Thursday, November 22, 2007

Clove Oilcvs Pharmacy

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Alway Feeling Irritated

poster of the event are coming to the Christmas Stars! The program

It is time again to celebrate Cison Valmarino. Stored as a big success (the truth for another ...) the latest edition of Living Crafts, now is time again to return to the streets cisonesi. Soon meno di un mese infatti, in occasione del Natale 2007 e per la precisione l'8 e il 9 e il 15 e il 16 dicembre, si svolgerà nel nostro paesucolo (questa volta in una deliziosa versione invernale!) una nuova edizione di Stelle di Natale, manifestazione che vede la partecipazione della pro loco di Cison di Valmarino e dell'associazione culturale La via dei mulini - Mazarol tutti intenti a valorizzare il centro del paese. I seguaci dell'ormai famosissima entità silvana nota con il nome di Mazarol non sono di certo rimasti con le mani in mano in questi mesi autunnali e hanno architettato una serie di "trovate eccezionali" per questo nuovo momento di festa insieme. Tanto per stuzzicare la vostra curiosità di simpatizzanti del Mazarol sappiate che ci saranno proiezioni films and period films with dramatic monologues in the small and very cozy theater of the Lodge ...

Continue (trust me) ...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Edit Superpro Sentinel Dongle


Ladies and gentlemen, here comes the supporters of the program for the next Mazarol August PROGRAM

Cison Valmarino
From August 4 to 15 2007

AL Mazarol R
Arts and creativity on the streets of Water Program

point "L" - Former Dairy

Events organized by "The Via dei Mulini”

Associazione La Via dei Mulini – Circolo Culturale Al Mazarol

Sabato 4 agosto

Ore 18.30 - ex Latteria - “Sulle Vie dell’Acqua col Mazarol”
Apertura Bancarella del Libro

Ore 19.30 - ex Latteria Osteria con Cucina “Al Mazarol”

Ore 21.00 - ex Latteria – TANGAMENTE in Osteria

Domenica 5 agosto

Ore 11.00 – Atrio del Municipio– Partenza visita guidata lungo la Via dei Mulini

Ore 12.30 – ex Latteria – “Sulle Vie dell’Acqua col Mazarol”
Arts and Culture of the Book Stall

Tavern Kitchen with "Al Mazarol - FRIED FRESH FISH

15.00 - Former Dairy - Laboratory manual with the Ass. "Play and Create"
"Water to drink and play." The Laboratory continues at:
17.00 - Public Library with Vladimir Tonielli:
"A journey into the microcosm water snooping" - experiences with a microscope.
booking at the stand of the book (limited places available).

17.00 - The Lodge - Cocktails on the terrace:
Cristina Munno presents: "MARRIED, Accordions and SCARPET "
Cison in a new film of 1936.
In collaboration with the Pro Loco of Cison

18.00 - Former Dairy - Italian Federation of Draughts: simultaneous with the matches in
Renato Menegon

21.00 - Former Dairy - Music with the trio of David Camerin

Monday August 6

15.00 - Former Dairy - Laboratory manual with the Ass. "Play and Create"
"build us for amazing insects in the wood." The Laboratory continues at:
17.00 - Public Library with Vladimir Tonielli:
"A journey browsing nel microcosmo degli insetti” – esperienze al microscopio.
Prenotazione presso la Bancarella del libro (fino ad esaurimento dei posti disponibili).

Ore 17.00 – ex Latteria - “Sulle Vie dell’Acqua col Mazarol”
Arte e cultura
Bancarella del Libro
Osteria con Cucina “Al Mazarol”

Ore 19.30 – La Loggia – Aperitivo in terrazza
Recital tratto dal libro di Renzo Franzin
Vibrafono e batteria: Luigi Vitali
Contrabbasso: Nelson Salton
Voce recitante: Sandro Buzzatti
Introduzione di Eriberto Eulisse (Dir. Centro Internazionale Civiltà dell’Acqua)
In collaborazione con la Pro Loco di Cison

Ore 21.00 – ex Latteria – Musica con i KAVANA

Martedì 7 agosto

Ore 15.00 – ex Latteria – Laboratorio di manualità con l’Ass. “Gioca e Crea”:
“Raccogliamo foglie, cortecce… e imprimiamoli sulla creta”.
Il Laboratorio continua presso:
Ore 17.00 – Biblioteca Comunale con Vladimiro Toniello:
“Un viaggio curiosando nel microcosmo dei vegetali” – esperienze al microscopio.
Prenotazione presso la Bancarella del libro (fino ad esaurimento dei posti disponibili).

17.00 - Former Dairy - "On the Streets with Water Mazarol"
Arts and Culture of the Book Stall

Tavern Kitchen with "Al Mazarol - FRIED FRESH FISH

20.00 - Former Dairy - WALTZERANDA, traditional sounds of 'Italy ed'Oltralpe

21.00 - Former Dairy - Thirty years after its release, the film projection
Presentation by Luciano De Giusti, Professor of the History of Cinema at the University of Trieste

Wednesday, August 8

17.00 - Former Dairy - "On the Streets with Water Mazarol"
Arts and Culture of the Book Stall

Educational Workshops organized by "Play and Create"

20.30 - old dairy - with Cooking Osteria "Al Mazarol"
ROTISSERIE, the work of Masters Cisonesi

20.30 - Former Dairy - Screening of video "THE ENCHANTED FOREST WAY ON WATER" - 2007

21.30 - Former Dairy - Concert BARBAPEDANA

Thursday, August 9

17.00 - old dairy - "On the Streets with Mazarol Water"
Arts and Culture of the Book Stall

Educational Workshops organized by "Play and Create" Cooking with
Osteria "Al Mazarol - FRIED FRESH FISH

19.30 - The Lodge - Cocktails on the terrace
Danilo Gasparini presents:
XI's notebook Mazarol

21.00 - Former Dairy - Music Oberkrainer with the accordion and traditional
Antonio Rossi.

Friday, August 10

17.00 - old dairy - "On the Streets with Water Mazarol"

Arts and Culture Book Stall
Tavern Kitchen with "Al Mazarol"

17.30 - Former Dairy - "STREET MUSIC": lab-animation
Delikatessen by the Duo.
Construction of musical instruments made from recycled materials.
In conclusion, all the children parade through the streets of the town, led by the great master accordionist Raspenava Moranti

18.00 - Former Dairy - Italian Federation of Draughts: simultaneous with the matches in
Renato Menegon

21.00 - Former Dairy - Al-ensemble. Albert Polese quintet.
Jazz Improvisations on Argentine rhythms

Saturday August 11

17.00 - Ex Dairy - "On the Streets with Water Mazarol"
Arts and Culture of the Book Stall

Educational Workshops organized by "Play and Create"
Laboratory of leather ... and more with "The Zana Goba" Cooking with
Osteria "Al Mazarol - FRIED FRESH FISH

18.00 - Former Dairy - Italian Federation of Draughts: simultaneous with the matches in
Renato Menegon

18.00 - Former Dairy - Presentation book: "AUGUSTA" Ed Kellermann
will present the author Gabriella Della Collect.

21.00 - Former Dairy - Music with deli DUO

Sunday, August 12

10.00 - Former Dairy - Arts and Culture of the Book Stall

10.30 - The Water Way to play all day:
Information from the Book Stall.

11.00 - Departure Hall of the Hall-guided tour along the Via dei Mulini

12.30 - old dairy - with Cooking Osteria "Al Mazarol - ROTISSERIE
(we recommend booking on the spot)

Ore 16.00 – ex Latteria – Laboratori Didattici a cura dell’Associazione “Gioca e Crea”
Laboratorio del cuoio … e altro, con “La Zana Goba”

Ore 18.00 – ex Latteria – Federazione Italiana Dama: partite in simultanea con il
Maestro Renato Meneghin

Ore 18.00 – ex Latteria – Presentazione del Libro “LA GUERRA DI GIOVANNI”
Ed. Biblioteca dell’Immagine.
Sarà presente l’Autore Edoardo Pittalis

Ore 21.00 – ex Latteria – Dalla scena jazzistica romana:

Lunedì 13 agosto

17.00 - old dairy - "On the Streets with Water Mazarol"
Arts and Culture of the Book Stall

Laboratory of leather ... and more, with "Zana Goba" Cooking with
Osteria "Al Mazarol"

Hours 17.00 - The Lodge - Edition II - SHORT OF TRADE -
ethnographic work visuality. Laboratory of Visual Anthropology.
Speakers: Daniela Perco (Dir. Ethnographic Museum Belluno Province),
Danilo Gasparini (History, University of Padova)
Francesco De Melis (visual anthropologist at the University of Rome)
In collaboration with the Pro Loco Cison

Ore 17.30 – ex Latteria – “MUSICARE LA STRADA”: laboratorio-animazione
a cura del Delikatessen Duo.
Costruzione di strumenti musicali realizzati con materiali riciclati.
A conclusione, tutti i bambini sfileranno per le vie del paese, guidati dal grande Maestro fisarmonicista Raspeno Moranti

Ore 21.00 – ex Latteria – Improvvisazione musicale estemporanea con: G. L. G. – t & f

Martedì 14 agosto

Ore 17.00 – ex Latteria - “Sulle Vie dell’Acqua col Mazarol”
Arte e cultura
Bancarella del Libro
Laboratori Didattici a cura dell’Associazione “Gioca e Crea”
Laboratorio del cuoio … e altro, con “La Zana Goba”
Osteria con Cucina “Al Mazarol” – FRITTURA DI PESCE FRESCO

Ore 21.00 – ex Latteria – Musica con i cantastorie “I SGRAFALOPA”

Mercoledì 15 agosto

Ore 10.00 – ex Latteria – “Sulle Vie dell’Acqua col Mazarol”
Arte e cultura
Bancarella del Libro
Laboratorio del cuoio … e altro, con “La Zana Goba”

Ore 12.30 – ex Latteria - Osteria con Cucina “Al Mazarol” – ROTISSERIE
(we recommend booking on the spot)

16.00 - Former Dairy - Educational Workshops organized by "Play and Create"

21.00 - Former Dairy - Thirty years after its release, the film projection

closure of the event with popular music.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Third Birthday Party Wording


YOU TO TAKE PART IN OUR PARTY? YOU walk along the street of the Mills Cison? BEAUTIFUL PICTURES OF YOU HAVE DONE? Why not also send us an e-mail ( ), could end up in this blog ... it will be interesting to compare Our points of view ...
(if you can send it please not too 'heavy')

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I know, none of you surfers of this blog might have doubts about it, but there I still want to give a confirmation: the program of the XXVII Mazarol review " CRAFTS LIVE" will be determined! E 'was feverish activity of the association to' bake 'a myriad of small and large events in the coming days it will give a full review as well on this blog.
For now, it is essential that all that is known ... point we are at "L"

Up there the moon lazzaroni ambled over there the happy lantern glazing the dairy.
Libertine launch graceful lips moaning licking fat.
Languages \u200b\u200brise praise, glazed gourmet delights: milk, lettuce, lentils, boiled, lasagne, luganeghe, raspberries! ... Bones.
liters, liters, liters! Fortified bath, play liturgy!
Lallallà, lallallà, lutes slight happy places along lascivious mazes.
Legendary, hard working lions luster polish cans, wood working workshops.
Laudano letters, reading books, hovering above the long distant latitudes ...

Friday, June 22, 2007

Whitetail Deer Iron Ons

A spectrum of the strings ... THE CASE OF THE MISSING

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Pokemon Silver Stopped Saving


In the end, the long-awaited rain came. Not that
streams seem essersene benefited much, but at least it fell further level.
With the rain, however, strange things have happened, and in my opinion one of the strangest is the disappearance of almost all the piglets that were standing with their wings and saucy little mouth, hanging on at the mill Rujo Ciaè rag.
not have disappeared all together, that no, they are gone in a piecemeal, in small groups. He
however that only a handful out of 25 specimens if they are still there to sway in the breeze coming down the ladder, a mirror so uncertain that the water drops to the valley.
Now, far be it from this writer or any sense of paternal protection devout loyalty, or just pietas, in respect of these pigs; elementary sense of justice and truth requires, however, that may shed light on the matter. If only to avoid a recurrence in future similar situations (and provided that once made light does not find that such circumstances were not, then, anything negative). Sure
even in these dark times that the need for truth and justice still dwell in the mind of some, to publish the following (short) compendiario of assumptions and then I turn to them to encourage mutual assistance in this investigation that promises to be no easy solution.
Here are some of those situations, I think one of the least improbable, worthy of consideration. Any further
theory and feedback on any field (sightings, witnesses reported, data relevant to your query, etc..) Are welcome and, with respect, encouraged. Thank you for your contribution.

A) The pigs were, against their will, taken away. In this case:
a1) ended up in ambiguous butchers, located in a gray area of \u200b\u200bfood distribution from the sale of poultry and birds (remember that the pigs had wings) and the pig itself;
a2) sono stati trattenuti presso famiglie (facoltose o meno, ciò è da appurare), presumibilmente in funzione di animali di compagnia;
a3) la loro forma ha indotto alcune spie industriali giapponesi ad impossessarsene per studiare il modo di ottenere prodotti facilmente stivabili in container e, quindi, con più profitto trasportabili;
a4) qualche appassionato di letteratura erotica ha deciso di appropriarsi dei porci con le ali. Dati alcuni particolari, come la forma della bocca di questi, fanno immaginare un uso inconfessabile dei summenzionati maialini.

B) I porcelli si sono, di propria sponte, allontanati. In questo caso:
b1) una volta liberi, si sono ritrovati nel bosco a calcare le orme del Mazarol. At this point, as everyone knows, what should it have been lost forever;
b2) were dropped on Rujo for a cruise, it was intentional or not. By analyzing the path (Rujo, Soligo, Piave, Adriatic Sea) and the direction and average speed of currents, to this date (10 \\ 06 \\ 07) should be more or less, just beyond the Cape of Otranto, and already in the Ionian Sea . This, of course, unless they are entangled in the reeds river networks lagoon bills Magog (gulls) or rat teeth, or even bottom trawls;
b3) are scattered through the forest first, and then the world . In this case we would have now a web of individual destinies difficult se pur non impossibile se con profusione di volontà, energia e mezzi, da seguire;
b4) sono nascosti da qualche parte, insieme, forse con inquietanti intenti cospirativi.

Gatto Mannaro

Friday, June 1, 2007

Motorbike Convince Parents

Friday, May 18, 2007

Fotos De Lincoln Navigator

New events coming soon!

Archiviati con successo la festa e gli eventi del 25 aprile c'è chi già pensa alle prossime occasioni di baldoria! La fatidica data del solstizio d'estate è oramai vicina e come molti sanno neppure quell'occasione viene tralasciata da Mazarol e soci... Per ora vi basti sapere che si pensa alla data del 23 giugno. Nella serata, verso i monti, tra fuochi, scope e misteriosi riti magici alcune streghe danzeranno al chiarore della luna... e che luna!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Grade Point Average Lesson Plans

the celebration continued! ...

C’è poco da fare, la nostra festa funziona! Anche in questa edizione 2007 il numero delle presenze è stato notevole. Basta dare un’occhiata al prato del Mazarol fotografato lo scorso 25 aprile per rendersene conto…

Un luogo in cui è possibile trovare buone cose da mangiare, in cui si può ascoltare dell’ottima musica (hanno suonato i BARBAPEDANA, altro che scherzi…), dove si può assistere in diretta alla creazione di opere d’arte…

Not to mention the wonders of the forest, where around every corner there may be a surprise as the facilities of the Institute of art or music shows (the Juke Bosc ...) or puppets (the Turiglio) .. .

course these are just some of the images and impressions of that day, others will follow, believe ... Thanks to all those who collaborated to create the event!


Monday, April 23, 2007

Importing Mpeg Premiere Cs3 All Green

the party started! The time has come

The day started yesterday to the 2007 edition of our party. The weather was almost perfect, and as usual the initiatives have been many ... here are some photos:

The Blog of the Rising Sun. Sounds and sounds of nature. Indian flutes, drums and tubular bells.
The players and the intrepid audience that has reached the refuge of Loff at 6 am to listen to ...

Guests Institutes San Gregorio di Valdobbiadene and music on the lawn in the Spring of Mazarol at the foot of our mountains.

One of the facilities maintained by the Institute of Art Cordenons state located along the Way of Water.

IV sculpture symposium on wood. One of the sculptors at work.

Dear friends, remember that this was the blazing start of this tenth edition of THE ENCHANTED FOREST WATER WAY, we expect mass tomorrow with many other initiatives, events and shows.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Labor Cost For Ceramic Tile Installation New York

few hours we're off!
will wee hours for those who can not resist the call of the Mountain (6 am) but want to make: watch the sunrise from the Refuge of Loff with appropriate soundtrack created ad hoc ...
But fear not, those who prefer to sleep longer be able to refer further down to 10 because of Cison at the Town Hall will be presented the new brochure "The Rujo between Nature, Arts and Creativity. "
Then, as in a tournament you can still climb up to reach the lawn of Mazarol accompanied by a bagpipe ... There you will find, as is traditional art, poetry, music and food ...
not end here because the forest reserves of surprises ... climbing again, along the way you can reach the Valley of S. Daniel, also there will be food and live music.
E 'clear: tomorrow you can not miss the "party cisonese Spring."

(for the full program -> PROGRAM )

Monday, April 2, 2007

Polysporin Lip Balm Reviews

Sculpture on Water Street

few lines ago it was said that one of the attractions of the trail that follows cisonese the Rujo is undoubtedly a chance to meet the silent presence of images and characters on the road. Yes, because for some years now (we came to the fourth edition) of Valmarino Cison here at the festival on April 25 is associated with a symposium of wood sculpture, during which in recent years has given rise to numerous works, exactly, were placed along the Way of Water.

Our call is therefore to not let the opportunity pass, one more reason to join our party, and come to watch the sculptors LIVE April 22 to 25 at the Lawn Mazarol (you can witness the execution of works from 9.00 to 12.00 and from 14.00 to 18.00). In this new edition of 2007 attended by the following artists:

Friar John Bordin - Villafranca (VR)

Lino Fiorentino - Venegazzù (TV)

Arianna Gasperina - Valvasone (PN)

Beppino Lorenzet - Carve Mel (BL)

Roberto Merotto - Falzè di Piave (TV)

We look forward to, dear friends!

Monday, March 19, 2007

What Should Your Period Look Like

Now everything is ready! A walk

Cison Valmarino
22 e 25 April 2007
(Music - Theatre - Arts Poetry and miscellaneous)

Organization: U.S. Cisonese - Ass Cult. The Via dei Mulini - Ass Cult. "Al Mazarol"
Patronage: Communities' Mountain foothills of Treviso - City of Cison Valmarino - Pro Loco of Cison Valmarino.

For the tenth year, the association "La Via dei Mulini and the Circle" Al Mazarol ", offer a demonstration in which participating schools, associations, artists and creative people. The event, which will be held on 22 and 25 April 2007, is made possible thanks to the spirit of free cooperation and the strong commitment and solidarity of many people. The initiative in fact are engaged groups and organizations that work in the disability and distress. Will be the people, words and music in a unique natural environment for its specificity Days ... will take place in a renovated runway with the Association of the Via dei Mulini, in the winter months, replaced and embellished by creating the conditions for a magical journey through history and nature, where those who have eyes to see can meet Mazarol ... Even
This year presents the Enchanted Forest, 22 to 25 April, the 4th symposium of wood sculpture.

From Sunday, April 22 will also be possible to admire the sculptures along the path and re-proposed in a special leaflet (Nature, Art and Creativity) which presented the works of artists who have joined this exceptional and unique open-air exhibition.
The sun of spring, "bujon" of rock and water, il profumo degli alberi, i vecchi mulini, le fantasie colorate e la magia del bosco vi accoglieranno per due giornate di sogno…
Associazione Culturale La Via dei Mulini e Circolo Culturale Al Mazarol

CEOD “Il Germoglio” Ponte della Priula - CEOD “Soligo” Soligo – CEOD “Città di Conegliano” Conegliano – CEOD “Don Gnocchi” San Vendemiano – CEOD “Al colle” S. Martino di Colle Umberto – Centro Riabilitativo “Casa Bianca” Soligo e Associazione Raggio di Luna – COOP Fenderl Vittorio Veneto – Istituti di Soggiorno per Anziani “S. Gregorio” Valdobbiadene – Institute "Padre Pio" Tarzo - Alternative Coop. Social Vasconcelos - "Alice's House" Cornuda Childhood Center - Youth and Community Association Ser.T., Local Health Authority 7 - Elementary School Cison Valmarino - Cordenons State Institute of Art - Academy of Fine Arts in Venice - Coop. Social Green Road - GreenRoads "- humanitarian Zikomo Association - Association of Emergency - Cultural Association" Garden of Simple "- ValmarenoSHOTOkai School - Create and Play Association - Association Viezzer Soligo.
Art Productions: Claudio D'Andrea - Mirca Puppetti and Catia.
Wood Sculptors Group: Friar John Bordin, Lino Fiorentino, Arianna Gasperina, Beppino Lorenzet, Roberto Merotto.


Eateries (open all day)
at the Midway area pic-nic "Al Mazarol.
At the end of the trail in loc. Valle di San Daniele, stand operated by the U.S. gourmet indoor Cisonese.


April 22, 2007

Il Blog del Sol Levante. Suoni e rumori della natura.
Flauti indiani, campane tubolari e percussioni.

Si consiglia di arrivare in macchina via S. Boldo, al parcheggio vicino a Malga Campo (880 m.) e prendere il sentiero n. 991 per poter essere alle ore 6.00 al Rifugio dei Loff (1100 m.).

Ore 10.00 – Atrio del Municipio: presentazione del depliant “Il Rujo tra Natura, Arte e Creatività”.
I presenti verranno poi accompagnati al prato del Mazarol, dalla cornamusa di Zan Chitarin (con il rischio di essere colà sedotti e abbandonati).

Ore 12.30 – grigliata At the picnic area Mazarol.
14.00 - Guests of the San Gregorio di Valdobbiadene Institutes are: Spring
in music.
15.00 - Federica Basso is running, classical guitar, music by Bach, Giuliani, Sor and Villa-Lobos
16.00 - The White House rehabilitation center axis. Raggio di Luna presents: "Paths
between madness and poetry." Dr. Al mandolin. Artemisio Gavioli.

12.30 - Gourmet grilled on the stand.
14.30 - Tony Bressan Group - live music.


Un grazie inoltre al Centro riabilitativo Casa Bianca e Ass. Raggio di Luna, per la continua e presente attenzione alle nostre iniziative.

25 aprile 2007


Ore 12.30 – spiedo area pic nic Al Mazarol – (si consiglia la prenotazione in loco).
Ore 14.30 – Concerto dei BARBAPEDANA.

Improvvirusoundexperience "broken in": the collective continues encounters / confrontations between players, duplicating small bodies from two or three performers floating and flexible.

Ensemble touring shows:

popular songs with "I Cantori by wire."
Luca Carrara - Vibraphone.
Richard Casagrande - Flutes.
Federica Basso - classical guitar.
"Poems in the leaves ..." Renzo Seffino poems offer to visitors. Exposure
sixth contest dialect poetry "Poems par road."
La Dama Italian Federation: matches simultaneously with the Master. Ex
Dairy - The Association Il Giardino dei Semplici presenta: “Il Prato è servito” (per conoscere
e gustare le erbe spontanee… e non solo).

Mulino Fiorin - Chiara, Daniela, Francesca e Roberto: “C’era una volta… ti racconto una fiaba”.

Rudere Fabrica dei capei – Il Juke Bosc – Canzoni d’autore a richiesta con Davide Camerin,
Iseo Pin e Giulio Tonon.

Prato Baita S. Daniele – Coop. Soc. “Strade verdi – Green/Roads”: presentazione Progetto e
Laboratorio Aquiloni.

Ore 14.00 – Sotto il Grande Faggio – “L’Oca Genoveffa e la torta di cioccolato”. (Fiaba musicata)
Maura Nadalin: voce narrante
Timoteo Eronia: contrabbasso
Nadia Ciprian: flauto

Ore 14.30 - Al Bujon del Gal – la Compagnia del Turiglio presenta: “Tut iuta”
Farsa medievale per burattini.

Ore 16.00 – Prato Baita S. Daniele – Scuola ValmarenoSHOTOkai: dimostrazione di karate.
Istruttore Oscar Gregori.

ore 11.30: Santa Messa nella chiesetta di San Marco
ore 12.30: spiedo presso lo stand enogastronomico (su prenotazione: 0438/975214 – 348/5163990)
ore 14.00: concerto della Banda Musicale di Cison.
A seguire: musica del Salento con i Marapedia

Toward evening show with Marapedia tarantula.


It will also look at the summer solstice, Saturday, June 23 from 21.00 on Pra' Mazarol of "A spectrum of the strings, when the sun touches the first point of the Tropic of Cancer, its highest elevation northern hemisphere, so that no longer stand on the equator line to start his bike down ...

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Can You Get Sick In The Stomach Having Herpies

on Water Street ...

Why do so many people decide di camminare ogni fine settimana sui sentieri della Via dell'Acqua cisonese? La risposta è facile, basta solamente dare un'occhiata a queste foto per capire che ci sono molte cose da vedere e da assaporare... Prima di tutto la possibilità di ascoltare il suono delle acque ruscellanti del Rujo che scorre e saltella in mezzo ad alberi e pietre. Ad attrarre i visitatori è senza dubbio anche la possibilità di attraversare con i propri passi verdi praticelli e boschetti percorrendo il sentiero che si inerpica gradualmente verso le montagne di Cison. Al di là dei piacevoli elementi naturali non va trascurata la presenza del lavoro dell'uomo che si manifesta con il sistema di canalette e di salti capace di azionare ruote e mulini e che in parte si può ammirare ancora oggi. Ma non è tutto. Perchè ormai da tempo a tutte queste cose è associata anche l'espressione artistica e passeggiando accanto al Rujo ci si accorge facilmente di ciò... Sono molti infatti gli artisti che sono stati ispirati dalla magia del luogo e che hanno creato opere uniche le quali sono poi ritornate nei loro luoghi d'origine... sono state infatti poste proprio accanto alla Via dell'Acqua.

Questo è quel che si può scoprire e ammirare normalmente durante tutto l'anno, figuratevi cosa salta fuori nei giorni di festa!