Tuesday, July 10, 2007

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I know, none of you surfers of this blog might have doubts about it, but there I still want to give a confirmation: the program of the XXVII Mazarol review " CRAFTS LIVE" will be determined! E 'was feverish activity of the association to' bake 'a myriad of small and large events in the coming days it will give a full review as well on this blog.
For now, it is essential that all that is known ... point we are at "L"

Up there the moon lazzaroni ambled over there the happy lantern glazing the dairy.
Libertine launch graceful lips moaning licking fat.
Languages \u200b\u200brise praise, glazed gourmet delights: milk, lettuce, lentils, boiled, lasagne, luganeghe, raspberries! ... Bones.
liters, liters, liters! Fortified bath, play liturgy!
Lallallà, lallallà, lutes slight happy places along lascivious mazes.
Legendary, hard working lions luster polish cans, wood working workshops.
Laudano letters, reading books, hovering above the long distant latitudes ...


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