Sunday, March 14, 2010

Usps Plastic Shipping

The big hoax? The Bernardini

Barumini. The great
fortezza, il bastione impenetrabile, l'altissima torre di guardia.
La struttura si staglia imponente, gigantesca, sullo sfondo della Jara.
I nuraghi posti sul bordo della stessa svettano nettamente contro il cielo terso d'un mattino d'estate, mentre le cicale friniscono tra l'erba alta e le fronde semisecche.
Intanto la vita scorre lenta al villaggio, come ogni giorno. La calura eccezionale proibisce qualsiasi sforzo non necessario o spostamento inutile.
Solo qualche randagio si aggira, sfinito, per i vicoli del tortuoso complesso;
è quasi l'ora del pasto.
Non esce fumo dalle semplici case di pietra, oggi solo cibo freddo e ricco d'acqua, ortaggi perlopiù, per attenuare la sete ed il caldo torrido. On the prowl
bastion of armed figures, large shields, helmets horns mighty, gleaming swords.
Their gaze wanders to the borders of the canton. It is their defense of the "King" of the Nuraghe, both external and internal enemies.
A man wishing to gain access to the facility. It is recognized and is lowered a rope ladder, will replace the look of the watch tower. In the meantime
palace-fortress "to mere" administer justice, alliances, will decide the next moves to the detriment of neighboring cantons. War is the foundation of civilization nuragica. On his skills as a warrior, he founded his kingdom, his prestige, his power.
Two warriors chosen and ensure the confidence of proven his life, while in the inner room of the complex, the King ponders the future of his people.


And were it not so?

(more. ...)

(c) Alessandro Atzeni, All rights reserved


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