Tuesday, December 21, 2010
I Broke A Tanning Bed
Monday, December 13, 2010
What Happens To The Brain During A Concussions
ancient Turris Libisonis the Roman bridge that crosses the Rio Mannu since the days of Augustus and Tiberius had really seen all the colors. 135 meters long and seven arches resting on decreasing the town hall was built to connect the port of Karales important colony of the north Sardinia, following roughly the route of today's state Carlo Felice. Despite the passing of millennia, the indifference of those who proudly held up until a few years ago, after the original base covered with asphalt in Thrace, even used it as a passage for heavy goods vehicles direct to the industrial area of \u200b\u200bFiume Santo.
Now, thanks to a project in 2009 funded in part with funds from the municipality and partly by EU money, is slowly returning to the splendor of the ancient architects wanted. But very few road signs indicating where it is, you almost wanted to hide such a rare beauty in the world. And if one side is completely covered from view by a modern bridge Vespucci (already restored I wonder how many times), looking south-east can not help but to frame the skyline nell'inquietante petrochemical plant: a succession of tanks and smokestacks sobering.
The Roman bridge, then, was a bit 'a symbol of neglect of which are still victims of the archaeological treasures of the area. Why Porto Torres, known to holidaymakers as a docking only to reach the various tourist resorts of Sardinia, is potentially a cultural attraction. The best evidence can take a look at what could become an enviable archaeological park. The impression, however, is that everything is still to be done. Well, almost. Divided into two parts (a public domain of competence and one local jurisdiction) that part of the urban shipbuilding emerged from the ruins of the old Turris is not actually visited seven years.
Dirt, grass, mechanical abandoned warehouses and building materials affect the eye as much as the thermal power plants known as "the palace of King Barbaro" or roads that run along the sides of which there were tabernae, ie shops and craft shops. Finished? Not at all. Basically, humanity is also the hidden criptoportico. And yet the frigidarium with two vats of cold water baths. Not to mention one of the "pieces" the most valuable of all the archaeological area, the stunning mosaic of Orpheus, discovered and almost immediately covered with earth for lack of funds.
"However - Boninu says Antoinette, director of the Archaeological Superintendence - a project already underway includes the physical protection of its mosaics, while other projects are planned again for the restoration of mosaics and frescoes. A decisive step forward. "I am convinced that a good synergy between the City Superintendent and might produce great results," said the expert. In the meantime the four young actors of the cooperative cultural services "Ibis", used in the archaeological area with my arms crossed waiting for someone to knock at the entrance. "In reality - explains Giancarlo Pinna, passionate about archeology and the chairman of Turris Bisleonis "- the guides could take tourists to see the Antiquarian, a small museum full of stunning pieces. But the curious when they discover that the archaeological site is prohibited turn heel and go away." Very true .... continue on
Friday, December 3, 2010
Nicole Kidman Clamidia
What a beautiful castle! |
Lately I've noticed that on "Leonardo" the Tg of the sciences, you are talking more often of Sardinia. This
can only make me happy, whether we speak of pelicans "guests" on Molentargius, which Nuraghi.
fact in this last service (which aired a few minutes ago) was discussed on the unique capabilities of nuragici as architects.
All right I thought. There was some discussion of the "usual theories" but at least for half a minute a little bit of Italy has seen and heard of Nuraghes. It was always like this! A cabonu mannu! *
However, the only thing that really struck me in the speech is the interpretation of nuragica company that has been given (in addition to date proposed for the same; 1800 BC - 400 BC!). Since
nuraghi castles, being so widely ... broadcast across society was essentially feudal nuragica!
Bingo! This
blasphemy shot so light, it is rather a matter of a monstrous complexity, not at all easy to solve.
Where's the problem? Everything is based on the function of the Nuraghe. The Nuraghe is a castle. The nuragici were the feudal lords. Simple!
The game does not work that way. Sorry.
We do not know the function of nuragheses, therefore any argument based on purpose (again unknown) of these structures, it is very risky. The interpretation
nuragica structures of society is too backward to be able to respond even remotely indicative.
The Nuraghe is a temple, all nuragici were a people of Lotus Eaters lobotomized.
The Nuraghe is a castle, Nuraghic was a multitude of mini small states with thousands and thousands of warlike king who spent their time on killing each other (as they did then but to have time to build nuragheses?).
The Nuraghe is a silo, the nuragici spent their time cultivating the grain or to pack their belongings into these banks megalithic. Many small b erluschini!
The Nuraghe is a symbol, the nuragici had nothing to do all day and kill the boredom by pulling on towers of thousands of tons.
And so on! It is therefore
obvious that an interpretation closer to the truth will only be achieved:
-digging these blessed nuragheses (many though!)
-doing any excavation in any analysis of the case (palynological examination, paleofaunistico, osteological, stratigraphy, carbon analysis, ms mass ... etc!)
-wage to at least one archaeologist common to have an official census, the total and definitive than are these structures!
-study findings, facilities, accepting this much-vaunted multi-disciplinary (Archaeoastronomy, ethnography, archeometallurgia, et cetera!) And not to go ahead with blinders on and head down.
And so on!
for now the proposed hypotheses are bunkum meditate on the table in front of a good roast procceddu.
chatting in the wind!
and that's it ...
people Meditate, meditate!
maybe *!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
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"The Republic, in August 1615, traffic rose by public edict on the ground alli Archduke subjects, so defiant of the Albanians armanizze, harass them fishermen Trieste, inseguitandoli almost in the city, and removing the most remote parts of the territory, robbed at their pleasure. Do not miss Venice soldiers piling up in Istria, akin to undo the salt de 'Zaulis in Trieste, with a design to ruin even the jurisdiction of saint Servolo. Since the 8th of October, John Corey, a good number of people attacked and looted Potgoria Venetian, village subject to that court, which being the most illustrious patron lord, then Baron Petaz Welcome, then honored with the title of count, because the process, announces cut them with predators.
Benedict Lezze, the Venetian, persuaded by Corelli, some days after he sent two infantry insignia to holy Servolo to plunder the neighboring houses. Warned that the Baron Petaz, sent there before dawn, from Trieste, two hundred and fifty musketeers, who follows who met with them Ospo Veneto, s' fierce assault attacked, who died in a German, and another is injured. Of the Venetian killed six, injured four.
Andava il barone Petaz da Trieste per soccorrere Cernicale, ed incontratosi con li soldati che ritornavano, quaranta di questi con il medesimo si congiunsero. Il giorno seguente a mezzodì fu dalla sentinella scoperto il veneto, che con tre bandiere di fanteria e quattro cavalli se ne venivano alla volta di Cernicale, tra quale era il Lezze provveditore veneto, che con tutta quella gente trascorse nello stato arciducale più di mezzo miglia con le insegne spiegate. Per reprimere tanta audacia, ordinò il barone Petaz, sbarare due spingardoni che in Cernicale erano, dal che atterrito il provveditore veneto, ritornò."
da "storia cronografica di Trieste dalla sua origine until the year 1695 "by Vincenzo Scussa.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
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Sassari. The Commission's complaint
communal culture: the site is abandoned
The shame of Monte Accoddi
This is the medical record of the archaeological system of Sassari, Palazzo Ducale drawn yesterday by the Culture Committee, chaired by Michele Pinna. Two hundred sites throughout the municipality and largely abandoned themselves.
The situation was described to the committee by the town of Sassari, Francesco Ledda. The first worrying as the site of Monte Accoddi.
"Within a few years the number of visitors to the altar of Monte d'Accoddi was reduced by seventy percent. Before there were 16 thousand admissions a year, now it barely reaches to 5000, "Leddy said.
"The reasons are the lack of publicity enjoyed by the archaeological monument. On the 131 road signs are almost invisible, while on Camionale, where he moved a huge amount of traffic, the signs are missing altogether. "
In this way the site on which stands the altar of prehistoric for which the Foundation has requested UNESCO Antonio Segni inclusion among the assets recognized as a world heritage site, remains completely anonymous to the throngs of tourists who spend their summer holidays in northern Sardinia. But the real
painful notes come from the immense archaeological map of the area of \u200b\u200bSassari. They range from
nuraghe Li Luzzani and Giagamanna, archaeological enclaves in the industrial area of \u200b\u200bPredda Niedda (the first is abandoned and covered with Mediterranean vegetation, the second has never been excavated and is crumbling), the Domus de Janas Li points, the tombs of the giants of Molafà, these abandoned to their fate, until the remains of the ancient Roman sourced Turris Libyssonis: esistono chilometri di tracce che rischiano di crollare (per esempio a Tana di lu mazzoni), sparse per le campagne attorno a Sassari, fino a Porto Torres.
«È necessaria una importante campagna di scavi per salvaguardare queste testimonianze storiche» ha chiuso Michele Pinna, «ma Sassari siamo abituati a un modello culturale dell'effimero, manca una coscienza culturale dell'identità». E gli stanziamenti nei bilanci pubblici sono sempre più esigui. ( v. g. )"
Dall'unione Sarda del 15/11/2009
Pensate che a distanza di UN ANNO possa esser cambiato qualcosa?
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
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Saturday, October 16, 2010
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Going for fields with a metal detector looking for coins, a treasure hunter English has an exceptional archaeological discovery: a Roman cavalry helmet, full face mask. The hat represents the face of a solemn-eyed young man, dating back some 2,000 years ago. According to experts, was a ceremonial object, to be worn on parade as suggested Arrian of Nicomedia in a military treaty of Emperor Hadrian, not a protection for soldiers in combat. The discovery has been taken in the village of Crosby Garrett in Cumbria . The young treasure hunter, identified only as a man of about twenty, had for years pursued valuables through metal detectors to the countryside near his farm in North East England . However, so far had found more than a few coins. So you can imagine his surprise when in May, face down in the mud, he spotted the extraordinary bronze helmet: initially thought that it was an ornament of the Victorian age.
If the discovery had been made in Italy the helmet would almost certainly end in a museum . Not so in Britain where the ancient bronze objects are not covered by Treasure Act, a law del 1996 secondo cui solo artefatti vecchi di oltre 300 anni e composti per almeno il 10 per cento in oro o argento devono essere sottoposti a un'inchiesta governativa che ne può condizionare la vendita. Diverso è il caso di un oggetto di bronzo che può così finire sul libero mercato, un fatto che non ha mancato di suscitare polemiche: i proventi saranno divisi a metà tra scopritore e proprietario del campo . E' stato così che l'elmo è finito in mano a Christiés che gli ha dato una stima di 300 mila sterline: poco secondo esperti citati dal Guardian secondo cui il prezioso manufatto potrebbe arrivare a superare il mezzo milione . Tullie House, un museo di Carlisle in Cumbria che ha una importante collection of Roman antiquities, desperately wants to buy a helmet with the blessing of the British Museum. It will be inevitable as a poke in the battle on October 7 when the enigmatic face of bronze curls covered with a Phrygian cap finished at the tip of a griffin will be sold to the highest bidder. Originally the area was so cans must shine like silver griffin and the hat and golden hair was probably: "It 's an extraordinary example of Roman metallurgy at its peak," said Christie's. So far only two have been discovered ceremonial helmets-mask like this: one day in 1796 at the British Museum, the other in 1905 and now at the Museum of Antiquities Edinburgh.
Source: ANSA
Sunday, October 10, 2010
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For a book on the table Esterzili
and tribal disputes in ancient Sardinia
Fernando Pilia
In March 1866 the farmer esterzilese Luigi Puddu,
nicknamed "Pibìnca "while plowing a small field in town has run Munzu Franciscu in the area of \u200b\u200bcourts' and Luccetta, which formerly belonged to the heirs of Pietrino Serra now in possession of Ermenegildo Loi), noticed at once that the iron ploughshare Its rustic and traditional wooden plow had hit something hard and it was locked. Concerned about the curious and unexpected obstacle for the incident, away from the groove oxen yoked, he began to dig with the hoe and brought into the open a slab of carved bronze, in excellent condition, 60 cm long, 45 cm high., 5 mm thick. and weighing about 20 kg, consisting of metal very compact, high-quality, shaped on all sides. The unsuspecting
discoverer of this important historical document, being illiterate, like most of the inhabitants of Esterzili of the time, took the bronze tablet in the country and wanted to show the parish priest Canon John Cardia, with whom he had good relations and also owe a debt of a few shields that the priest had lent him. Tiu Pibinca accepted the two silver shields, corresponding to the discrete sum of ten pounds, a little capital in time of misery and recession, and the pastor gave the bronze tablet. The Canon Cardia, who had a certain culture and was able to assess the merit of the discovery, he made contact with the eminent archaeologist canon and Senator John Spano who then ordered the epigraphic plate, carefully examined it, studied it with interest and advertising, eventually selling it to the National Museum of Sassari, where the so-called table Esterzili is still exposed in plain sight. The inscription, engraved in capital characters in twenty seven lines, expresses the following content:
day of March 18 during the consulate of Otho Caesar Augustus. Retrieved compliant, transcribed and collated from what is contained in Table 5, sections 8, 9 and the original document of the proconsul L. Elvio Agrippa and published by Gn. Egnazio Fusco, chancellor of the Commissioner. On the 13th of March the pro consul Lucius Elvio Agrippa, after hearing the parties, made public this sentence: "For the common good requires that we must take into account what is stated in the sentence because of
Patulcensi and since Marco Giovenzano Rissa, a man of great authority, prosecutor of the emperor, many times ordered that the boundaries of the territory of Patulcensi should be kept as they were set in the bronze tablet of Marco Metellus, believing that he was willing to condemn Galillensi , which in molte circostanze avevano procurato il disordine con risse e atti arroganti e non avevano ubbidito al suo decreto, ma che tuttavia, in ossequio alla benignità dell'imperatore Ottimo Massimo, era ancora disposto ad avvertirli con un'altra ordinanza in maniera che stessero calmi rispettando questa giusta sentenza e prima dell'arrivo del mese di ottobre sgombrassero i territori dei Patulcensi rispettandone il libero possesso; che se intendessero con ostinata caparbietà continuare la provocazione opponendosi agli ordini, egli stesso era pronto a punire tutti coloro che intendessero provocare disordini; dopo che i Galillensi per la medesima causa si erano rivolti a Cecilio Semplice, uomo illustre, affermando che dai documenti dell'archivio imperiale erano disposti ad esibire un'altra tavola con gli atti di questa causa; dopo che egli avéva fatto sapere che la buona volontà lo spingeva ancora a dare ulteriore proroga per la presentazione delle prove e per questo aveva loro concesso altri tre mesi fino ai primi di dicembre, trascorsi i quali, se la carta non gli fosse pervenuta, egli si sarebbe attenuto a quanto contenuto nella mappa presente in provincia, anch'io, adito dai Galillensi che affermavano che la copia non era ancora pervenuta, ho concesso loro tempo fino al primo di febbraio, rendendomi conto che a questi proprietari avrebbe fatto comodo un'altra proroga, ordino che i Galillensi, entro il primo giorno d'aprile, si ritirino dai territori dei Patulcensi Campani che hanno occupato di prepotenza senza averne no rights. If they are not willing to obey this decree, will be sentenced to know that many times it has been their approach to the excessive delay. Following
authentication Pompey Fierce, L. Aurelio Gallo, M. Bloss Nepos, C. Gordo Felice, L. Vigellio Crispino, C. Valerio Fausto, M. Lutazio Sabino, L. Cocceio Genius, L. Plotius True, D. Veturius Felice and L. Valerio peplum. (...) (...)
emphasize that this very important historical document, much to affect the administrative, legal, linguistic, geographical and epigraphic, is one of the few written documents submitted to us that shows us with plenty of data and the special situation of the Sarde in epoca imperiale romana, comfermando, tra l'altro, per la prima volta, la presenza di Otone sul trono di Roma. Infatti la data del 18 marzo (dell'anno 69 dopo Cristo) si riferisce ad un mese e due giorni anteriori alla morte per suicidio dell'imperatore tiranno dopo la sconfitta di Bedriaco presso Cremona. Inoltre la tavola di bronzo trovata nell'agro di Esterzili illumina le vicende di un periodo di lotte feroci e sanguinose fra le tribù dell'interno dell'isola, rivela in pratica uno stato permanente di guerriglia, di sconfinamenti e di razzie, spiega la funzione dei governatori romani e fornisce altresì interessanti particolari burocratici e linguistici.
Mi pare che ci indirizzi nell'individuazione della sede dei Galillenses che, In my opinion, it was on the plateau of Orborèdu on the plain at the foot of the mountain of Santa Vittoria, where you can still see the ruins of the Roman, the locals call Idda de Cea (ie the plateau of the villa or Roman oppidum), the valley flat up area rich in archaeological remains that attest to the importance and suggest this location as the site of the turbulent tribes Galillensi, always in agitation against the people of the plains and hills and valleys of Flumineddu Flumendosa
and fertile lands of the rich area of \u200b\u200bCampidani.
The attitude of the shepherds of the mountain poor of resources against the people of the fertile and rich lands of the south-east of the island's earliest origins and still preserves the tradition of nuisance and trespass related to the practice abigeataria. Besides, even during the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries, according to experienced pastors of this area in the parish books that have collected the chronicles of the community of our villages, the inhabitants of the area near the place where was found the famous table Bronze had maintained the same restless nature of violent invading neighboring areas. In fact, in the year 1358 the village of Lessee (now disappeared in the countryside Ulassai) paid for the rights of the feudal barons of the receivers or Incontrada Barbagia in Seoul, who had led an invasion of pastors esterzilesi per occupare il territorio al di là del rio Flumineddu. Inoltre, come si legge nel "libro de todas las gracias", risalente agli ultimi scorci del dominio catalano-aragonese, nel maggio del 1580 i capi delle comunità dei villaggi dell'Ogliastra, riuniti in parlamento a Tortolì, chiesero l'intervento del conte di Quirra per riavere i salti di Paùli usurpati alla comunità di Ulàssai dai pastori-predoni di Esterzili in azioni violente. E questi episodi si ripeterono sino alla fine del secolo scorso provocando scontri, liti furiose, contese violente, spargimento di sangue e molte vittime Mi pare che non si debba cercare d'individuare altrove la sede dei Galillensi, ma, alla luce di queste considerazioni, ci si debba soffermare proprio in this barbaric, among Ogliastra, the Gerrei and Trexenta. In the great national exhibition of 1961 in Turin, Italy, Italian culture for the exaltation of the centenary of the unit, representing the best of the cultural heritage of Sardinia, was also exposed the bronze tablet of courts' and Lucetta, an important document that sheds light about our events apart.
from "Mastino A. Proceedings 1993"
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
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footsteps of Sisera, the leader of the terror of the Israelites Shardana
New Sardinia - June 27, 2010 page 39 section: National Bring
within the confines odierni di Israele le tracce dei guerrieri Shardana, il popolo del mare strettamente legato ai sardi dell’antichità. Una tesi per molti versi già nota, che li vede protagonisti di episodi storici rilevanti in quello che allora - parliamo di oltre tremila anni fa - era l’estremo oriente, e confortata da numerosi studi. Una tesi che ora sembra prendere ulteriore forza con il lavoro di un archeologo israeliano, Adam Zertal dell’università di Haifa, autore di un libro su un mitico condottiero dell’epoca, Sisra in ebraico, intitolato «Il segreto di Sisara», appena pubblicato. Ma qual era il segreto di questo oppressore dei figli di Israele citato anche nella Bibbia? Secondo lo studioso, Sisara era il capo degli antichi Shardana, meeting an army in the employ of Labin Canaanite king, who could count on no less than 900 wagons, with whom he held in check a vast territory that came from the hills of Caramel to the lake of Galilee. A general whose dominance ended with a military defeat at Megiddo, the hand of the leader of the Israelite prophetess Deborah and Barak. It is always the Bible tells us that that day Sisera was betrayed and killed by a woman, Jael, who considered her friend. Now, to shed light on this mysterious character, tremiladuecento years later, comes the publication of Adam Zertal, the result of twenty years of excavations and research in one of the most enigmatic archaeological sites in Israel: the ruins of El-Ahwat, on a hill dominating the Via Maris, the artery at the time of the Pharaohs already led from the Mediterranean coast to the plain of Megiddo (the Armageddon of the apocalyptic prophecies) and to the Galilee. From the integrated study of archaeological finds of Egyptian hieroglyphs, various documents and the biblical text, Zertal, ANSA in an interview yesterday, suggests that El-Ahwat nuragica was a fortress - the largest in the area, its time - built by Shardana: precisely the people of navigators and warriors who came from Sardinia. They were enemies of the Egyptians, who presented them with a helmet on which stands two horns. But then, after they were defeated and subdued, agreed to become servants e presidiare per loro conto località strategiche. Diventarono, in una parola, mercenari. Il nome Saisara, dice lo studioso israeliano, non è semitico ma anzi evoca radici shardana. A riprova di ciò, Zertal cita reperti nuragici di Creta che menzionano una figura religiosa chiamata Saisara. «Chi costruì El-Ahwat doveva essere un megalomane», dice Zertal, riferendosi alle peculiarità di questo sito di cui oggi restano solo rovine. Le sue mura erano spesse dai 5 ai 7 metri, la forma esterna ondulare, sconosciuta in quella regione. «Un’architettura del genere - dice l’archeologo - esisteva allora solo in Sardegna e in Corsica. Ne deduco che fu importata dai combattenti Shardana». È davvero così? Non resta che girare la domanda all’archeologo Giovanni Ugas, dell’Università di Cagliari, autore di numerosi studi e pubblicazioni sugli antichi Shardana (l’editrice Fabula dovrebbe pubblicare un suo libro sull’argomento il prossimo anno). Una testimonianza diretta, quella di Ugas, perché verificata proprio sul campo, negli scavi di El-Ahwat, dove nel corso degli ultimi quindici anni l’archeologo cagliaritano si è recato più volte con un gruppo di studenti universitari. «Conosco bene quel sito - dice Ugas - perché abbiamo lavorato fianco a fianco con Zertal negli scavi di El-Ahwat. Purtroppo, la difficile situazione politica di quei luoghi ci ha costretto, una decina d’anni fa, a sospendere la nostra field presence, particularly for the safety of students. With Zertal relations are still very narrow, then came in Sardinia several times. And I've recently published an essay on ancient Shardana in the book "In the Hill Country, and in the Shephelah and in the Arabah (Joshua 12: 8)", published in Jerusalem. " But you can say, as the Israeli archaeologist, that we are in the presence of a fortress nuragica miles and miles away from Sardinia? "The issue is quite complex. I think there are similarities - Ugas says - but it is quite common in that area of \u200b\u200bthe eastern Mediterranean, finding influences in architecture from from the western sector, and I refer especially to Sardinia and Corsica. And these influences have occurred owing to the movements of the peoples of the sea, among which are precisely the ancient Shardana. As for the origin of this people there are different schools of thought, I contend that for me came from Sardinia. And Sisera was really Sardinian-Shardana? "On this we agree among scholars. I was not sure. " - Paul Merliniinsights on Israeli website
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Sunday, March 14, 2010
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Barumini. The great
fortezza, il bastione impenetrabile, l'altissima torre di guardia.
La struttura si staglia imponente, gigantesca, sullo sfondo della Jara.
I nuraghi posti sul bordo della stessa svettano nettamente contro il cielo terso d'un mattino d'estate, mentre le cicale friniscono tra l'erba alta e le fronde semisecche.
Intanto la vita scorre lenta al villaggio, come ogni giorno. La calura eccezionale proibisce qualsiasi sforzo non necessario o spostamento inutile.
Solo qualche randagio si aggira, sfinito, per i vicoli del tortuoso complesso;
è quasi l'ora del pasto.
Non esce fumo dalle semplici case di pietra, oggi solo cibo freddo e ricco d'acqua, ortaggi perlopiù, per attenuare la sete ed il caldo torrido. On the prowl
bastion of armed figures, large shields, helmets horns mighty, gleaming swords.
Their gaze wanders to the borders of the canton. It is their defense of the "King" of the Nuraghe, both external and internal enemies.
A man wishing to gain access to the facility. It is recognized and is lowered a rope ladder, will replace the look of the watch tower. In the meantime
palace-fortress "to mere" administer justice, alliances, will decide the next moves to the detriment of neighboring cantons. War is the foundation of civilization nuragica. On his skills as a warrior, he founded his kingdom, his prestige, his power.
Two warriors chosen and ensure the confidence of proven his life, while in the inner room of the complex, the King ponders the future of his people.
And were it not so?
(more. ...)
(c) Alessandro Atzeni, All rights reserved
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Strongest Wood Per Pound
Archaeologist Paolo Bernardini reinterprets the story of the Bronze Age and Iron
The traces of Mycenaean and Phoenician myth over the island of Sardinia
Sabato 27 febbraio 2010
N ell'antichità la Sardegna fu al centro di traffici e culture che si diffondevano per il Mediterraneo. Il mare (che non era ancora "nostrum") non fu una barriera per gli indigeni isolani. Al contrario fu come un'autostrada che inevitabilmente finiva per portare le navi sulle coste sarde. Una tappa obbligata che ebbe la stessa importanza di Creta, Cipro, delle isole egee, delle città di Turchia, Libano, Africa settentrionale. Gli antichi sardi non avevano paura del mare, così come li descrive la vecchia storiografia che li vedeva contadini e pastori costretti a prendere le armi per difendere il loro territorio by warlike peoples of the sea. Indeed, they themselves were skilled sailors and traders who fought the coast of Tuscany, Lazio, Sicily to go to Egypt and Turkey. They were, in fact, real actors in this millennium age of the Copper and Bronze Age civilization led to the Iron Age. The era that saw the legends of Hercules, the Tespiei, Ulysses and the characters sung by Homer, was also the heroes in Sardinia. On this there is no doubt. The problem is to understand who they were those "Sardinian" who received cultures from the sea and moved to other civilizations and that their expertise - as they say today - techniques in the processing of precious metals.
recent excavations A satisfactory response, however rough and still incomplete, comes from archeology and the interpretations of scholars on the basis of news emerged from the excavations in recent decades. The result of this work and a new reading of the ancient history of Sardinia comes from Paolo Bernardini, with the book "The towers, metals, and the sea" edited by Carlo Delfino. Former director of the National Archaeological Museum of Cagliari, Sassari University researcher specializing in the Phoenician-Punic, collected in 250 pages of beautiful volume summary of twenty years of study. The cut, although scientific citations and the wealth of documentation, is meant to be especially popular in an attempt to clarify on a matter which spans the millennium and in the fifteenth century BC. Beyond the myth reinforced by the older historiography, reconstructs the image of the island from 1500 until the settlement of the Carthaginians. Explore, ie, phases and complex questions that have divided scholars to date on the presence of different civilizations that are facing in Sardinia and on the role of these Sardinians. Starting with the question: Who were the inhabitants of the nuraghi?
JOURNEY Paolo Bernardini imagine embarking on a ship of antiquity and to take a trip along the routes of the Mediterranean. "Age-old routes, guardians of monsters and marvels, places of pitfalls, dangers and meraviglie, ma alla fine veicoli straordinari di incontro e di scambio culturale, di una crescita che è sempre mutamento e trasformazione», scrive Bernardini: «Dietro gli antichi e suggestivi nomei della Sardegna vive il ricordo di una storia complessa e stratificata di esplorazioni, commerci e relazioni che la ricerca archeologica inizia appena a intravvedere e che ha unito in modo profondo le diverse sponde e acque del Mediterraneo».
Nel corso di lontane e intricate vicende l'isola è Icnussa, l'orma lasciata da un dio, il cui perimetro è esplorato dai curiosi e intraprendenti fenici e greci. L'isola è Sardò, il nome della moglie di Tirreno, capostipite favoloso degli etruschi. Ma anche la terra dei Sherden, quei popoli of the sea fought as mercenaries in Egypt but also against the same side of the pharaohs. And yet the island is the land of legendary silver veins, Sardinia "argyròphleps. latter name evokes scenes of the western Mediterranean early centuries of the Iron Age, when the Phoenicians and the Greeks are intensely engaged in research and trading of metals, particularly silver.
Mycenaeans Bernardini highlights the strong presence of Mycenae on the island, spread along the coast but also inland where Greek traders pushed along the rivers and trails of the plains. The main documents are represented by fragments of pottery that allow experts grazie all'analisi dei materiali, ai colori e allo stile, di rincondurre al luogo di provenienza. Così troviamo testimonianze a Cabras, nel golfo di Palmas, a Pula, Tertenia, Orosei e soprattutto a Sarroch dove lo scavo del nuraghe Antigori (alle spalle della Saras) ha restituito grande abbondanza di ceramica micenea. Ma anche a Monastir, Sanluri, Barumini e più all'intero a Orroli. «Tra il 1300 e il 1050 avanti Cristo lo spessore dei contatti con i naviganti di cultura micenea è molto chiaro» sostiene l'archeologo. I greci interagiscono vivacemente con le popolazioni locali. Lo studio di questi reperti rivela la profondità e l'estensione dei legami tra la Sardegna e il mondo orientale ellenico e, attraverso Cipro e Creta, i contatti with cultures of the present regions of Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, Libya and Tunisia. After the Mycenaeans came the Phoenicians. And the Etruscans in the Tyrrhenian Sea. And even after the Carthaginians. In the midst of the indigenous people who confront each other, interact, trade, united, are mixed. Surely they fought. Of course - explains Paolo Bernardini - is that these civilizations lived together in a mix of cultures, traditions, crafts and art, as reflected in stratigraphic investigations of archaeological sites and artifacts found in tombs. The story does not go forward in leaps and watertight compartments, but the times they happen continuously and civilizations come together.
Nuraghi "Although the origins of "società delle torri" sia ancora oggetto di accesi dibattiti, è ormai chiaro che il profilo socio-politico della Sardegna del XIV e del XIII secolo non ha niente da spartire con l'immagine convenzionale e artificiosa di comunità preistoriche prive di gerarchizzazione sociale e di controllo sui mezzi di produzione e destinate per questa loro natura di "buoni selvaggi" a divenire prede innocenti di evolute civiltà egee e orientali». Al contrario - è questo il convincimento di Bernardini - lo sviluppo delle grandi architetture e di una complessa esperienza tecnologica basata sulla lavorazione del bronzo parlano a favore di una società ben organizzata guidata da persone o gruppi leader che adottano sistemi di controllo del territorio, di gestione of resources and division of labor. Will this complexity and maturity of the local culture to attract the attention of the Eastern Aegean merchants.
Thus the island takes a considerable thickness in the Mycenaean sailing in the West, to Spain and the French coasts. At the same time ceramics produced by the inhabitants of the island nuragici circulating in stores Aegean, in Sicily, the Aeolian Islands, Crete and Cyprus. Sardinia becomes a vital crossroads between East and West of the circuit for the transmission and processing of metals, the main form of trade in those ages dawn of history.