Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Vivitar Sports Binocular 5x30

"The village Nuraghe Ploaghe removed from the ribbon of asphalt '

Sassari. is the first in the room, to say that something is wrong. Rubens D'Oriano, archeologist, speaking on behalf of the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage. It defends a "collective heritage to which an intervention such as this inevitably going to affect."

makes a premise: "The law 163 of 2006 provides that public works projects must be submitted to the Superintendent at a preliminary stage to allow the inspections in the territory." He adds: "This phase, with respect to zero and one batch was not yet completed." It means that at the time, the Superintendent has in hand a picture complete, so can not say how much impact the way, overall, on the archaeological heritage of the area.

For now, the only certainty about a village in Ploaghe nuragico: The survey has allowed us to verify that would be partly canceled by the new ribbon of asphalt. D'Oriano for this, called to express an opinion for or against the project, explains that "it would be better investigated, making further checks.

to possibly change the path to protect the assets already identified and those that may emerge. Why - he said - for me there is no intention of interfering with the building of a public key. But the on-site inspections areas are essential. "

Scalamandrei Antonio, director of ANAS, invites you to act quickly: "I wish that archaeological studies will be completed by March, prior notice, in order to plan additional interventions and inform businesses." D'Oriano is satisfied but the schedule is tight, are unlikely to be met. But perhaps at least the village nuragico can be saved.

Article by Silvia Sanna,
From the new Sardinia d-3576904-asphalt

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How Long Do Spice Racks Last?

Cabras, plundered by grave robbers of the Nuraghe Sa pool arrubia

CABRAS. The goal was easy like few others. The grave robbers who have targeted the small (and forgotten) Nuraghe Sa pool complex arrubia have to work in peace, protected by 'dark of night, and away from prying eyes. Most likely, the digging went on for quite some time, so that the intruders were able to penetrate the soil accumulated all 'inside of the main tower for at least five feet deep.

on site yesterday, there were still some of the tools used for digging, a metal pole, to test the waters, and a pair of buckets, which are useful to remove debris accumulated during the work . Unable to establish exactly cosa abbiano trovato.

La parte visibile del nuraghe è solo la cima del complesso, il resto, come fosse un iceberg, è sepolto sotto metri di terra compattata nei millenni. Una situazione comune a molti dei circa cento nuraghi censiti nella penisola del Sinis. Una particolarità, unita allo scarso controllo, che fa di questo territorio la meta più ambita dai tombaroli. Sono in tanti a battere a tappeto il Sinis alla ricerca di preziosi reperti da piazzare sul mercato nero. D'altra parte, la zona, soprattutto durante la notte, è terra di nessuno. Gli unici habituè sono per lo più ladri e ladruncoli che prendono di mira le tante aziende agricole e quelli che, appunto, vanno alla ricerca del loro personalissimo "Holy Grail".

Nuraghe Sa arrubia pool is no exception, although it is also visible from the road that leads to the fascinating Aruttas Is nuragic, also has a natural pool, which deserves the name, is frequented by unconscious, rather to emulate, Indiana Jones. In fact, the static seal is compromised nuraghe by time and neglect of 'man and the danger of collapse is more than a mere possibility.

A risk to end up buried, underlined by Dr. Carla del Vais, archaeologist and curator of the Museum of Cabras, who last night made a site visit. "For the moment I can only say that it's not an excavation authorized, because the complex might collapse at any moment and techniques used by the experts were very different, "said archaeologist who added," the grave robbers could be people entirely improvised, the Nuraghe in question is one of the best preserved and known. E 'unlikely to resurface hours something very precious. "

But the thieves are content objects also not necessarily convinced, however, very rare to emulate Heinrich Schliemann, the German enthusiast of archeology wealthy merchant who first came upon the ruins of Troy and the treasure of Priam.

Di Claudio Zoccheddu
from the site of Nuova Sardegna (All rights All rights reserved-reserved)