Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Create Your Own Wwe Wrestler

That little clash of Črni Kal

"The Republic, in August 1615, traffic rose by public edict on the ground alli Archduke subjects, so defiant of the Albanians armanizze, harass them fishermen Trieste, inseguitandoli almost in the city, and removing the most remote parts of the territory, robbed at their pleasure. Do not miss Venice soldiers piling up in Istria, akin to undo the salt de 'Zaulis in Trieste, with a design to ruin even the jurisdiction of saint Servolo. Since the 8th of October, John Corey, a good number of people attacked and looted Potgoria Venetian, village subject to that court, which being the most illustrious patron lord, then Baron Petaz Welcome, then honored with the title of count, because the process, announces cut them with predators.

Benedict Lezze, the Venetian, persuaded by Corelli, some days after he sent two infantry insignia to holy Servolo to plunder the neighboring houses. Warned that the Baron Petaz, sent there before dawn, from Trieste, two hundred and fifty musketeers, who follows who met with them Ospo Veneto, s' fierce assault attacked, who died in a German, and another is injured. Of the Venetian killed six, injured four.

Andava il barone Petaz da Trieste per soccorrere Cernicale, ed incontratosi con li soldati che ritornavano, quaranta di questi con il medesimo si congiunsero. Il giorno seguente a mezzodì fu dalla sentinella scoperto il veneto, che con tre bandiere di fanteria e quattro cavalli se ne venivano alla volta di Cernicale, tra quale era il Lezze provveditore veneto, che con tutta quella gente trascorse nello stato arciducale più di mezzo miglia con le insegne spiegate. Per reprimere tanta audacia, ordinò il barone Petaz, sbarare due spingardoni che in Cernicale erano, dal che atterrito il provveditore veneto, ritornò."

da "storia cronografica di Trieste dalla sua origine until the year 1695 "by Vincenzo Scussa.


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