Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Clever Things To Write In Greeting Card


Like every year in May from 8 to 12 will be held at the Lingotto in Turin Book Fair. This exhibition is a cultural event eral which brings together publishers from Italy and the world stands where you can buy books. But not only involved with important contributions from many personalities and representatives of many reality world. These people deal with various issues in public, special lounges used to listen to the public and to their possible intervention. Every year the exhibition deals with a particular theme and is home to a foreign country. This year's theme is "beauty will save us? "and the host country is Israel. The theme of beauty once again raises a dilemma that has long debate in the humanity that is the link between aesthetics and ethics, and the risk of falling into ugliness. The meetings of the Mother Tongue, that the personalities of the cultural world, will focus on this topic. It is housed mainly in the Mediterranean countries and have already confirmed their participation in the Libyan writer Hisham Matar, the Saudi al-Giuhni Laila, the Gabonese Bessora.
Kingdom to this there will be a National Literary Competition, mostly foreign women residing in Italy. This theme was chosen because this year Turin is also la capitale mondiale del design e infatti interverranno alla manifestazione designer di molti campi diversi come l’architettura, la moda, la grafica, provenienti da tutto il mondo. Il binomio sul quale esporranno le loro idee sarà quello di bellezza e utilità: come conciliarle e che rapporto hanno fra loro. La fiera mette anche a disposizione un’area principalmente pensata per i giovani da zero a vent’anni, il Bookstock Village, che incentrerà la sua attività proprio sui contrasti: bello e brutto, buono e cattivo e molti altri.
Come già detto, il paese ospite sarà Israele. In questo modo ci sarà la possibilità di conoscere meglio una nazione che da alcuni anni a questa parte sta assumendo sempre più importanza dal punto di vista artistico-letterario. Molti scrittori verranno per raccontare la realtà del loro paese ma anche per affrontare temi universali, che riguardano tutta l’umanità. Negli stessi giorni il museo del cinema riserverà una sezione sempre a Israele e ai suoi lavori nel mondo cinematografico e sono previsti momenti musicali. Non mancheranno manifestazioni legate alla gastronomia, per avere davvero un’immagine a tutto tondo di Israele.
Le attività, gli eventi e le iniziative legate alla fiera del libro sono in realtà tantissime. Potete trovare tutte le informazioni utili sul sito ufficiale www.fieralibro.it.
L’orario di apertura della fiera sarà giovedì, domenica e lunedì dalle ore 10 at 22, Friday and Saturday from 10 am to 23. The price of daily admission fee will be € 8 but there are many discounts for children or for people doing certain jobs such as teachers and editors, but not all. There are also tickets for those planning to visit the fair more than a day.
For more information send an SMS to 339-6300192 or write to: mondolingue@gmail.com

world including Gypsy, Roma and Gypsies is very complex and poorly understood. Most people refer to them with platitudes, dictated by deep ignorance. It is not do not admit that what the do-gooders of the Roma is often a problem. Often, however, the truth lies in the middle and, except in rare cases where there is heavy evidence, not everything that is said about gypsies is to be taken at face value.
First, the simple fact that in recent times, will support the gypsies Romanians to show us that ignorance towards these people is great. The name Roma should not be confused as an abbreviation of Romania, but as shorthand for the Romans, who in the gypsy language (related to Sanskrit and Indo-European, it seems that the gypsies are from Asia), mean person. The Rumanian language is rather relative of Latin, and is part of the strain of Eastern Romance languages, so even with the Italian. It is true that in Romania there is a large gypsy community and that many Roma have a passport Romania, but also in Italy are Gypsies "native" or better nomads who have settled in Italy long ago and who speak in addition to their idiom, often a dialect. The famous giostrai, craft that is disappearing, belong to this group Italianate.
Another common mistake is to assume that all Gypsies are nomads. Very often it is true, but some groups tend to be stationed.
The fear of the other is not healthy and generaspesso cultural violence against minorities.
First is to learn to read up when it comes a subject as sensitive as that of the Roma population
When he speaks, you really know what you are saying? You know who are the Roma? It is known that the Roma are Italian citizens? It is known that the Romanians as EU citizens are entitled to certain guarantees?

In many cities are discussing integration plans that provide for the installation within the metropolitan areas of "Campina", or micro-areas in which individual families to move to dismantle the camps and that these measures are part of legality of a broader pact with the people and institutions

Romania became EU member state after the last enlargement, together with Bulgaria and soon other nations as Hungary and Poland. But while the flow of Poles and Bulgarians had no perceptible impact as in our population, the Romanians have emigrated en masse and were responsible for an unacceptable number of criminal acts.
So far, one might say "rispediamoli all at home, why come here only to commit crimes."
But a civilized country can not stop here. Can not close like a clam tutt'erba making a bundle. Romania is not only a land of criminals who are eager to escape the conviction to be remedied at home to make their own comfortable here. They are strong words, but unfortunately the discussion is often reached this level.
Romania is a land in which they were born and have developed great men of culture, a nation whose theater is world class, if not the best in the world, not a den of thieves and murderers.
And while the criminals, regardless of ethnicity and nationality, must pay for the mistakes committed, it must be to allow law-abiding citizens who emigrate to another country, to integrate. In most cases, those who leave their roots, whether African, Asian, or why not, Italian, must be able to find a job abroad, make a new life, to study their children. At the same time, however, the opportunities, the host country just ask the duties of respect for the laws, all laws, otherwise the return (in case of delinquency, the state has a duty to protect its citizens in the first place).

said earlier that there are many cities in integration programs discussed. The same France's iron-fisted President Nicolas Sarkozy has put in place measures similar to those it is considering the feasibility in Italy. In Paris, for example, an instance field in Saint-Denis, who gathered on the esplanade in the shadow of the tents of Cirque Du Soleil 800 people (behind the lights of the circus world's most fascinating, had installed hundreds of Roma ), was completely dismantled to allow initially to a group of eighty families have a decent home, electricity, heating, toilets finally not in common, only provided they had at least one member with a steady job.
This initiative has been successful and has enabled many families to affirm their honesty and willingness to live with dignity, "like a normal family." Here we are some hot spots such as Roma Bologna, Florence, Turin, Milan.
We are experiencing a probable turning point, through the process of globalization embraced by all states "industrialized" On one side stands the mass exodus from countries torn by internal conflicts with neighboring states, oppressed by dictators who oppress the population and systematically violate even the most basic human rights, terrified by poverty and deep poverty, there are other great democracies, developed countries, where living conditions are for the most part good, and the standard of living is very different from the famous "dollar a day."

So when it comes to immigration, one can not pretend that these issues do not exist. You can not think of preventing those who wish to flee from one country to another to obtain asylum, those seeking a job that allows him to support their families with dignity, to those who simply hope to grasp new opportunities, it can be fare.
Ma ciò non deve, non può significare un accesso incontrollato di chiunque, perchè anche il traffico di persone , le organizzazioni criminali, chi cerca di evitare le condanne subite al proprio paese, non esita a cercare un nuovo terreno in cui agire “al di fuori e al di sopra della legge”. Ci sarebbe ancora tanto da dire e da scrivere, ma questo può essere un trampolino per lanciare le riflessioni di chi ascolta, perchè anche a voi, sarà capitato di mettere la mano in tasca vedendo uno “zingaro” salire sul tram.
Ma per fortuna abbiamo tutti un cervello......e ragioniamo.
Per maggiori informazioni mandate un SMS al 339-6300192 o scriveteci a: mondolingue@gmail.com

Greetings to all who follow monolingual, our baby newsletter.
Mondolingua aims to provide local information and the understanding that you can have on the cultures merged in Italy today. The culture and history of human groups have deep roots similar but often express themselves in different forms. Consider the clothes for example: every culture has its way, and all speak in different aspects of the people wearing them.

The dress is typical of Arab culture is definitely different from the dress of European cultures. Therefore appear in the eyes of the significant differences: the most obvious and most discussed is the use of el veil by women to cover their heads. The reason of its use, is to be found between the lines of the Koran requires that women wear long dresses that can cover the entire body including his hands and his hair not to lead men into temptation. It is important to stress however that the choice of the Koran in manner of dress must be made by the woman herself and not be an imposition. This in theory, but even if there is no real rule about the veil, the Muslim tradition eventually be seen as a true symbol of professionalism and morality of women, which rarely given the opportunity to choose. The Arabs, like the Europeans, they express their fears through prejudices, sometimes the popular culture itself.

Talking with people and young Arabs has been difficult to see how the Arab culture is undergoing big changes. The first symptoms of these slow changes can be found in clothing, which is more uniform in all Arab countries, but in different areas is becoming more liberal or conservative, according to addresses mainly political granting more or less room for the application traditions. As this attack on religious rules, or even a folk traditions may seem strange to us or at least old, you must reflect on the fact that even in Italy, only in the last fifty - sixty years there have been striking changes in the way they dress and that too in this case the main protagonists were the women themselves. The use of trousers for women was, until a few centuries ago, condemned by the Church, yet the Bible makes no mention of this prohibition.

Perhaps it is precisely for these reasons that Europe should try to be as liberal as possible and giving the opportunity for different cultures to grow and mutate in the manner, time and above all, countries. To get it to a wider acceptance, which may not require the 'abandonment of traditions or values religiosi che ogni civiltà ha ed è giusto che abbia; ma che semplicemente permetta a ogni persona di sentirsi libera ed accettata in qualsiasi parte del mondo.
Per maggiori informazioni mandate un SMS al 339-6300192 o scriveteci a: mondolingue@gmail.com

In questo notiziario parleremo dei CTP, " Centri Territoriali Permanenti" che danno la possibilità di ottenere il diploma di Licenza Media a chi non lo possiede. I CTP hanno lo scopo di favorire la formazione dei cittadini adulti sia italiani, sia stranieri e far acquisire loro un titolo di studio.
Per entrare nel mondo del lavoro la Licenza Media è ormai indispensabile, esendo the first of many requirements to job seekers.
CTP are located most often in middle school, the courses last two to three months and are taught by some teachers. At the end of the course must take an exam similar examination of middle school. The minimum age to enroll in a CTP is 15 years, because before you can safely enter a middle school. The courses held in these centers have evening, early evening and even during the day, depending on the CTP.
If you are foreign and are interested in a literacy course of Italian language the CTP also offer this possibility.
To register for a course just ask the Secretariat of the Middle School that offers this service. Even through employment offices often you can subscribe to a CTP. The CTP also offer other services, including that of deepening a foreign language and a computer course. In
Pinerolese are Piossasco the CTP, which is in Middle School "A. Cruto" on a 2 Cumiana, phone number 01219067609. For information by telephone, you must call preferably in the morning.
The CTP is also active in school districts Savigliano, Saluzzo and ditches.
In Turin, there are some and they are very advanced.

For more information send an SMS to 339-6300192 or write to: mondolingue@gmail.com.


Legambiente The circle of "The Kite", organized a competition to write poetry and narrative open to Italian citizens and foreigners, the competition point I "Under the skies of Turin." The purpose of the project is spread at the city level a sense of social environmentalism attentive to the needs of the weakest, to the places of everyday life and leisure, to bring into close relationship and compare the different cultures, which are in daily contact on our territory. The competition, to its first edition, as the guiding theme of the new citizenship and is included among the events that the City of Turin to be programmed for 2008 European Year of dialogue among cultures, because of its importance and uniqueness of ideas and representation. However, you can also participate by presenting works on any subject.

The competition is divided into two sections, the narrative and poetic. For the first section, please send only one unpublished work, while the poetry section, you can only participate with a minimum of seven poems. E 'will be a fee of € 10, in which each participant can submit his works in both sections. The payment can be made by postal order, made payable to The Kite Club Legambiente, Via Pietro Cossa 293, 10151 Torino with reason: Competition Literature.

All entries must be written to the computer and the Association must be sent by e-mail or by post to cl@polisportivacampus.it Association Campus Via Pietro Cossa 293/12 10151 Torino. The envelope sent will also contain an application form signed and sent to the Secretariat of the Competition, in which the author claims authorship of the works presented, together with personal data and contact information necessary for voice communications, curriculum, and any publications and evidence of fee payment. The works must be received no later than June 16, 2008

You can find more information on the contest site and www.polisportivacampus.it www.circololaquilone.org. You can also call 333-7579017. For those who did not have internet access is available Legambiente The Kite Headquarters ONLUS Via Pietro Cossa 293 Pianezza street corner in Turin daily from 17.00 to 19.00.

For more information send an SMS to 339-6300192 or write to: mondolingue@gmail.com.


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