Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What Kind Of Weave Hair Does Lauren London Use?

in 1615 before the cock crows ... the battle on the All

the historian Livy wrote more than 2000 years ago:

" As soon as they arrived to the screams of the Gauls ears of those closest to the side and further away from the shoulders, the Romans, even before seeing that the enemy never met before, and I do not say groped without struggle, but even without echo to the cry of battle, they fled to integrate forces and unharmed. In battle there were casualties. The men in the rear were the only ones with the worst because, in the confusion of escape, battling each other is hampering with each other. On the bank of the Tiber, where they had fled after getting rid of those left wing of the weapons, there was a great slaughter: so many, not knowing how to swim or tired, weighed down by armor and the rest of the armor, drowned in a stream. The main army was able to repair rather safe and sound at Veii. And there were not only sent reinforcements to Rome, but even a messenger with the news of the defeat. The men lined up the right wing, which was held away from the river at a point closer to the slopes of the mountain, they went en masse to Rome and there, without even bothering to close the doors, repaired to the citadel. "

Livy, Ab Urbe seasoned Books V, 38


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