Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I Broke A Tanning Bed

A battle in 40 cm of space

again on one of the battles of Zaule, simulated miniature 40 cm with a regulation of a few lines in the image .. required 14 bases in all, some simple elements to represent the soil and the regular six-sided dice.
The Venetian army can overcome the broken bridge over the river before the OSP annientino the Archduke's troops from the mountain of mulch?
The story took a tragic epilogue to the Venetians, but in the final game could be a surprise ....

Monday, December 13, 2010

What Happens To The Brain During A Concussions

Turris, eternal construction site with a mosaic of Orpheus buried in the sand

The Pompeii sardines. The island's archaeological sites and the dangers of degradation: the journey begins from the ancient port Torres.Gli decumani old Nora is paved with good intentions. Why all words are concerned about the state faced by the "Pompeii of Sardinia. Meanwhile, the temple of Aesculapius is still supported in a vacuum. And the cape that extends to the end of the Triumphal Arch Street continues to crumble. A little 'further west, the mayor of Sant'Antioco Corongiu Mario is furious with the government. "Without the funds for the works of consolidation - thunder - the necropolis can be visited." But if Sulki cries Tharros not laugh. So Porto Torres with his treasures.
ancient Turris Libisonis the Roman bridge that crosses the Rio Mannu since the days of Augustus and Tiberius had really seen all the colors. 135 meters long and seven arches resting on decreasing the town hall was built to connect the port of Karales important colony of the north Sardinia, following roughly the route of today's state Carlo Felice. Despite the passing of millennia, the indifference of those who proudly held up until a few years ago, after the original base covered with asphalt in Thrace, even used it as a passage for heavy goods vehicles direct to the industrial area of \u200b\u200bFiume Santo.
Now, thanks to a project in 2009 funded in part with funds from the municipality and partly by EU money, is slowly returning to the splendor of the ancient architects wanted. But very few road signs indicating where it is, you almost wanted to hide such a rare beauty in the world. And if one side is completely covered from view by a modern bridge Vespucci (already restored I wonder how many times), looking south-east can not help but to frame the skyline nell'inquietante petrochemical plant: a succession of tanks and smokestacks sobering.
The Roman bridge, then, was a bit 'a symbol of neglect of which are still victims of the archaeological treasures of the area. Why Porto Torres, known to holidaymakers as a docking only to reach the various tourist resorts of Sardinia, is potentially a cultural attraction. The best evidence can take a look at what could become an enviable archaeological park. The impression, however, is that everything is still to be done. Well, almost. Divided into two parts (a public domain of competence and one local jurisdiction) that part of the urban shipbuilding emerged from the ruins of the old Turris is not actually visited seven years.
Dirt, grass, mechanical abandoned warehouses and building materials affect the eye as much as the thermal power plants known as "the palace of King Barbaro" or roads that run along the sides of which there were tabernae, ie shops and craft shops. Finished? Not at all. Basically, humanity is also the hidden criptoportico. And yet the frigidarium with two vats of cold water baths. Not to mention one of the "pieces" the most valuable of all the archaeological area, the stunning mosaic of Orpheus, discovered and almost immediately covered with earth for lack of funds.
"However - Boninu says Antoinette, director of the Archaeological Superintendence - a project already underway includes the physical protection of its mosaics, while other projects are planned again for the restoration of mosaics and frescoes. A decisive step forward. "I am convinced that a good synergy between the City Superintendent and might produce great results," said the expert. In the meantime the four young actors of the cooperative cultural services "Ibis", used in the archaeological area with my arms crossed waiting for someone to knock at the entrance. "In reality - explains Giancarlo Pinna, passionate about archeology and the chairman of Turris Bisleonis "- the guides could take tourists to see the Antiquarian, a small museum full of stunning pieces. But the curious when they discover that the archaeological site is prohibited turn heel and go away." Very true .... continue on


Friday, December 3, 2010

Nicole Kidman Clamidia

Feudalism Nuragico

What a beautiful castle!

Lately I've noticed that on "Leonardo" the Tg of the sciences, you are talking more often of Sardinia. This
can only make me happy, whether we speak of pelicans "guests" on Molentargius, which Nuraghi.
fact in this last service (which aired a few minutes ago) was discussed on the unique capabilities of nuragici as architects.
All right I thought. There was some discussion of the "usual theories" but at least for half a minute a little bit of Italy has seen and heard of Nuraghes. It was always like this! A cabonu mannu! *
However, the only thing that really struck me in the speech is the interpretation of nuragica company that has been given (in addition to date proposed for the same; 1800 BC - 400 BC!). Since
nuraghi castles, being so widely ... broadcast across society was essentially feudal nuragica!
Bingo! This
blasphemy shot so light, it is rather a matter of a monstrous complexity, not at all easy to solve.
Where's the problem? Everything is based on the function of the Nuraghe. The Nuraghe is a castle. The nuragici were the feudal lords. Simple!
The game does not work that way. Sorry.
We do not know the function of nuragheses, therefore any argument based on purpose (again unknown) of these structures, it is very risky. The interpretation
nuragica structures of society is too backward to be able to respond even remotely indicative.
The Nuraghe is a temple, all nuragici were a people of Lotus Eaters lobotomized.
The Nuraghe is a castle, Nuraghic was a multitude of mini small states with thousands and thousands of warlike king who spent their time on killing each other (as they did then but to have time to build nuragheses?).
The Nuraghe is a silo, the nuragici spent their time cultivating the grain or to pack their belongings into these banks megalithic. Many small b erluschini!
The Nuraghe is a symbol, the nuragici had nothing to do all day and kill the boredom by pulling on towers of thousands of tons.
And so on! It is therefore

obvious that an interpretation closer to the truth will only be achieved:
-digging these blessed nuragheses (many though!)
-doing any excavation in any analysis of the case (palynological examination, paleofaunistico, osteological, stratigraphy, carbon analysis, ms mass ... etc!)
-wage to at least one archaeologist common to have an official census, the total and definitive than are these structures!
-study findings, facilities, accepting this much-vaunted multi-disciplinary (Archaeoastronomy, ethnography, archeometallurgia, et cetera!) And not to go ahead with blinders on and head down.

And so on!

for now the proposed hypotheses are bunkum meditate on the table in front of a good roast procceddu.
chatting in the wind!

and that's it ...
people Meditate, meditate!

maybe *!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Create Your Own Wwe Wrestler

That little clash of Črni Kal

"The Republic, in August 1615, traffic rose by public edict on the ground alli Archduke subjects, so defiant of the Albanians armanizze, harass them fishermen Trieste, inseguitandoli almost in the city, and removing the most remote parts of the territory, robbed at their pleasure. Do not miss Venice soldiers piling up in Istria, akin to undo the salt de 'Zaulis in Trieste, with a design to ruin even the jurisdiction of saint Servolo. Since the 8th of October, John Corey, a good number of people attacked and looted Potgoria Venetian, village subject to that court, which being the most illustrious patron lord, then Baron Petaz Welcome, then honored with the title of count, because the process, announces cut them with predators.

Benedict Lezze, the Venetian, persuaded by Corelli, some days after he sent two infantry insignia to holy Servolo to plunder the neighboring houses. Warned that the Baron Petaz, sent there before dawn, from Trieste, two hundred and fifty musketeers, who follows who met with them Ospo Veneto, s' fierce assault attacked, who died in a German, and another is injured. Of the Venetian killed six, injured four.

Andava il barone Petaz da Trieste per soccorrere Cernicale, ed incontratosi con li soldati che ritornavano, quaranta di questi con il medesimo si congiunsero. Il giorno seguente a mezzodì fu dalla sentinella scoperto il veneto, che con tre bandiere di fanteria e quattro cavalli se ne venivano alla volta di Cernicale, tra quale era il Lezze provveditore veneto, che con tutta quella gente trascorse nello stato arciducale più di mezzo miglia con le insegne spiegate. Per reprimere tanta audacia, ordinò il barone Petaz, sbarare due spingardoni che in Cernicale erano, dal che atterrito il provveditore veneto, ritornò."

da "storia cronografica di Trieste dalla sua origine until the year 1695 "by Vincenzo Scussa.