protects Ahmadinejad, and it does not coincide with the religious power. Among many examples we can cite the decision to remove the management of pilgrimages to the clergy and to entrust the Ministry of Tourism: a measure that has deeply humiliated the religious. The apocalypse is a means of reducing a lot of ground: in press conference after the election, Ahmadinejad repeated the formula that imposes obligation to speak "in the name of Allah the Merciful," but soon after she broke tradition by invoking the twelfth Imam. The Basij militia for some time you are cutting the beard is another sign of rebellion against the mullahs. In the election campaign, Mousavi was presented with the green of Islam and the reform movement. Ahmadinejad with the national flag.

militarized nationalism is therefore, the system falters and is now reduced to silence the reformers. It is nationalism that is clinging to the atom, and effort to negotiate on it. But the atom is at the same time Iran's response intero ai tanti errori di valutazione dell’Occidente e alla cecità delle amministrazioni Usa, che mai hanno capito le riforme di cui questo paese aveva bisogno (non lo capirono con il Premier Mossadeq, che spodestarono nel 1953 per tutelare lo Scià e le vie del petrolio; non lo capirono quando minacciarono Teheran nonostante al governo ci fossero riformatori come Rafsanjani o Khatami). La sfida atomica iraniana non verrà meno, il giorno in cui vincessero i riformatori. Ma almeno non sarà al servizio del più tremendo dei nazionalismi: quello che sceglie come maschera l’Apocalisse.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Getting Rid Of Black Line During Recording

On 25 July G-Day for Freedom in Iran Iranian

Iran: July 25, 2009. Global Day of Action - Rome

In Defense of Democracy, Human Rights and for a better future. We, Iranian students, free from party ties, demonstrated against the manipulation of election results in our country. The
be held on July 25 inauguration speech of Ahmadinejad, who does not recognize as legitimate president of the Islamic Republic of Iran. For weeks, we are showing across Italy, including our compatriots in the rest of the world to condemn all violence against civilians and students who are demonstrating in our country.
indication then, in occasion of the inauguration speech of Ahmadinejad, a national demonstration in Rome in front of the embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran which will take place from 17.00.
The events of recent weeks have seen a violent crackdown against those who peacefully took to the streets in protest against those who now seem obvious electoral fraud. Neda, Sohorab and hundreds of our brothers were killed. Thousands of citizens, students, politicians, journalists and Iranian bloggers have been arrested. Ahmadinejad's government is practicing a strong censorship on the press and television, blocking web sites and sending text messages, thereby infringing the freedom of expression and information. Cities all over the country have become militarized.
This is in clear contradiction with the most basic forms of democracy and freedom, as well as being clearly contrary to the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Constitution (Ghanoon assassi-e-) of the Islamic Republic Iran.
indication then, in occasion of the inauguration speech of Ahmadinejad, a national demonstration in Rome in front of the embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran which will take place from 17.00.
invite all Italian citizens, associations, movements and political parties to support us by participating in the event. We ask, however, that there are presenti segni distintivi dei singoli partiti politici affinché la manifestazione possa avere un carattere il più inclusivo possibile. Chiediamo invece che ogni partecipante porti con sé qualcosa di verde, simbolo del movimento.
Noi andremo avanti! Fatelo con noi!
Studenti iraniani in Italia
Roma, 25 luglio 2009
Ore 17.00
Ambasciata della Repubblica Islamica dell’Iran
Via Nomentana, 361

What Cases Projectors To Bleed Blue

protection on Italy in Afghanistan


Quello che Dal Lago non ricorda nel suo articolo per il "Manifesto" del 16-7-09 (di seguito riportato) è che le truppe italiane nell'Afghanistan si sono piazzate in the region of Herat, practically under - Conditioning - Iranian security.
It said that our country is the main trading partner in the world, but something that will count. Import oil. And let the drug flow from Afghanistan to Europe, passing just to Iran via Herat ...

Giorgio Beretta, the RID, reminds us of some data interchange Italy-Iran: "A study of Unimondo database on foreign trade by Istat, Italy in 2008 alone, Iran has exported goods worth more than € 13.6 billion. And the progression is growing: it went from just under 200 million euro in January 2008 to almost 2.2 billion in December of the year. The trade balance is still in favor of Tehran in 2008, Italy has in fact imported goods - especially oil - worth over 25 billion euro ".
nell'Herat Italy where he manages the PRT set (Provincial Reconstruction Team) and is responsible for four provinces west of its region.
The people here, although of Sunni Islam, but they speak the language "Dari", a variant of Persian, their organizations look to Tehran, but the border hostile Pashtun presence.
Farah, the province where he died the Italian paratroopers, it borders the Helmand, where Obama has unleashed his "major offensive" in the elections of 20 August and where the 'occurrence Pashtun "is strong, tough and well organized.
In the city of Farah, the Americans have created a new basis.
Margherita Paolini, on Limes 3 / 07" Never Say War "(the article is entitled" Not to lose Afghanistan ") plays about it - the basis - the following considerations:
" (The base is located) to 45 km from the Iranian border, according to most certainly antiraniana antitalibana that, since in this area they do not have extensive backgrounds. The base is positioned to also check the axis linking Herat with the important center gasifero Mary in Turkmenistan. Rail travel on this route ensures that our supplies, in part also insured by air through the air corridors granted by the Iranians. In the case of a war "preventive" US-Iran, our troops would be in one of the areas most vulnerable to retaliation by the cheerleaders along the 630 km border that divides the region of Herat to Iran. "
Minister Frattini argues that Iran spends 40% of the opiates produced in Afghanistan, drug directly to the European market (source: Reuters - June 27, 2009). Many analysts still remember him, have the suspicion that Italy is close your eyes on these trades ...
In recent months the Italian contingent has grown in number to count up to 3,300 soldiers, is equipped with means such as four Tornado aircraft and a team Mangusta helicopters, while the commitment from operations increased significantly with the elimination of the caveats that limit its use. The paratroopers also lead from May offensive actions alongside the troops to Kabul to the Taliban in order to wrest control of some areas of the territory. That is the task assigned to the British and Americans in Helmand and other provinces in southern and eastern Afghanistan by allied command of Kabul, which aims to extend the most of the territory with a view, as stated above, the presidential elections of 20 August.
But our soldiers are involved in fire fights mainly for the following dynamic: the offensive in Helmand of Anglo-American Taliban forces to move into "our" territory of Herat: here's "allies" they expect us to shoot at them ...
The Iranians want to instead do not give too much bother for the insurgents. What to do? We can still claim to be in the middle of a war between different fires, pretending that we are there to build hospitals and distributing candy to children?
in Herat are currently active in the sector, assistance to vulnerable groups "two Italian NGOs: Intersos and Cesvi. Both projects are undertaken, funded by the DG for Development Cooperation, in the city of Herat and surrounding districts, promoting "vocational training, self sustaining activities in the agro pastoral assistance and social reintegration of Afghan refugees returning from Iran. "
This presence is presented by the DGDC as a" champion of civil-military cooperation "(Source: DG Italian Development Cooperation).
The one who works for the Corps civil Peace should frankly rather avoid like the plague, at least at this stage where the Italian military involvement policy (subordinate) in the "war on terror"
... And here we repeat the usual speech, as opposed to any kind of military intervention, we must to leave Afghanistan to Afghans! as soon and as completely as we move along better.
This means
1 - withdraw all of our "charitable" soldiers, even those "Europeans" who, with the best intentions, they wanted to do by the warlords hauberk;
2 - to hit, however, the warlords: a) going to find here trafficoni (military) and trafficking (crime) with which they - the lords of war - are in cahoots b) fair price to buy opium from Afghan farmers that serves as a medicine c) freeing us from the "soft" drugs and legalizing drugs heavily.
We are not yet tired of "solidarity" that wants to solve the problems of "underdeveloped", under the assumption that we are strong and civilians and others are weak and Minus Habens? We
Afghan farmers and we have a common problem on which we can set, like, a common struggle: crush together the international drug traffic, and prohibition that forms the legal basis.
We need to know - civil society - to build and communicate, as equals, a new international human rights on the basis of the centrality of the oppressed. A
this could serve as a peace embassy in Kabul.
not make the "resistance" to rebuild the place of others: the "resistance", the same way as democracies, do not you export. The solution, experience tells us a multi-secular, would be the worst problems that you would like to remedy ...
For the meantime, however, need to reaffirm the commitment to fight for unconditional withdrawal of all NATO troops, from this and other fronts of the "war on terror."
And bring the whole no-war movement's objection to military spending ( go to the website) as a form of protest and resistance to our military involvement.
a form that could and should also involve local resistance movements, because the dispute and the reduction of military spending and war weaken the authoritarian state, with its "Great Works" invasive and oppressive, and free resources for the real social needs .

source of the manifest

Alessandro Dal Lago

As Obama begins to speak, albeit with great caution, some of exit strategy from Afghanistan, in Italy all the highest authorities of state and government are quick to reaffirm loyalty to the NATO mission.
Nothing reveals this discrepancy as the absolute margin of strategic issues in our country and regardless of subordination, mental as well as political, NATO and the United States.
So it went with Iraq and will continue to go well. The only difference is that, every soldier killed, another falls veil of hypocrisy. The one on which Italy participates with forces will increase, it is not a peacekeeping or "nation building, "with our good guys that distribute food and build schools, but a real war and its conduct in difficult conditions in a country where, in the last three hundred years, no foreign army has emerged victorious. A war which, of course, will bring more deaths in a country like ours, who fought but did not want to admit.
For months, observers and even the military authorities of the countries involved (for example, the British) state that the war has bogged down and that in fact American and NATO control, apart from the Kabul area, and a few other enclaves, only military bases. But the reasons for the stall (or, rather, a strategic defeat creeping) are not only military - such as lack of clear objectives, or the illusion of coping with the bombing "targeted" and the special forces of resistance clearly rooted in the Pashtun social fabric.
are mainly political: the government of Karzai is notoriously corrupt, and to curb the influence of the Taliban, comes to terms with the more conservative forces, which makes it less and less popular. In addition, the massacres of prisoners committed by some warlords (with U.S. complicity) in 2001 were rooted in large parts of the country's hatred for Westerners who can not be explained only by the propaganda of the Taliban.
Obama, of course, is aware of, but at the same time is forced to manage the legacy poisoned by Bush: the consequences of the war in Iraq (with the conflict between Sunnis and Shiites), the crisis of the Iranian regime (which at this stage prevents any negotiations on the nuclear issue) and make a jigsaw puzzle Pakistani strategic insoluble.
Consequently, the idea of \u200b\u200bdelegating some functions out of Afghanistan and military all'inetto Karzai government sounds more like a get my hands on that as a real viable prospect in the short term.
all of this is currently being discussed openly, in the U.S. and NATO countries that count. But not by us, we do not know if by mere ignorance or hide our heads in the sand. It does not do the majority and the opposition does, that at the time, when was the government, was equally short-sighted.
Here you prefer, always, the rhetoric of national unity in the face of grief. This simply means that other families will open the door to senior officers and chaplains who bring dire news.

Friday, July 17, 2009

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Opposition to the streets again from July 17, 2009

Demonstration against the government in front of the university during Friday prayers
The former chairman of Republic criticizes Ahmadinejad: "Release the opponents' slogans
Moussavi to Rafsanjani's sermon
Police charged with batons and tear gas
At least 15 arrests. Ayatollah: "The crisis can be resolved with a president wanted by the people"
TEHRAN - The protest against Ahmadinejad does not lower his head. They return to the streets thousands of supporters of the exponent reformist Mir Hussein Moussavi. They defy the police and demonstrated outside the University of Tehran during the Friday sermon Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani. Chanted slogans against President Ahmadinejad re-election. They shout "Allah akbar" (God is great), the same cry of protest that is heard at night for weeks from the rooftops of Tehran. Witnesses said hundreds of thousands, a crowd so large that fill an area of \u200b\u200bthree kilometers around the University. Most of the people even managed to close the university is closed around a cordon of security forces.

Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani, former president of the Islamic Republic, does not spare criticism of the regime: "In Iran there is a bitter situation that can only be resolved with the election of a president who is wanted by the people. immediately release the arrested opponents. must be created an atmosphere of freedom where everyone has the right to express his criticisms. Only in this way is in the solution of the crisis. "

Violent reaction of the police who charged the protesters with tear gas and clubs, dressed in green and wearing a bracelet with the color chosen by Moussavi during the election campaign. Riot, officers dragged away at least 15 protesters rushed into prisons to swell the number of opponents behind bars. In an attempt to halt the spread of information across borders, cell phones in the center of Tehran have been disabled: You can not even send a sms. According to the reformist pro Moujcamp site, the security services were also denied permission to several reporters to follow the live speech Rafsanjani.

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VENI ALLEYS SEE ... Under the arch of the ancient village

A seguito di reclami pervenutaci da diversi operatori economici, in merito alle azioni indebite realizzate dall'Ass. Culturale Vicoli & Dintorni, e nello specifico della raccolta di fondi per la seconda edizione della nostra manifestazione di cui al titolo.
La Pro Loco porta a conoscenza:
che non ha mai autorizzato altri a svolgere tale manifestazione;
che la seconda edizione era planned for the day 10-11-12 July 2009;
which commenced the collection of funds only after the holding of municipal elections;
that people who have collected the funds are neither members have been authorized for account of the Pro Loco;
the Ass. & Surrounding streets were specially called upon;
anyone on behalf of the Pro Loco is entitled to collect the funds raised by the Association. Lanes & Surroundings;
which reserves the right to appeal to legally protect the image and reputation as well as damage to the non-performance of the event;
We will assist all stakeholders economic cheated, giving them information so that the funds should be reimbursed and not for the other event.

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Israel is preparing the 'attack on Iran

The "Manifesto" published today - July 17, Manlio Dinucci an article entitled: "Israel is preparing to attack Iran."
Dinucci highlights the propensity of some members of the Obama, the front row with the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, to justify an eventual attack by the Israeli government to impenti nuclear Iran.
the face of this ends his piece with the following words: "At this point it is for analysts to understand what is different in the Obama administration's foreign policy from Bush." We
antiwar satyagrahi instead we would reiterate that there is a difference, and that in these days you're playing the most aggressive part of the military (both the U.S. and Israel) against the Obama "sustainable development", even Type "capitalist."
This game goes by, coincidentally, also the ability to "not let go" Green Wave Iran (and we arrange it with a "common front" as part of the international human rights, for the liberation of the oppressed .. .)

We do not need - we believe - bet on the worst, but redouble its own efforts also include such contexts we offer broader and more concrete opportunities.

resistant communities in the area are fully involved, from those that host U.S. bases and NATO and / or 11 ports that suffer the docking of ships and submarines with nuclear propulsion (real floating nuclear power plants).

We invite you to visit to join the resistance against the costs of war and nuclear weapons!

Click to read the article by Manlio Dinucci

Magazine: The Manifesto
Date: July 17, 2009
Page: 9
Author: Manlio Dinucci
title: "Israel is preparing an attack against ' Iran '

The deployment of Dolphin submarines and warships in the Red Sea Israel "must be taken seriously: Israel is preparing for the complexity of an attack on Iran." This was stated yesterday at the Times of London difesa.Ha of an Israeli official also confirmed the existence of an agreement with Egypt for the transit of military units from the Suez Canal, adding that the governments of both countries are united by "common mistrust of Iran" and that Israel is strengthening ties with "certain Arab countries, too fearful of the Iranian nuclear threat." Thus Israel, the only country in the region that possesses nuclear weapons (which are also armed iDolphin) and rejects the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), simette the head of a crusade, which also involves some Arab governments against the "threat Nuclear Iran, a country that adheres to the NPT and is therefore subject to controls by the International Atomic Energy Agency. This has confirmed that it had "no evidence that Iran is trying to produce a nuclear weapon. " The submarines and warships in the Red Sea of \u200b\u200bIsrael are not only to prepare an attack on Iran, wrote yesterday in Haaretz, but also "to prevent arms smuggling from Iran to the Gaza Strip", and then through the Sudan Viamare . He then accuses Iran of fomenting and arming the Palestinians, erasing what emerges from the investigation of the Israeli "Breaking the Silence", which shows that the operation Cast Lead "was decided on the basis of a clear political calculation to terrorize the Palestinians by slaughter of civilians. Nor is it credible that in the Gaza Strip, where they can not even enter gli aiuti umanitari, arrivi un flusso di armi dall’Iran. A dar man forte al governo israeliano è scesa in campo mercoledì la segretaria di stato Usa Hillary Clinton, che ha lanciato un «ultimatum all’Iran» perché «si unisca alla comunità internazionale quale membro responsabile», cessando di «minacciare i vicini e sostenere il terrorismo». Ha ribadito che «l’Iran non ha diritto di avere una capacità nuclearemilitare» (che invece gli Usa hanno diritto di avere, possedendo le forze nucleari più potenti delmondo), e che «gli Usa sono decisi a impedire che l’acquisisca». Ha quindi dichiarato che «non esiteremo a difendere i nostri amici, i nostri interessi e soprattutto our people with force and, if necessary, with the world's most powerful military force. " Ilmessaggio in Tehran is unequivocal: if Israel attacks Iran and this will respond with its missiles (not nuclear), the U.S. will support Israel with "the world's most powerful military force." At this point it is for analysts to understand what Obama's foreign policy differs from Bush.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Samsung Surge Protector

for freedom in Iran - July 18, 2009 July 9

report noting that the following initiative:
- one of the promoters do not appear in Iranian organizations
- one of the slogans guidance sets out a very marked ideologically, they speak of "absolute confidence in the system of States"
- it is however important to take steps "to freedom in Iran", even more so when it evaporates the volatile media attention ...

July 18, 2009 - 15:30 - Florence (FI)
departure from Milan coach h. 09:30


With women and men for freedom in Iran IRAN
Saturday, July 18 national demonstration in Florence

against the reactionary regime!

Stop the repression!

no confidence in the system of states!

Concentration at 16.30 in Piazza San Marco, Florence

revolutionary socialism, Unicobas, Libertarian Socialism, Help to Change (Humanist Association), the Humanist Party (FI), Ait-Use Centre of Cultures (FI), Anti-Racism Committee busy lives (FI), Mariposa Collective (GE), Perunaltracitta (FI), Asst IREOS - self-managed Community Service Center Queer (TE) Committee Stoprazzismo Prato

Info and membership:
phone 055-2302015

For more information:
333-7.158207 am -

Written by Renato Scarola - of revolutionary socialism
Editorial de La Commune
130 Thursday, July 9, 2009
Iran alongside the men and women fighting for freedom

Be supportive people who feel like they own the fate of all humanity it means taking sides without hesitation on the side of women and men who bravely in Iran are struggling for freedom.

Millions of people are expressing their protagonists with the direct initiative, recapturing the spirit of the revolution in '79 that led to the fall of the dictatorship of the Shah of freedom and whose bodies were later betrayed by his head and suffocated.

Schierarsi vuol dire immedesimarsi nella lezione di impegno e coraggio che ci stanno trasmettendo scendendo nelle strade, salendo sui tetti, inventandosi i modi più svariati per protestare e comunicare aggirando l’asfissiante censura e sfidando la tremenda repressione dello Stato reazionario e militarista iraniano. Questo esempio e coraggio meritano il nostro appoggio e impegno di solidarietà.

Per questo vale la pena fare la cosa giusta, scegliendo di mobilitarsi il 18 luglio al fianco di questa lotta, come principio di un impegno solidale che dovrà continuare e moltiplicarsi nei prossimi mesi.

Perché le donne e gli uomini iraniani non potranno certo ricevere aiuto dagli Stati che sono guidati da interessi instrumental and opposed the demands, needs and dreams of our people nor the Western states and democratic, warmongering and war mongers, who have previously supported the bloody dictatorship of the Shah, nor those who do not hesitate to support the reactionary regime of Ahmadinejad in the name of an alleged "anti-imperialism."

Conversely, challenging the cynicism and indifference, unfortunately widespread among the people, a real solidarity can grow and develop, among women, workers, youth, immigrant brothers and sisters. Why this fight affects us and affects us all if we care about our fellow man. Because freedom is a universal human value that engage and mobilize.

July 18 is a step in this effort
passionate, loyal, and deployment of critical solidarity alongside those who in Iran is fighting for freedom.

July 5, 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ingrown Hair Vitamin D


Anche quest’anno siamo al punto “L”

“L” è una lettera che ci piace,

perchè “L” è come LAVORO, quello dei nostri artigiani e quello che sarebbe diritto di ognuno...

perchè “L” è come LIBRI, perchè tutti, adulti e bambini, possono trovare nella parola scritta un motivo di conoscenza e di crescita...

perchè “L” è come LIBERTA’...

PROGRAMMA del punto “L” – Spazio espositivo
Ex Latteria

Venerdì 7 agosto

Ore 18.00 - ex Latteria - “Sulle Vie dell’Acqua col Mazarol”.
Apertura Bancarella del Libro Al Mazarol (aperta tutti i giorni)
con sezione “I libri non si gettano mai” per il Burkina Faso
a cura dell’Associazione Enzo Missoni, Onlus.

Ore 19.30 - ex Latteria - Osteria con Cucina “Al Mazarol”.

Ore 21.30 - ex Latteria - MIND BEYOND LAKOTA CIRCLE – Improvvisazioni musicali di contaminazione.

Sabato 8 agosto

Ore 17.00 - ex Latteria - “Sulle Vie dell’Acqua col Mazarol”.
Arte e cultura. At the stand of the Paper Mazarol. Osteria Al Mazarol
cuisine: fried fresh fish.
Laboratory and activities by the Association PLAY AND CREATE.

17.00 - Public Library - Vladimir Tonielli presents:
"A journey into a microcosm of living in our fields, experience the microscope by the Association Via dei Mulini. Reservations at the former dairy. Participation is free subject to availability.

18.00 - Former Italian Federation of Dairy Queen: simultaneous match with Renato Menegon.

21.30 - old dairy - "Cartoncerto" little show of songs, poems and stories with CAMERIN DAVID, GERARDO WELLS ISEO and PIN.

Sunday, August 9

10.00 - old dairy - "On the Streets with Mazarol Water."
Arts and Culture. At the stand of the Paper Mazarol. Osteria Al Mazarol

10.30 - Former Dairy - Path of play for children, and not only on the ways of water: "Tales Of
... nests and other stories. " Information from former dairy.

11.00 - Entrance Hall - Start a tour along the Via dei Mulini. Information from former dairy.

12.30 - Former Dairy - spit. (Reservations are recommended on the spot).

16.00 - Public Library - Vladimir Tonielli presents:
"A journey into a microcosm of living in our waters," experience under the microscope, edited by the Via dei Mulini. Reservations at the former dairy. Participation is free subject to availability.

16.00 - old dairy - "Travestiriciclando" lab down the street from recycled materials by IL jalopy of dreams.

18.00 - Former Dairy - Italian Federation of Draughts: simultaneous match with Renato Menegon.

21.30 - Former Dairy - HATRIA QUARTET music - jazz standards reinterpreted.

Monday, August 10

17.00 - old dairy - "On the Streets with Mazarol Water."
Arts and Culture. At the stand of the Paper Mazarol. Osteria Al
kitchen Mazarol: Knuckle of pork with mushrooms.
Laboratory and activities by the Association PLAY AND CREATE.

19.00 - The Lodge - Cocktails on the terrace. Round table on food. "Eating is an agricultural act," meeting between food and land. Introduced and leads Danilo Gasparini. Organised by the Via dei Mulini.
followed, at 22:15 in the former dairy, the film MOTHER EARTH, by Ermanno Olmi.

20.00 - Former Dairy - SUNRISE-ACOUSTIC QUARTET music - rock and blues in tone.

22:15 pm - Former Dairy - Film MOTHER EARTH by Ermanno Olmi.

Tuesday, August 11

17.00 - old dairy - "On the Streets with Mazarol Water."
Arts and Culture. At the stand of the Paper Mazarol. Osteria Al Mazarol
cuisine: fried fresh fish.
Laboratory and activities by the Association PLAY AND CREATE.

18.00 - Former Dairy - Italian Federation of Draughts: simultaneous match with Renato Menegon.

19.00 - Former Dairy - Presentation of the book "The Magician". The Jesus of Pilate: a different story. Ed Kellermann. Will This author MASSIMO Guss.

21.30 - Former Dairy - Jazz ... Armando Battiston. Accordion only.

Wednesday, August 12

17.00 - old dairy - "On the Streets with Mazarol Water."
Arts and Culture. At the stand of the Paper Mazarol. Osteria Al Mazarol
Laboratory and activities by the Association PLAY AND CREATE.

17.00 - Entrance Hall - Start a tour along the Via dei Mulini. Information from former dairy.

17.00 - Former Dairy - THE Biorcio-STRA: percussion workshop for free musical expression with the final explosion 21.30. By IN DA PONT.

20.00 - Former Dairy - Osteria Al Mazarol kitchen. Tasting of the spit bridge prepared by the Masters cisonesi.

21.30 - Former Dairy - final explosion of the Laboratory of percussion. By IN DA PONT.

Thursday, August 13

17.00 - old dairy - "On the Streets with Mazarol Water."
Arts and Culture. At the stand of the Paper Mazarol. Osteria Al Mazarol
Laboratory and activities by the Association PLAY AND CREATE.

18.00 - Former Dairy - School ValmarenoSHOTOkai: demonstration of karate.
Instructor Oscar Gregori.

21.30 - old dairy - "In serious and humorous - monologues of Robert Sonego, Cinzia Vignato, Doris Carlet, Renzo Seffino, Marica Sperandio. Directed by Paul Russo.

Friday, August 14

17.00 - old dairy - "On the Streets with Mazarol Water."
Arts and Culture. At the stand of the Paper Mazarol. Osteria Al Mazarol
Laboratory and activities by the Association PLAY AND CREATE.

18.00 - Former Dairy - Italian Federation of Draughts: simultaneous match with Renato Menegon.

19.00 - La Loggia - Cocktails on the terrace. The Association has the Via dei Mulini Mazarol XIII's notebook. "Among magicians and tiraossi. Louis Novello Alpago-generation medical Cison Valmarino of up to 800 ". By DANILO GASPARINI Munn and Cristina.

21.30 - old dairy - "There was a dream hat." ALBERTO CANTON show with the singer.

Saturday, August 15

10.00 - old dairy - "On the Streets with Mazarol Water."
Arts and Culture. At the stand of the Paper Mazarol. Osteria Al Mazarol

12.30 - Former Dairy - spit. (Reservations are recommended in site).

15.00 - old dairy - "The world is waiting". Laboratory manual and animated by the Association PLAY AND CREATE.

16.00 - Former Dairy - School ValmarenoSHOTOkai: demonstration of karate. Instructor Oscar

18.00 - Former Dairy - Italian Federation of Draughts: simultaneous match with Renato Menegon.

19.00 - The Lodge - Cocktails on the terrace. ALESSIO FARAON presents Thesis: "Signs of water in the highlands of Cison Valmarino.
In collaboration with the Via dei Mulini.

19.00 - Former Dairy - Osteria Al Mazarol kitchen. FRIED FRESH FISH.

21.30 - Former Dairy - Music with RED SUN: Fabio, Paolo and Renzo.

Sunday, August 16

10.00 - old dairy - "On the Streets with Mazarol Water."
Arts and Culture. At the stand of the Paper Mazarol.

12.30 - old dairy - with Cooking Osteria "Al Mazarol.

15.00 - old dairy - "The world is waiting". Laboratory manual and animated by the Association PLAY AND CREATE.

21.30 - Former Dairy - CsKDsuonare (It runs to play) - Breton folk music and more.

During the exhibition will be present at the space n.____ exhibition, the painter ELIO BOTTEGA with his art and his creativity.

A "THANK YOU FOR AVAILABILITY AND PATIENCE demonstrated by the (owners and neighbors), ARE allowed to use the space in which the event takes place. ASSOCIATION OF MILLS AND THE WAY TO THE CLUB CULTURAL Mazarol, apologized in advance for the inconvenience that the initiative will POSSIBLE CAUSE PEOPLE TO RESIDENTS.

Cultural Association Via dei Mulini is available all year round for guided tours on Water Streets.

For reservations and information: Phone 338 4874716 Fax 0438 975100


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Everyday Mineralsmorning Cup

the fight against the regime

Today, Thursday July 9, it was a day of struggle for all Iranians, both inside and outside their country, are opposed to the further degeneration of the system theocracy. Even in Italy, organized by young Iranians, there were demonstrations and sit-ins in various cities. For example, in Milan. The Italian radicals are mobilizing their own way "Western" as opposed to "peace" che, disgraziatamente, spesso confondono l'"anti-imperialismo" con l'anti-americanismo...
Si è ricordata la protesta studentesca che 10 anni fa fu stroncata con un massacro. Si è ribadito che oggi la lotta per la libertà non si lascia spegnere dalle uccisioni, dagli arresti, dalle torture, dalla censura.
Il governo Ahmadinejad sta gestendo con grande brutalità una specie di legge marziale, e sta scatenando la repressione contro oppositori e semplici dissenzienti, infierendo particolarmente contro le categorie dei giornalisti, degli avvocati, dei pacifici difensori dei diritti umani.
Gli "anti-imperialisti", ad esempio, sono invitati a sostenere il movimento iraniano per la democrazia e a contribuire, dalla parte the oppressed, the prevention of possible limited nuclear war (which, if burst, will be the result of convergence, for nothing paradoxical opposites militarism, Israel and Iran). In the case of "satyagraha," I repeat that this is not about solidarity but the direct involvement and "strategic" to help solve the problem today with the greatest impact on the balance-war peace globally.

(On our blog you can sign the pledge not to leave only the wave of Tehran).

IRAN. Iranian students and councilors Lighting Candles PIAZZA SCALA AND THEN A MINUTE OF SILENCE PALAZZO MARINO

Milan, July 9, 2009 -

Today, Thursday, July 9, at 16.15, in Piazza della Scala, Milan Iranian students have lit a candle for the people of Iran in the tenth anniversary of the great demonstration of July 9, 1999 in Tehran, in which more than twenty children were killed. They have received the solidarity of the official City Council of Milan. The President of the Council Manfredi Palmeri spoke with the spokesman of the Committee "A way for Iranian students" Daniele Nahum. In the classroom, the counselors have dedivato a minute's silence with a thought to all the victims and, in particular, Neda, the girl killed last June and became the symbol of the protest against the regime in Iran.

From the website of the "Republic" in Tehran learn that the police would fire on protesters, killing two more and wounding 12 ... (See post reporting the article)

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The direct testimony of two Frre lance journalists who have returned recently from 'Iran. For security reasons we do not publish their names

IRAN / Sons of Revolt

Tehran is an open wound on which the Iranian government continues to pour salt and burning is unbearable. Tehran is a clear sign of a rift that runs through Iran in a dangerously sharp dividing the population of large cities from small villages scattered on the boundless territory. Tehran, as thirty years ago, is the need for change, an instance of progress and freedom that the theocratic government tries to drown in violence and blood.
We arrived in the capital ten days before the election and immediately we could see the energy that animated the public life of the city. The streets of the capital was the scene of what looked like a permanent holiday more than an election campaign. People on the street parade in the city paralyzed carousel music and dancing. No violence between opposing factions, not aggression. A triumph of public vitality, a sense that we celebrate, first of all, the very possibility of being able to externalize their ideas and their enthusiasm.

The government refrained from authorizing that with every passing day it became a raging river and then a lot of participation in the political life of the country, another could only watch with amazement the size of a phenomenon that he saw for the first time in three years, people spontaneously poured through the streets demanding a space for participation and sharing.
We do not speak Persian and are unable to read but a few hours from landing a color, green, and a sound, "Moussavi" welcome us in what is, in effect, a festive city, anxious to change.
Nobody in Iran believed that Moussavi could be a radical solution to the problems of the country, but the longed-for coming of the reformation leader was regarded as the essential first step in what could be a new direction for the Islamic republic. It is a revolution that the youth of the capital call on speakerphone, but an alternative, a joint that allows the country to proceed on another track in another direction. Twenty-four

Tehran hours after the election falls silent. First comes the disappointment, burning, then the doubts, the legitimate questions on numbers and timing. The elections of June 12 were the most attended in the history of the Islamic republic, but at the same time those with the counting faster. The official support to President Ahmadinejad's spiritual guide and the haste with which it is proclaimed a victory for "clean" transform the despair into anger and indignation. While the spiritual leader is quick to prohibit any form of protest against the election result, the Iranian people do it for the first time in thirty years the practice of disobedience and, spurred by the defeated leader of the reformists, is poured into the street protesting the fraud, asking new elections and loudly denouncing the violation of the most elementary rights of Republicans to be able to decide their own representatives. On June 14, the result is now official and irrevocable. The next day a huge crowd is pouring into the street: there are not only supporters of the "defeated" reformist leader but also people who have never even voted. There are only young people, those that have been defined before thugs and terrorists and then mokhareb (enemies of God and therefore subject to capital punishment), but women and elderly people who feel betrayed, cheated of their decision-making ability.
Some spoke of a million people in the procession, who spoke of two or more, we can not establish a reliable figures but the crowd has taught the government fear, clearly showed a decided and active dissent that challenges the terror with which the government held daily population at bay. The feeling is that people have responded to believe what was perceived as an insult, a betrayal. The march, peaceful, composed of people armed only with slogans and courage has been subject to brutal repression, the figure of seven deaths reported by the government and the press is, by direct evidence we have gathered, optimistic even though we can not establish a number, although guidance. It seems reasonable to question the very nature of a legitimate government that citizens need to massacre unarmed, to ratify an election result that responds with brutal beatings and fires up a procession of citizens who no more calls for transparency and justice. What you can see, beyond the obvious show of force and violence, fear, a crack that shows a clear weakness.
climate change completely in the city and we have entered the country as mere tourists we learn, in small ways, the fear here in the "republic" Islam and the daily bread and bitter. We try in our small gathering of witnesses, to talk with people, to understand the boundaries and extent of what happens, "nobody knows" they tell us, but there is only fear in the eyes and words of people, There is enthusiasm and excitement for what seems like a unique opportunity for growth and change. The conflict intensifies, we generalize, unfolds, and the instances are layered blend but without even coming together in a confused and uncoordinated in a wave of dissent that day breaks on the wall of repression. The government feels threatened and threatened, port cities in the dark, dark, media, journalists are not allowed to document what happens, its use internet and mobile for most of the day, leading in some cases to stop the supply of electricity. What we saw in the dark is courage, a courage that seems to just reach unconsciousness but in reality is the result of awareness and an urgent need to resist.
every night until a few days ago when we were forced to leave the country, between 22 and 22 and 30 the people of Tehran's moves on the roofs of homes to show their disapproval. Shouting "Allah u Akbar" the people of Tehran keeps alive the fire of revolt, reaffirms its determination and their right to express dissent, from house to house, the screams from rooftop to rooftop chase, fill the air invigorate those preparing to take to the road again, to defy terror. On June 20
live a milestone of the uprising in Tehran, protesters, under the auspices and with a constant buzz facebook flock again strada, sono diretti a Enquelab, luogo storico dove è cominciata la rivoluzione del '79, i manifestanti sono come sempre disarmati ma determinati a raggiungere la piazza per il suo grande significato simbolico. Chi, come il governo di Teheran, si è sfamato da sempre di simbologia intuisce la forza e il pericolo che dal simbolo scaturiscono, la risposta è netta e decisa, il risultato è una carneficina. Ancora una volta apprendiamo che le cifre ufficialmente dichiarate (19 morti ndr) sono una valutazione ottimistica e poco veritiera. Parliamo con un'infermiera di pronto soccorso impiegata in un grande ospedale nei pressi di Enquelab, le cifre che ci fornisce sono scioccanti, a maggior ragione pensando che si tratta di un solo presidio ospedaliero: 36 dead and 140 injured including 80 on the danger list. On the night of 20 is the hardest on the day of the elections and also the longest, lasting until the clashes at 07.00 am but paradoxically the valiant attempt to defend a symbol of a new or disclose a staggering power, Neda's eyes, his last terrible moments of life, an image that goes around the world and gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe horrors that are consumed in the streets of the capital.
Enquelab it seemed, in the eyes and in the testimonies of survivors, an inflection point in the revolt of the capital, a scar and a warning that it seemed could stop the anger, replacing it with a legitimate fear. As always it is difficult to talk of figures but a student of Esfahan tells us hundreds of arrests carried by Teheran and held outdoors, in parking lots, "all the country's prisons are overcrowded," he says, no number, only three hypotheses zeros.
The voices and testimonies of the days that followed, chasing and overlapping, often contradictory, for what is certain is that some outbreaks remain but too often do not converge in large groups and compact and are easy prey to ruthless Basij. In most of the city seems to be an unreal calm returned, the city is silent, the paths beaten by the protesters are controlled by the guards day and night, only entries from the rooftops, on time, are becoming stronger, as to say that it will remove the fear to anger.
The repressive activity intensifies during the night and the Basij beating burst into homes and opening fire on those who are suspected of giving refuge to fleeing demonstrators or taking part in the revolt of the roofs. On 24 June, thanks to days of feverish clandestine activities, small groups are trying to converge on the square Baharestan. The square, home to the Iranian parliament, is completely surrounded and smaller groups that are isolated are literally massacred by the Basij, even innocent bystanders whose only fault charged to work near the square. Dozens of Basij posted and hidden on the roofs of the mosque out of the closet opening Motahari fire on the crowd and dispersing the march in formation to the sound of dead bodies. Some speak of a new
Enquelab, other final say, the screaming on the rooftops, in the evening, are loud and desperate. The day after the killings in Baharestan, during the usual Friday prayers, Ayatollah Khatami (not to be confused with the former president of the Islamic Republic, the reformist Mohammad Khatami) said that the detainees arrested during the demonstrations will be considered "mokhareb. Today we have news of the hangings and find out first, with a strong stomach, the government is keeping its promises. Today, despite the horror and shame, our hope is trust in the strength and coraggio del popolo iraniano

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The police fired on protesters - July 9, 2009 Breaking news

Teheran, la polizia spara - almeno 2 morti e 12 feriti

Carica degli agenti anti-sommossa. La denuncia degli iraniani su TwitterLa protesta nell'anniversario del decennale della strage dell'Univerisità

Appello in rete: mandate medici e personale specializzatoRagazze si tolgono il velo per tamponare le ferite dei dimostranti

TEHRAN - At least two demonstrators were killed by gun shots and 12 others were injured in clashes with security forces in Tehran, according to some messages appeared on Twitter, the microblogging site that young people Iranians use to talk about the protests. The Iranian police fired shots into the air to disperse thousands of demonstrators took to the streets despite the ban imposed by the regime. The witnesses reported, according to which several protesters close to the reformist leader Mir Hossein Moussavi were arrested by Iranian security forces in central Baghdad.

The arrests and the shooting in the air have been confirmed by witnesses Agency Reuters news, while some bloggers on Twitter, the service used by Iranian demonstrators for broadcast on the news of the protest, reported that 30 people were arrested in the clashes and that there would be at least 12 injured, hit by rubber bullets fired by and 2 police dead. Hence, many social network users have posted a post that prompts you to visit doctors and specialists in areas of conflict to provide aid to the injured.
According to CNN online, which quoted a journalist on the spot, anti-riot agents accompanied by Basij militia, paramilitaries usually used in the suppression of street protests, have uploaded about 2-3000 people as they tried to reach the university, theater in July 1999 of a student protest that was crushed in blood. Many demonstrators were beaten on the arms and back from the Basij. The militias have been trying to convince a man with his face bleeding to board an ambulance, but he refused, according to the journalist. The Agence France Presse, citing witnesses, spoke of some 3,000 protesters near the university. Many chanted slogans like "Free political prisoners" and "Death to the dictator", according to sources.

Major tensions between security forces and demonstrators occurred near the University of Tehran, Azadi Square, where three protesters were injured from gunshot fired by Basij militia. There were also clashes in other parts of Tehran, Vanak Square to Piazza Vali Asr, while in the central districts of Tehran, there would be a black-out of mobile lines.
Other messages posted on Twitter, talking about the police charges in other cities across the country as Isfahan and Shiraz. The news sent bloggers are not confirmed by independent sources because of the few foreign journalists in the country are limited in movement and prevented them from telling the protests.
The demonstration was organized to coincide with the tenth anniversary of the student revolt of 1999. But it was also the first attempt to demonstrate da quando, il 29 giugno, il Consiglio dei Guardiani ha confermato la vittoria di Ahmadinejad nel voto del 12 giugno, rigettando le denunce di brogli del candidato moderato Mir Hossein Mussavi e di quello riformista Mehdi Karrubi. Le contestazioni avevano portato ai più grandi raduni di protesta nella storia della repubblica islamica, poi represse con un bilancio di almeno 20 morti, secondo le fonti ufficiali.
Rivolgendosi ai suoi oppositori il presidente iraniano oggi ha detto che "i nemici" saranno "obbligati a trattare" con il suo governo, dopo la sua riconferma, contestate dagli altri candidati e dai loro sostenitori. "Oggi i nemici - ha detto Ahmadinejad, citato dall'agenzia Isna - sono molto arrabbiati poiché, malgrado la loro propaganda, came to power a government with the support of 40 million voters who do not give them any advantage. They are forced to deal with this government. "Ahmadinejad was referring to some 39 million voters who voted on a total of just over 46 million. The high turnout was underlined by the authorities in Tehran as a support for the regime . The President was declared re-elected with 63 percent of the vote.

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nonviolence by the way - move to electronic Peppe Sini, of the Center for Nonviolence Viterbo

[Da Edi Rabini (per contatti: ) riceviamo ediffondiamo]
Manifestazione a sostegno del popolo iraniano, Bolzano, 3 luglio, ore 20.
Con grande preoccupazione vediamo ogni giorno le immagini, e leggiamonotizie, di una violenta repressione in corso nelle citta' iraniane, contromanifestazioni di donne, giovani, giornalisti, intellettuali, artisti,semplici cittadini, che denunciano brogli nelle ultime elezionipresidenziali.Non possiamo rimanere indifferenti davanti a questa intollerabile violazionedella democrazia e dei diritti fondamentali.Per questo rivolgiamo un appello alle istituzioni, alle associazioni civichee ai singoli cittadini, 'cause to be mobilized to support the reform movement in Iran pearls that calls for new and free elections, release the arrested ditutto, respect for human rights, opinion, assembly, information and beliefs of different cultural, political and religiose.Invitiamo to join to this call and to attend a pacificamanifestazione in support of the Iranian people, carrying messages and signs chericordino the form of protest "green and non-violent" that fills the city stradedelle 'Iran and the whole event mondo.La start' with a human chain to 20dall'Universita'-hour ex-Museion and will end 'at 20.30 with a interventodel Nobel peace laureate Shirin Ebadi in the Volxfest / a suiprati of Talvera.Promuovono: Iran Nedaye Association of Bolzano, Alexander LangerStiftung Foundation, Bolzano Radio Tandem, Tandem KulturvereinBolzano Cultural Association, Cafe 'Plural, Kaleidoskop Association, Frauen Archiv / Archiviostorico of women BolzanoPer join:
Participation will be updated on the site http://www.alexanderlanger.org8/ .

MEETINGS. In Verona the July 4

[From Tiziana Valpiana (contacts: tiziana.valpiana @ ) receive ediffondiamo]

Alexander Langer Foundation has awarded the International Prize 2009 aNarges Mohammadi, Iranian journalist, Vice President and spokesperson delCentro per la difesa dei diritti umani e presidente del Consiglio nazionaledella pace. La cerimonia per il conferimento del premio avverra' a Bolzanovenerdi' 3 luglio. A causa dei drammatici eventi in corso in Iran, lapremiata Narges Mohammadi non ha potuto lasciare il Paese e il premio sara'ritirato a suo nome dal Premio Nobel per la Pace 2003, Shirin Ebadi.*La Fondazione Alexander Langer e l'Associazione "Il filo di Arianna"organizzano a Verona sabato 4 luglio alle ore 18 nella sede della Societa'Letteraria in Piazzetta Scalette Rubiani 1 un incontro con Shirin Ebadi,avvocata iraniana, Premio Nobel per la Pace 2003, sul tema "I diritti umaniin Iran, oggi".La cittadinanza e' invitata a partecipare.


[Da Severino Saccardi (per contatti: ) riceviamo ediffondiamo]

Shirin Ebadi sara' a Firenze, ospite del Consiglio regionale su invito delpresidente Riccardo Nencini. Shirin Ebadi, premio Nobel per la Pace, sara'accolta lunedi' 6 luglio a Firenze da personalita' politiche edistituzionali e dalla comunita' fiorentina e iraniana.Shirin Ebadi terra' una lectio magistralis sul tema "Una vita per la cultura dei diritti".

post del 4-7-2009

Tutto è ready, the Regional Council of Tuscany welcome Monday, July 6 Shirin Ebadi, Nobel Pace.L 'appointment is in the Accademia delle Belle Arti, in Via Ricasoli, 66 to 16. At the invitation of the President of the Regional Council, Riccardo Nencini, the Iranian woman awarded the Nobel in 2003, will give a keynote on "A Life for the culture of human rights." It will be welcomed by the community of Florence and the Iranian political and institutional. The meeting is organized in cooperation with associations of Iranian students and Iranians residing in Italy in Florence. "His commitment to the defense of human rights and democracy - ha dichiarato il presidente Nencini – deve essere un esempio, oggi più che mai, da seguire". "L’occasione di avere Shirin Ebadi a Firenze, non è solo simbolica, ma è anche di grande significato politico − ha aggiunto il consigliere regionale Severino Saccardi −. L’appoggio del Consiglio regionale alla campagna sostenuta dal Premio Nobel è un segnale di forte attenzione sui diritti umani, delle libertà, della democrazia e in particolare ai diritti degli ultimi, delle donne e dei bambini, cui Shirin Ebadi si è da sempre dedicata con tenacia e inimitabile coraggio".Shirin Ebadi è una delle personalità-simbolo dell’impegno per la difesa dei diritti umani. Come avvocato, si è dedicata especially in the defense of weaker and vulnerable members of society. His is a life spent on the side of them and, in particular, women and children oppressed by discriminatory laws and cultural perceptions that confine them in a perpetual state of minority. She is the author of numerous writings, recently published "The golden cage," published in Italy by Rizzoli, a book that traces the upheavals in Iranian society since the fall of the Shah's power until the rise of the regional council is Ahmadinejad.Il committed since the first days after the presidential elections in Iran, alongside the democratic forces who report fraud. In the meeting of July 1, the assembly Tuscan unanimously approved a motion asking the Italian government not to recognize recognize the presidency of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, until all doubts about the legitimacy of the election results are not loose, or new elections are held, did not cease the repression, not restore a climate of dialogue and respect for the law. (

Shirin Ebadi, the eleventh woman to win the Nobel Prize for Peace (December 11, 2003, ed) but the first Iranian woman and first Muslim woman to obtain significant recognition, will be in Florence Monday, July 6, hosted by the Council Regional Toscana.Su invitation of President Riccardo Nencini, Ebadi will be welcomed by communities of Florence and the Iranian political figures and institutions for a meeting on "A Life for the culture of rights". "His commitment to human rights and in favor democracy - the president anticipates Nencini - should be an example, today more than ever, to follow. " post of 07/22/2008

Iran: demonstration of women and collection of signatures in via Cavour Florence-A theater in Via Cavour, in front Panciatichi Palace in support of Iranian women, the collection of signatures for road, the reception in the Hall of the Banner from a representative of the Regional Council of Tuscany, and then the greeting in the House was held in the Regional Council as the day of the "Hidden Theatre - Hidden Theatre", engaged in a campaign raise awareness of equal rights for women in Iran and in the campaign "One million signatures to change discriminatory laws, signed by the Nobel Prize for Peace 2003, Shirin Ebadi.All 'entry Panciatichi Palace, the theater performances reportage: six women dressed in black represent the status of women in Iran. "No laws against women", "No to unjust laws," "Freedom for all women," they shout in their language, what to do, then ask for the signatures of those present, to those of the first regional councilors. Here is a representative of the Regional Council of Tuscany, made by Severino Saccardi, Amber Giorgi, Stefania Fuscagni, Enzo Brogi, Fabiana Angiolini to the Commission for Culture and the secretary of the Bureau quaestor, Bruna Giovannini, has received the participants in the action play in the Hall of the Banner. "It's very important that the Regional Council posters open support for the campaign supported by Shirin Ebadi - has said, turning to them, Severino Saccardi -. Iran is spoken almost exclusively in relation to the burning issue of nuclear power and even the unlikely hypothesis of intervention outside military. But it is necessary to draw attention to the issue of human rights and freedoms for which a significant part of that society is being courageous commitment, despite the harsh repressive policy of the theocratic regime in Tehran. In the sixtieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of 1948 - close Saccardi - the widespread commitment to the universal implementation of human rights is confirmed very topical and compelling. "" In Iran there is a deep fear: women are afraid to express themselves of being spied on, to be controlled, "said Annet Henneman, on behalf of the Theatre of Nascosto.Durante the session of the Regional Council, was Vice-President Alexander Starnini ad accogliere e salutare le donne della compagnia teatrale. Starnini ha ricordato la campagna sostenuta anche dal premio Nobel, Shirin Ebadi, e confermato il sostegno del Consiglio regionale della Toscana. Nella sede del Consiglio, saranno da oggi disponibili i moduli per la raccolta delle firme. Questa azione del Teatro di Nascosto accompagna lo spettacolo "Imraa, Jin, Xanman, donne…", in cartellone al Festival del teatro di Volterra, sabato 26 luglio, alle 16. (


"Intervenga anche sul caso della giornalista Narges Mohammadi e di suo marito".

I senatori del Pd Pietro Marcenaro, presidente della commissione per i diritti umani, Francesca Marinaro, capogruppo nella commissione Politiche dell'Ue, Massimo Livi Bacci e Marco Perduca (Radicali) hanno presentato un'interrogazione urgente rivolta al ministro degli Esteri Franco Frattini, per chiedere quali iniziative siano state disposte dal ministero per affrontare la situazione in Iran e, soprattutto, se il ministro non "voglia impegnarsi attivamente affinché le Nazioni Unite siano coinvolte in questo delicato momento".
"Dopo i fatti del 15 giugno - scrivono i senatori del Pd - giorno in cui in Iran i è svolta una manifestazione pacifica a sostengo dell'ex candidato alle presidenziali Mir Mir Hossein Mussavi nel corso della quale sono stati uccisi molti manifestanti, mobilitazioni di massa are announced over the next few hours.
The Iranians are demonstrating for days in a huge movement of peaceful protest against the disputed election result, while the world is growing support for these initiatives.
why we want to know how the Minister Frattini is moving to address a situation that raises more than one reason for concern. "
Senator Pietro Marcenaro has also tabled a question on the case of Iranian journalist Narges Mohammadi, waiting in Italy 2 to 7 July with her husband thag Ramahani, both activists of civil standing, to receive the Alexander Langer Prize in 2009.
"In recent days, the Iranian regime - said Marcenaro - without any official reason, suspended the passport of Narges Mohammadi and proceeded to the arrest of her husband Taghi Rahamani. So I ask if Frattini not wish to convey with regard to the Iranian authorities, by means of the Italian Ambassador in Tehran, the most strong protest against this limitation of personal freedom of the two civil activists. "
Rome, June 17, 2009 Ilaria Di Bella-Pd Senatotel Group Press Office: 06.6706.5653 - 329/4345628 ilaria.dibella @
Shirin Ebadi, president of the Defenders of Human Rights (which Narges Mohammadi is vice-president and spokesperson) issued a statement to Radio Free Europe: the aurora indicano nuove elezioni, rilasciare tutti i fermati

Le autorità iraniane dovrebbero indire nuove elezioni presidenziali, con la presenza di osservatori internazionali, e rilasciare tutte le persone arrestate nel corso dei disordini scoppiati dopo l'esito del voto: lo ha dichiarato il premio Nobel per la pace Shirin Ebadi, intervistata dall'emittente Radio Free Europe. "Il popolo iraniano ha espresso dei dubbi sull'esito delle elezioni e milioni di persone sono scese in strada per manifestare in modo estremamente pacifico: la risposta alle loro richieste è stata violenta, abbiamo contato numerosi morti e feriti", ha dichiarato Ebadi, che ha chiesto alle autorità il rilascio immediato e senza condizioni di tutti i fermati. Secondo Ebadi nella situazione attuale un riconteggio dei voti sarebbe inutile: "Occorre indire nuove elezioni, questa volta sotto la sorveglianza delle organizzazioni internazionali in modo da far sì che tutti i partecipanti accettino l'esito del voto come espressione dell'effettiva volontà popolare". Il Premio Nobel per la pace ha espresso l'auspicio che "la razionalità abbia la meglio e le richieste del popolo sino ascoltate", sottolineando tuttavia la necessità che le dimostrazioni rimangano pacifiche. (Apcom 17 giugno)
Solidarieta' con la lotta democratica del popolo iraniano
mozione approvata dal Consiglio Regionale della Toscana su iniziativa del consigliere Severino Saccardi
il 6 luglio a Firenze Shirin Ebadi ha invited to take similar initiatives by regional councils and local authorities
The Regional Council of Tuscany expresses profound concern and deep concern for what is happening in Iran, where, after the holding of presidential elections, which saw a massive turnout , followed by the unilateral proclamation of the achievement of victory by the former President Ahmadinejad and the consequent challenge to the result, not considered credible and flawed by serious irregularities, the opposition and a broad and determined movement of public opinion , have been gaining serious tensions and went creating a climate of severe instability, considers unacceptable and utterly condemn the use of violence against demonstrators, including more times, in ways sometimes raw and brutal, have used both the regular troops of the paramilitary police are so-called "Basij" condemns in particular the killing of men and women helpless (the movies that come in Iran, albeit in a moment of unacceptable darkening of journalism, documenting conclusively) and the arrest and detention of demonstrators and expresses deep sympathy for those convinced that Iran is committed to respect for legality, transparency of the public realm, for democracy and human rights, in full consistency with the positions times and voted unanimously expressed by 'House Council Chamber reiterates its full support and support for the Iranian community in Florence and Tuscany, and in particular young people and students who are engaging in exemplary work actively to inform the public about what the their country is taking place and to support the battle for freedom of their fellow countrymen at home takes a consistent commitment to close and effective solidarity with the families of the victims, and pledged to take steps to study and develop concrete forms of support for their demands for character human and ethical and their need for material order, the Regional Council undertakes to engage in all possible areas and forms, nel sostenere la lotta per il rispetto dei diritti umani dei democratici e del popolo iraniano e a mettere in atto forme concrete di sostegno e di solidarietà con la società civile di quel Paese e con la comunità iraniana di Firenze e della Toscana chiede al Governo nazionale di non riconoscere la presidenza di Mahmoud Ahmadinejad finché non siano sciolti i dubbi sulla legittimità del risultato elettorale, o non si siano svolte nuove elezioni (come richiesto dal candidato Moussavi e dall’opposizione democratica), non sia cessata la repressione,non sia ristabilito un clima di dialogo e di rispetto della legalità auspica che l’Unione Europea e la Comunità internazionale, pur nel mantenimento della disponibilità al dialogo e comparison with the Islamic Republic of Iran, stop taking the exacting demands of the restoration of a climate of serenity that only the release of the detainees, an end to repression and the opening of a real confrontation with the opposition may maintain that great and troubled country.

Presenters: Severino Saccardi - Lucia Franchini, Enzo Brogi-Rosanna Pugnalini - Daniel Bell-Bruna Giovannini Alessandro Mario Petraglia-Wolves - Monica Minions - Paul Marini - Alessandro Antichi - Marco Montemagno - Pieraldo Ciucci - Roberto Benedetti - Marco Carrara

Leather Bracelets For Leather Burning


Iran, the general strike, demonstrations, sanctions, peace embassy

Milan, July 2, 2009

Manifest, come on, even in Italy, and signed the appeal to not only leave the Green Wave ...
(The message is left on the membership URL: )

Rebellion Iran does not stop. The "coup" clerical-fascist has not yet closed the game. The Guardian Council has validated (and certainly fraudulent dubbissima) victory of Ahmadinejad, but the challenger Mousavi, now perhaps despite himself leader of a democratic context, does not recognize the legitimacy of its government.
Mousavi requests to "reestablish the course of law" to end the militarization of society, to revise the electoral laws, honor the art. 27 of the Constitution (freedom of association) and the freedom of the media, re-enable the Web sites censored.
I think, with all the limitations of those who look at things from a distance and without an adequate depth of knowledge, that the "final weapon" against the regime, in the further degeneration of militarism, might be in order: 1
- deserting the mosques on Fridays (but associated with, for who wants to alternative forms of prayer: the initiative should not be presented as an attack on religion as such, but one challenge to the "Supreme Leader");
2 - strike general
3 - The fiscal disobedience.
The strike seems to have been declared for five days from July 8 (See article "Republic"). We also discuss a major demonstration of Tehran and parades throughout the country.
The occupation continues and massive squares works only in the presence of contradicting the repressive apparatus: see East Germany (I lived experience that directly). Otherwise, this mode offers an easy right to the use of deadly physical force, the soil in which the authoritarian power is better equipped and more successful, hand the destructive technology progresses. Divisions within the Iranian power system are in progress. It seems to me that Khameini has allied with Ahmadinejad to eliminate the "Jaws" Rafsanjani, who chairs the body ("Assembly of Experts) which theoretically can lay the" Supreme Guide. "But who of the two (between Khameini and Ahmadinejad) is now the" majority shareholder "
... At the party for the victory of Ahmadinejad have been presented only 105 out of 290 deputies in the Iranian Parliament. The first of the absent: the speaker of parliament, Larijani. The most esteemed religious figure, the Ajatollah Montazeri (which would have happened to Khomeini), brought the national mourning in tribute to victims violence, and he said, pointing to the authorities: " back to reason and not divert the people by the state and Islamic religion. Certainly your conduct does not benefit Islam and stain our religion. Saranno tante le persone che, osservando il vostro operato, sotto il nome dell'Islam, si allontaneranno dalla religione. Riflettete prima che sia troppo tardi ”. Ma anche molti altri grandi Ajatollah si sono pronunciati contro Ahmadinejad. Lo "strappo" da lui compito all'interno dell'establishment islamico è sicuramente lacerante. Se non gli si dà l'occasione per fare piazza pulita manu militari, contraddizioni interne, in ebollizione, potrebbero esplodere anche tra i gradi alti ed i gradi medi dei Basji...

Alfonso Navarra - obiettore alle spese militari e nucleari Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 8:19 PM

Subject: Iran - sanzioni o nuovi strumenti

Anche l'esperienza dell'Iraq conferma che le "sanzioni" statali sono pagate pesantemente dai popoli, specie nei settori più deboli, ed incidono poco sui regimi oppressivi, anzi li rafforzano ed incarogniscono. L'offerta di "dialogo" (es. la "mano tesa" di Obama dal Cairo) fa invece esplodere le loro contraddizioni interne. Ed occorre inventarsi NUOVI STRUMENTI DI INTERVENTO, basati sul principio della creazione di ponti tra le diverse società civili. Le "ambasciate di pace" rientrano tra essi. Da questo punto di vista è importantissimo che si attivino e potenzino network internazionali delle donne. La domanda però resta, per tutti i dubbiosi e le dubbiose, che temono di portare acqua al mulino dell'America, o addirittura di picconare il "fronte anti-imperialista": analysis is fine, but now mobilize against women massacred not? For me there is also an element of "selfish" I know very well that the events may well be the first Iranian nuclear limited war of humanity. So when I go to sit-in students and students of Iran I do not wear only my support, I'm also fighting directly for myself ... Alfonso Navarro - objector to military spending and nuclear PS-remember that it is a mistake to identify the American lobby of "sustainable development" with the Military Industrial Complex ... There are, to the world, social realities monolithically uniform. Even Iran is, let alone the U.S.! Precisely this assumption is based on the theoretical feasibility of a non-violent strategy, but also - in fact - kind of a Marxist revolutionary. There is a famous saying of Mao, made from Confucius: "The one divides into two" ...

Friday, June 26, 2009 14:45

I participated in the sit in front of the Peruvian consulate in Milan - a journalist - I am preparing a piece engaged on the side of the indigenous struggle defending an environmental heritage of humanity. Being against the bullets that kill young Iranians - and the Peruvian Indians - called also to protest against the bombs that massacre civilians, Afghan ... Ordinary people, those who want to work and live in peace, with social and human rights guaranteed, it is now "cannon fodder" worldwide and the torturers various hoisting flags and wearing different uniforms. The international release of all oppressed them, the system that gives them power, and ensure a future for the human species.

Alfonso Navarra