Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Street Legal Dune Buggy


this CTP we talk about, "Permanent Territorial Centres" which enable aobtine diploma "Licenza Media" those who have yet. CTP's aim to promote foreign and Italian adult citizens to be able to get a diploma.
To be able to engage in employment, degree of 'Licenza Media "is indispensable, o conditiie principalà pentru cine cautà o ocupatie.
CTP-urile au de obicei sediul in scolile medii iar cursurile dureazà de la trei luni la doi ani,si sint tinute de profesori calificati.La sfirsitul fiecàrui curs se dau amene care sin paragonate cu examenul de la licenzà media.
Etatea minimà pentru a se inscrie a un CTP este de 15 ani,deoarece in acest mod se dà posibilitatea celor care nu au terminat sau fàcut Scoala Media sà o fregventeze
Cursurile tinute in aceste centre sint cursuri serale,preserali si zilnice ,depinde de CTP.
Dacà sinteti stràini si sinteti interesati a invàta bine limba italianà,puteti fregventa un curs de alfabetizare ,CTP. Oferà si aceastà posibilitate.
Pentru a và incurie la unum din cursurile mai sus menzionate,adresati.và la Secretària Scolilor Medii care organizeazà aceste cursuri.
Inscrierea la un centru CTP se poate face si prin intermediul Fortelor de muco,care in italianà se chiamà “Centro per l’impiego”.CTP-urile oferà si alte servicii,printre care putem aminti aprofundirea unei limbi straine sau cursuri de informaticà.
In Pineroleze sìnt prezente CTP urile:in Piosasco,la Scoala Media “A.Cruto” in via Cumiana 2,numero de telefon 01219067609 unde puteti chema dimineata
CTP-urile functioneazà si in alte distrecte scolare cum ar la Savigliano,Saluzzo si Frosasco.
Se gàsesc deasemenea si in Turin.
For further information send an SMS 339-6300192 or write to the www.mondolingue @. Com

Universe "rum" comprises Gitana, Roma, Gypsies, is very complex and poorly understood. Almost everyone can relate to them as common places, in terms dictated by inioranta. There are treats to be good and not recognize that this is a problem. Usually the truth lies somewhere in the middle, except for a few curd that is obviously not what they say about Gypsies or Roma is taken into account. First of all, just that is associated with Roman Gypsy dimonstreaza ignorance regarding this argoment is great. Rom should not be confused with Roman but it must be understood that the Romans, which in Gitana word, language related to Sanskrit and Indo-European origin "means a person. Romanian Language in turn is related to Latin language and is part of the Roman family, and so is akin to Italian. It is true that Romania has a large community of Gypsies and many have Romanian passport, but in Italy there is rather its local Gypsy "Gitana" who settled in Italy long ago and who speak out for their language and a dialect. Illustrious giostrari items almost extinct, belongs to this group italianizat. Altria is a mistake to say that all Gypsies are nomadic. Usually so, but there are groups who are stationed. First we must learn inform us when we refer to an argument such as that which refers to rum. When we say what we really know? We know who are the Roma? We know that Roma are Italian citizens? Romans We know that Community citizens have rights to certain WARRANTY. In some cities are discussing plans that provide for the organization, integration gives cities;; Plains;, or small areas where families can establish rum, thus destroying the nomad camps. Agency, Romania is the EU together with Bulgaria after Altre countries such as Hungary and Poland only flow Polish and Bulgarian citizens had no impact was so great as that of romanico, who entered the table and who have committed crimes very large. We could say trimitetii the house because everyone here do nothing else than crimes, but a civilized country can not stop here. You can not put all in the same oala.Romania is not only a country of criminals who do not see condamnele time to get rid of that they have received and came here to do what they want. Discussion questions are very challenging but unfortunately arrived at liveluri. Romania is a country where people have grown culture is one where the theater is livel naziunde international, if not one of the best in the world, is not only a nest for thieves and assassins. Delinquent of any ethnicity and nationality, must pay for honest mistakes and other citizens who have the right to migrate to integrate. In most cases who leave their homes, even if African , Asian, and why not, the Italian should be able to find the lucru.Tara that these people ospiteasa pedeapsirea requires compliance with laws and those who do not comply with rimpatrierea. Is discussed from the beginning that in many cities esista programuri messe discuss integration. In France, Nicolas Sarkozy Prsedintele tore down Paris, just behind ciruclui Sun, several tents alle da Roma who had settled there to allow loro (a group of 80 people) to have a house with all serviziile only provided as one of the family members have a fixed job. This iniziativa ha succeeded and enabled many families to dimostra that are honest and they want to live with Dignam, as a normal family: Here, here some points esista neuralgic like Bologna, Rome, Turin, Milan, Firenze.Traim changes that faces it violated the countries where basic human rights, where she lives with less than one euro per day, with countries with a tenor of life higher. If we talk about integration we can not split pretend these issues do not exist. and do not know .. can not refuse a person who flees from their own country to request ASIL, Altria tara.Cine a search for a job, to allow him to support his family with Denit. But this does not mean free access to all controls, for trafficking and criminal organizations have found fertile ground and new activities and dirty than criminale.Ar be said but as a springboard puate for those who listen to your reflexiunile that has happened to you and to put in his pocket when you see the climb in tranvai a gypsy. But luckily we all have a brain and think. For more information send a message to 339.630.0192. ò mondolingue scrietine at gmail.com or


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