Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Pokemon Silver Stopped Saving


In the end, the long-awaited rain came. Not that
streams seem essersene benefited much, but at least it fell further level.
With the rain, however, strange things have happened, and in my opinion one of the strangest is the disappearance of almost all the piglets that were standing with their wings and saucy little mouth, hanging on at the mill Rujo Ciaè rag.
not have disappeared all together, that no, they are gone in a piecemeal, in small groups. He
however that only a handful out of 25 specimens if they are still there to sway in the breeze coming down the ladder, a mirror so uncertain that the water drops to the valley.
Now, far be it from this writer or any sense of paternal protection devout loyalty, or just pietas, in respect of these pigs; elementary sense of justice and truth requires, however, that may shed light on the matter. If only to avoid a recurrence in future similar situations (and provided that once made light does not find that such circumstances were not, then, anything negative). Sure
even in these dark times that the need for truth and justice still dwell in the mind of some, to publish the following (short) compendiario of assumptions and then I turn to them to encourage mutual assistance in this investigation that promises to be no easy solution.
Here are some of those situations, I think one of the least improbable, worthy of consideration. Any further
theory and feedback on any field (sightings, witnesses reported, data relevant to your query, etc..) Are welcome and, with respect, encouraged. Thank you for your contribution.

A) The pigs were, against their will, taken away. In this case:
a1) ended up in ambiguous butchers, located in a gray area of \u200b\u200bfood distribution from the sale of poultry and birds (remember that the pigs had wings) and the pig itself;
a2) sono stati trattenuti presso famiglie (facoltose o meno, ciò è da appurare), presumibilmente in funzione di animali di compagnia;
a3) la loro forma ha indotto alcune spie industriali giapponesi ad impossessarsene per studiare il modo di ottenere prodotti facilmente stivabili in container e, quindi, con più profitto trasportabili;
a4) qualche appassionato di letteratura erotica ha deciso di appropriarsi dei porci con le ali. Dati alcuni particolari, come la forma della bocca di questi, fanno immaginare un uso inconfessabile dei summenzionati maialini.

B) I porcelli si sono, di propria sponte, allontanati. In questo caso:
b1) una volta liberi, si sono ritrovati nel bosco a calcare le orme del Mazarol. At this point, as everyone knows, what should it have been lost forever;
b2) were dropped on Rujo for a cruise, it was intentional or not. By analyzing the path (Rujo, Soligo, Piave, Adriatic Sea) and the direction and average speed of currents, to this date (10 \\ 06 \\ 07) should be more or less, just beyond the Cape of Otranto, and already in the Ionian Sea . This, of course, unless they are entangled in the reeds river networks lagoon bills Magog (gulls) or rat teeth, or even bottom trawls;
b3) are scattered through the forest first, and then the world . In this case we would have now a web of individual destinies difficult se pur non impossibile se con profusione di volontà, energia e mezzi, da seguire;
b4) sono nascosti da qualche parte, insieme, forse con inquietanti intenti cospirativi.

Gatto Mannaro


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