Monday, December 13, 2010

What Happens To The Brain During A Concussions

Turris, eternal construction site with a mosaic of Orpheus buried in the sand

The Pompeii sardines. The island's archaeological sites and the dangers of degradation: the journey begins from the ancient port Torres.Gli decumani old Nora is paved with good intentions. Why all words are concerned about the state faced by the "Pompeii of Sardinia. Meanwhile, the temple of Aesculapius is still supported in a vacuum. And the cape that extends to the end of the Triumphal Arch Street continues to crumble. A little 'further west, the mayor of Sant'Antioco Corongiu Mario is furious with the government. "Without the funds for the works of consolidation - thunder - the necropolis can be visited." But if Sulki cries Tharros not laugh. So Porto Torres with his treasures.
ancient Turris Libisonis the Roman bridge that crosses the Rio Mannu since the days of Augustus and Tiberius had really seen all the colors. 135 meters long and seven arches resting on decreasing the town hall was built to connect the port of Karales important colony of the north Sardinia, following roughly the route of today's state Carlo Felice. Despite the passing of millennia, the indifference of those who proudly held up until a few years ago, after the original base covered with asphalt in Thrace, even used it as a passage for heavy goods vehicles direct to the industrial area of \u200b\u200bFiume Santo.
Now, thanks to a project in 2009 funded in part with funds from the municipality and partly by EU money, is slowly returning to the splendor of the ancient architects wanted. But very few road signs indicating where it is, you almost wanted to hide such a rare beauty in the world. And if one side is completely covered from view by a modern bridge Vespucci (already restored I wonder how many times), looking south-east can not help but to frame the skyline nell'inquietante petrochemical plant: a succession of tanks and smokestacks sobering.
The Roman bridge, then, was a bit 'a symbol of neglect of which are still victims of the archaeological treasures of the area. Why Porto Torres, known to holidaymakers as a docking only to reach the various tourist resorts of Sardinia, is potentially a cultural attraction. The best evidence can take a look at what could become an enviable archaeological park. The impression, however, is that everything is still to be done. Well, almost. Divided into two parts (a public domain of competence and one local jurisdiction) that part of the urban shipbuilding emerged from the ruins of the old Turris is not actually visited seven years.
Dirt, grass, mechanical abandoned warehouses and building materials affect the eye as much as the thermal power plants known as "the palace of King Barbaro" or roads that run along the sides of which there were tabernae, ie shops and craft shops. Finished? Not at all. Basically, humanity is also the hidden criptoportico. And yet the frigidarium with two vats of cold water baths. Not to mention one of the "pieces" the most valuable of all the archaeological area, the stunning mosaic of Orpheus, discovered and almost immediately covered with earth for lack of funds.
"However - Boninu says Antoinette, director of the Archaeological Superintendence - a project already underway includes the physical protection of its mosaics, while other projects are planned again for the restoration of mosaics and frescoes. A decisive step forward. "I am convinced that a good synergy between the City Superintendent and might produce great results," said the expert. In the meantime the four young actors of the cooperative cultural services "Ibis", used in the archaeological area with my arms crossed waiting for someone to knock at the entrance. "In reality - explains Giancarlo Pinna, passionate about archeology and the chairman of Turris Bisleonis "- the guides could take tourists to see the Antiquarian, a small museum full of stunning pieces. But the curious when they discover that the archaeological site is prohibited turn heel and go away." Very true .... continue on


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