Monday, November 15, 2010

Best Thing To Do For Toothaches

The abandonment of Monte Accoddi

Sassari. The Commission's complaint

communal culture: the site is abandoned

The shame of Monte Accoddi

"Sunday, November 15, 2009
N hurricane beset by industrial buildings, domus de Janas turned into landfills, the forgotten remains of Roman and prehistoric altar of Monte d'Accoddi, the most important megalithic complex of the Mediterranean, simply ignored by visitors because there are no tourist signs to report it.
This is the medical record of the archaeological system of Sassari, Palazzo Ducale drawn yesterday by the Culture Committee, chaired by Michele Pinna. Two hundred sites throughout the municipality and largely abandoned themselves.
The situation was described to the committee by the town of Sassari, Francesco Ledda. The first worrying as the site of Monte Accoddi.
"Within a few years the number of visitors to the altar of Monte d'Accoddi was reduced by seventy percent. Before there were 16 thousand admissions a year, now it barely reaches to 5000, "Leddy said.
"The reasons are the lack of publicity enjoyed by the archaeological monument. On the 131 road signs are almost invisible, while on Camionale, where he moved a huge amount of traffic, the signs are missing altogether. "
In this way the site on which stands the altar of prehistoric for which the Foundation has requested UNESCO Antonio Segni inclusion among the assets recognized as a world heritage site, remains completely anonymous to the throngs of tourists who spend their summer holidays in northern Sardinia. But the real
painful notes come from the immense archaeological map of the area of \u200b\u200bSassari. They range from
nuraghe Li Luzzani and Giagamanna, archaeological enclaves in the industrial area of \u200b\u200bPredda Niedda (the first is abandoned and covered with Mediterranean vegetation, the second has never been excavated and is crumbling), the Domus de Janas Li points, the tombs of the giants of Molafà, these abandoned to their fate, until the remains of the ancient Roman sourced Turris Libyssonis: esistono chilometri di tracce che rischiano di crollare (per esempio a Tana di lu mazzoni), sparse per le campagne attorno a Sassari, fino a Porto Torres.
«È necessaria una importante campagna di scavi per salvaguardare queste testimonianze storiche» ha chiuso Michele Pinna, «ma Sassari siamo abituati a un modello culturale dell'effimero, manca una coscienza culturale dell'identità». E gli stanziamenti nei bilanci pubblici sono sempre più esigui. ( v. g. )"

Dall'unione Sarda del 15/11/2009

Pensate che a distanza di UN ANNO possa esser cambiato qualcosa?


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