Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Edit Superpro Sentinel Dongle


Ladies and gentlemen, here comes the supporters of the program for the next Mazarol August PROGRAM

Cison Valmarino
From August 4 to 15 2007

AL Mazarol R
Arts and creativity on the streets of Water Program

point "L" - Former Dairy

Events organized by "The Via dei Mulini”

Associazione La Via dei Mulini – Circolo Culturale Al Mazarol

Sabato 4 agosto

Ore 18.30 - ex Latteria - “Sulle Vie dell’Acqua col Mazarol”
Apertura Bancarella del Libro

Ore 19.30 - ex Latteria Osteria con Cucina “Al Mazarol”

Ore 21.00 - ex Latteria – TANGAMENTE in Osteria

Domenica 5 agosto

Ore 11.00 – Atrio del Municipio– Partenza visita guidata lungo la Via dei Mulini

Ore 12.30 – ex Latteria – “Sulle Vie dell’Acqua col Mazarol”
Arts and Culture of the Book Stall

Tavern Kitchen with "Al Mazarol - FRIED FRESH FISH

15.00 - Former Dairy - Laboratory manual with the Ass. "Play and Create"
"Water to drink and play." The Laboratory continues at:
17.00 - Public Library with Vladimir Tonielli:
"A journey into the microcosm water snooping" - experiences with a microscope.
booking at the stand of the book (limited places available).

17.00 - The Lodge - Cocktails on the terrace:
Cristina Munno presents: "MARRIED, Accordions and SCARPET "
Cison in a new film of 1936.
In collaboration with the Pro Loco of Cison

18.00 - Former Dairy - Italian Federation of Draughts: simultaneous with the matches in
Renato Menegon

21.00 - Former Dairy - Music with the trio of David Camerin

Monday August 6

15.00 - Former Dairy - Laboratory manual with the Ass. "Play and Create"
"build us for amazing insects in the wood." The Laboratory continues at:
17.00 - Public Library with Vladimir Tonielli:
"A journey browsing nel microcosmo degli insetti” – esperienze al microscopio.
Prenotazione presso la Bancarella del libro (fino ad esaurimento dei posti disponibili).

Ore 17.00 – ex Latteria - “Sulle Vie dell’Acqua col Mazarol”
Arte e cultura
Bancarella del Libro
Osteria con Cucina “Al Mazarol”

Ore 19.30 – La Loggia – Aperitivo in terrazza
Recital tratto dal libro di Renzo Franzin
Vibrafono e batteria: Luigi Vitali
Contrabbasso: Nelson Salton
Voce recitante: Sandro Buzzatti
Introduzione di Eriberto Eulisse (Dir. Centro Internazionale Civiltà dell’Acqua)
In collaborazione con la Pro Loco di Cison

Ore 21.00 – ex Latteria – Musica con i KAVANA

Martedì 7 agosto

Ore 15.00 – ex Latteria – Laboratorio di manualità con l’Ass. “Gioca e Crea”:
“Raccogliamo foglie, cortecce… e imprimiamoli sulla creta”.
Il Laboratorio continua presso:
Ore 17.00 – Biblioteca Comunale con Vladimiro Toniello:
“Un viaggio curiosando nel microcosmo dei vegetali” – esperienze al microscopio.
Prenotazione presso la Bancarella del libro (fino ad esaurimento dei posti disponibili).

17.00 - Former Dairy - "On the Streets with Water Mazarol"
Arts and Culture of the Book Stall

Tavern Kitchen with "Al Mazarol - FRIED FRESH FISH

20.00 - Former Dairy - WALTZERANDA, traditional sounds of 'Italy ed'Oltralpe

21.00 - Former Dairy - Thirty years after its release, the film projection
Presentation by Luciano De Giusti, Professor of the History of Cinema at the University of Trieste

Wednesday, August 8

17.00 - Former Dairy - "On the Streets with Water Mazarol"
Arts and Culture of the Book Stall

Educational Workshops organized by "Play and Create"

20.30 - old dairy - with Cooking Osteria "Al Mazarol"
ROTISSERIE, the work of Masters Cisonesi

20.30 - Former Dairy - Screening of video "THE ENCHANTED FOREST WAY ON WATER" - 2007

21.30 - Former Dairy - Concert BARBAPEDANA

Thursday, August 9

17.00 - old dairy - "On the Streets with Mazarol Water"
Arts and Culture of the Book Stall

Educational Workshops organized by "Play and Create" Cooking with
Osteria "Al Mazarol - FRIED FRESH FISH

19.30 - The Lodge - Cocktails on the terrace
Danilo Gasparini presents:
XI's notebook Mazarol

21.00 - Former Dairy - Music Oberkrainer with the accordion and traditional
Antonio Rossi.

Friday, August 10

17.00 - old dairy - "On the Streets with Water Mazarol"

Arts and Culture Book Stall
Tavern Kitchen with "Al Mazarol"

17.30 - Former Dairy - "STREET MUSIC": lab-animation
Delikatessen by the Duo.
Construction of musical instruments made from recycled materials.
In conclusion, all the children parade through the streets of the town, led by the great master accordionist Raspenava Moranti

18.00 - Former Dairy - Italian Federation of Draughts: simultaneous with the matches in
Renato Menegon

21.00 - Former Dairy - Al-ensemble. Albert Polese quintet.
Jazz Improvisations on Argentine rhythms

Saturday August 11

17.00 - Ex Dairy - "On the Streets with Water Mazarol"
Arts and Culture of the Book Stall

Educational Workshops organized by "Play and Create"
Laboratory of leather ... and more with "The Zana Goba" Cooking with
Osteria "Al Mazarol - FRIED FRESH FISH

18.00 - Former Dairy - Italian Federation of Draughts: simultaneous with the matches in
Renato Menegon

18.00 - Former Dairy - Presentation book: "AUGUSTA" Ed Kellermann
will present the author Gabriella Della Collect.

21.00 - Former Dairy - Music with deli DUO

Sunday, August 12

10.00 - Former Dairy - Arts and Culture of the Book Stall

10.30 - The Water Way to play all day:
Information from the Book Stall.

11.00 - Departure Hall of the Hall-guided tour along the Via dei Mulini

12.30 - old dairy - with Cooking Osteria "Al Mazarol - ROTISSERIE
(we recommend booking on the spot)

Ore 16.00 – ex Latteria – Laboratori Didattici a cura dell’Associazione “Gioca e Crea”
Laboratorio del cuoio … e altro, con “La Zana Goba”

Ore 18.00 – ex Latteria – Federazione Italiana Dama: partite in simultanea con il
Maestro Renato Meneghin

Ore 18.00 – ex Latteria – Presentazione del Libro “LA GUERRA DI GIOVANNI”
Ed. Biblioteca dell’Immagine.
Sarà presente l’Autore Edoardo Pittalis

Ore 21.00 – ex Latteria – Dalla scena jazzistica romana:

Lunedì 13 agosto

17.00 - old dairy - "On the Streets with Water Mazarol"
Arts and Culture of the Book Stall

Laboratory of leather ... and more, with "Zana Goba" Cooking with
Osteria "Al Mazarol"

Hours 17.00 - The Lodge - Edition II - SHORT OF TRADE -
ethnographic work visuality. Laboratory of Visual Anthropology.
Speakers: Daniela Perco (Dir. Ethnographic Museum Belluno Province),
Danilo Gasparini (History, University of Padova)
Francesco De Melis (visual anthropologist at the University of Rome)
In collaboration with the Pro Loco Cison

Ore 17.30 – ex Latteria – “MUSICARE LA STRADA”: laboratorio-animazione
a cura del Delikatessen Duo.
Costruzione di strumenti musicali realizzati con materiali riciclati.
A conclusione, tutti i bambini sfileranno per le vie del paese, guidati dal grande Maestro fisarmonicista Raspeno Moranti

Ore 21.00 – ex Latteria – Improvvisazione musicale estemporanea con: G. L. G. – t & f

Martedì 14 agosto

Ore 17.00 – ex Latteria - “Sulle Vie dell’Acqua col Mazarol”
Arte e cultura
Bancarella del Libro
Laboratori Didattici a cura dell’Associazione “Gioca e Crea”
Laboratorio del cuoio … e altro, con “La Zana Goba”
Osteria con Cucina “Al Mazarol” – FRITTURA DI PESCE FRESCO

Ore 21.00 – ex Latteria – Musica con i cantastorie “I SGRAFALOPA”

Mercoledì 15 agosto

Ore 10.00 – ex Latteria – “Sulle Vie dell’Acqua col Mazarol”
Arte e cultura
Bancarella del Libro
Laboratorio del cuoio … e altro, con “La Zana Goba”

Ore 12.30 – ex Latteria - Osteria con Cucina “Al Mazarol” – ROTISSERIE
(we recommend booking on the spot)

16.00 - Former Dairy - Educational Workshops organized by "Play and Create"

21.00 - Former Dairy - Thirty years after its release, the film projection

closure of the event with popular music.


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