Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Blinds Curtains Template

forms of struggle not only leave the Wave Tehran

The appeal

the Green Wave continues to bravely express defiance, with peaceful composure, the bullets of the regime in Tehran. An appeal by the Co-ordination " stop people playing with fire atomic .

The news from Tehran are dramatic. These young and these young people, these ordinary people who, risking their lives, dream of more freedom and demand respect for the will of the people (with a vote scheduled), deserve our admiration and our support. This is not the moment of academic distinction on the rate of democracy and secularism of the political opposition.

It 's time, however, to mobilize immediately, together!

E 'must, even in Italy, we join the protests outside the embassy in Rome, at the various consulates in different places, to hear that Tehran is not alone!

The pressure of international public opinion may, perhaps, all humanity to avoid the shame of a "Tehran-men" herald of new deaths and new wars. First

individual signatories : Don Luigi Ciotti - Francesco Lo Cascio - Alberto L'Abate - Alfonso Navarro - John Alioto - Piero Ricca - Lidia Menapace - Mario Agostinelli - Don Alessandro Santoro - Franca Pizzini - Ennio La Malfa - Patricia District - Anna Marson - Salvatore Giordano - Gianfranco Stella - Isabella Horn Baldelli - Paul Candelaria - Silvano Tartarini - Roberto Melone - Gigi Malabarba-Severino Saccardi -

Other individual signatures Carolina Balladares - Vittorio Pallotti - Alessandro Rizzo - Stefano Costa - Giorgio Bertelli - Priscilla Leone - Daniella Ambrosino - Franca Maria Bagnoli - Marco Forlani - Joan Noble - Marinella Sanvito - Vincenzo De Blasi - Amalia Swedes - Edda Boletti - Alberto Milazzo - Rino Sanna - Marco Palombo - Georgina Ortiz - Giampaolo Ferradini - Giuliano Falco - Nicoletta Manuzzi - Paolo Damiani - Raffaele Taddeo - Catherine Francis-Daniella Ambrosino -

associations, groups, movements : Accademia Kronos - Acea - Altropallone - House of Circles, Cultures and Peoples - Coordination North South of the World - Cultural Center multi-ethnic "The Tent" - International Center Helder Camara - Gruppo Abele - White Berets - Community based "The Piagge - Family margins - FIM CISL National - League Unilateral Disarmament - Free - Mediterranean For Peace - - \u200b\u200bSinistra Critica - Nuestra Terra - Testimonials -



There are some moments that decide the History, which mostly does not proceed according to our preconceived. As we are living one. The theocratic regime in Tehran is perhaps in the balance, as also says the Association of Iranian Students in Italy, and - at the time of writing (it is not even possible that collapse. But even if the immediate pass repressive violence, is now clear that - this regime - is doomed anyway, just wait: it is concerned that the basic movement prepares and cements a new autonomous organization, which still has not.

"If it passes today Onda Verde avoid a possible limited nuclear war - Explain the representatives of Coordination. " But if he wins the military coup of Ahmadinejad is a strong likelihood that we get there. And we all pay, and environmentally (mini-nuclear winter, fall out much worse than Chernobyl) and economically (oil at $ 300 a barrel, general economic collapse).

Thursday, June 25, will be launched from students Iranians in Italy, a day of national mobilization and even now the Committee is working to set up the Embassy of Peace: "The embassies of peace - said Alfonso Navarra for Coordination - is a project of the Italian movement for peace and disarmament , to be extended at a European level, which ranks as instrument of diplomacy of the people stirs from the bottom, civil society, builds on other previous projects, incorporated in the theoretical and practical assumptions of Civil Peace. This is a home, a physical office, located in the capital of the Islamic Republic of Iran, addressed and paid for independently by a combination of scope, promoted by the Italian and European peace activists, and especially by conscientious objectors to military spending and nuclear weapons " .

For information and membership

Coordination "Stop playing with fire that atomic"
c / o MDG Campaign / via DPN
M. Piché, 1 20143 Milano

e mail:
tel. 02 - 58101226 mob.
349 5211837 Website:

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Care / MEPs i / the newly elected / i,

we ask you to take an urgent initiative, including developing a specific resolution to propose to the Parliament Europe, as an active "diplomatic" solution to a Iran's current political crisis, triggered by the vote for the renewal of the President of the Islamic republic.

should aim for international pressure for it to be guaranteed an authentic expression of popular will and freedom of the opposition rally, when dramatic news arrived from Tehran of fraud, of repression and bloody violence, and is denied to the press, domestic and international, the chance to witness the truth of the facts.

You can propose its readiness, as representatives of an institution credible democratic point of view, and represents i popoli europei, amici del popolo iraniano, a fare da OSSERVATORI sul posto per assistere ai riconteggi sul voto già effettuato - ammessi dalla Guida Suprema Khamenei - o per lo svolgimento regolare di una eventuale sua ripetizione, richiesta dall'opposizione "riformista", che si sente più che plausibilmente defraudata.

Questa iniziativa potrebbe concretizzarsi con l'invio urgente di una delegazione parlamentare a Tehran che verifichi direttamente la situazione con le autorità e con le forze politiche, prendendo anche contatto con la società civile impegnata per la difesa dei diritti umani e democratici, in particolare per la parità uomo-donna.

Una proposta Such might be proposed to the Iranian authorities as our request for cooperation for better implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, all of which the 'Iran is a signatory.

would love to have your feedback on how your work on the problem that we are subjected, because - from citizens concerned about the "unarmed peace" in the world - we recognize that a stabilization of the internal situation in Iran, on the basis of transparency and of Justice codified in international law, would be decisive for the success the "dialogue of civilizations", which was restored by the U.S. President Obama in his recent speech in Cairo.

Alfonso Navarro - objector to military spending and nuclear


who stop playing with fire atomic - c / o Campaign OSM-DPN - via Mario Pichi 1-20123 Milan

email locosm @; , tel. 02-5810.1226 cell. 349-5211837

Ps: the parliamentary right to be informed that, as movements unarmed, nonviolent and ecologists, we are working to draft a peace embassy in Tehran, below its entirety mei essential.

Ambassadors for Peace in Tehran: definition, tasks and operational lines

June 15, 2009

peace Embassy in Tehran is a project of the Italian movement for peace and disarmament, to be extended at a European level, which, acting as an instrument of diplomacy of the people stirs from the bottom, civil society, builds on other previous projects, assumptions incorporated in the theory and practice of Civil Peace. We refer, in this project, and seek experiences that they had tried to oppose the war and the "clash of civilizations" constructing embryos peacekeepers and networks of paths and basic diplomacy.


The Embassy of peace is, in essence, a home, a physical office located in the capital of the Islamic Republic of Iran, registered and paid by individual a combination of scope, promoted by the Italian and European peace activists, and especially by conscientious objectors to military spending and nuclear weapons.

The office must be identified on a sign written in Italian, English and Persian: EMBASSY OF PEACE OF TEHRAN

The essential purpose is to help structure the civil and military denuclearization of the Mediterranean and the Middle East starting with the legal basis of the "Barcelona Declaration" of 1995.

The embassy of peace must be independent of all governments, both financially and politically.

The ambassadors of peace and an instrument of active European citizenship which is recognized in the "International Human Rights" and the only independent associations must draw its lines of business and finance. E 'possible and desirable, however, that some local, national or international help, and from time to time in various forms, the activities of the Embassy pace, senza, tuttavia, risultare mai determinanti. (Una collaborazione particolarmente ambita sarebbe quella con il Parlamento Europeo). Per società civile s’intende, nell’immediato, fare riferimento a tutte quelle organizzazioni internazionali e non che operano in Europa e sul nostro pianeta nei più diversi settori del volontariato e che intendano oggi farsi carico di questo compito.


1) Aprire e consolidare le comunicazioni tra la società civile europea e la società civile iraniana. In particolare approfondire le relazioni tra le personalità indipendenti ed i gruppi che si battono per la dismissione, ovunque, delle strutture e degli impianti nucleari in quanto apparati e tecnologia dannosi per l'ambiente e la salute, nonchè militarmente proliferanti. E’ il primo e fondamentale dei compiti dell’ambasciata di pace. Si tratta di far conoscere tra di loro i gruppi vitali della cittadinanza attiva, superando le difficoltà e le opacità che, spesso, i governi frappongono. Si tratta di lavorare alla costruzione di solide relazioni sociali e umane che siano in grado di opporsi, nell'inmmediato e nel domani, alla costruzione dell’immagine del nemico (scambi culturali, religiosi, artistici ed economici su basi equo-solidali).

2) Informare correttamente l'opinione pubblica europea, le European institutions the international community about the real conditions of life of the Iranian population, and whether to respect or not respect for human rights by the government and local dell'ammnistrazione.

3) With the completion of the previous two points, the Embassy of Peace in Tehran achieves its central objective is to work to prevent conflicts between the people present, from time to time, proposals to the International Community mediation of conflict, acting in particular on the so-called "nuclear crisis", together with an innovative approach, prudent, balanced.


The embassy of peace in Tehran, to materialize, must first get an acceptance by the 'local government. The goal is to be able, if necessary, to fully understand the issues and to dispose of sufficient credibility to support the method of negotiation in resolving the conflict. METHOD FOR NEGOTIATING THE SUPPORT ALWAYS AND 'NEED THAT THE EMBASSY WILL WORK ON' PEACE OF IRANIAN PEOPLE LIVING ON YOUR SKIN A CRISIS WITH POTENTIAL OPPORTUNITIES WAR.

The instruments of these lines of work are two:

a) the ability to ecopacifista be a nonpartisan position, not politicized, but rooted in a universal application of international law recognized

b) the ability to facilitate transparent communication and common, but mostly true.


E' capacity can be summarized with the desire not to ever be a party or ideological faction or religious or national or pre-built and cultural settings. Without that anchor to the "common humanity" will be impossible to build "trans-solidarity" groped to oppose the degeneration war.


aid communication, to be truly productive, it must try to see and understand the issues from different angles of the conflicting parties, but especially from the standpoint of universal human since the intervention of the embassy of peace must aim at building, inside and outside the country in which solidarity 'for everyone, not just part of it. This attitude will depend a lot of confidence that local people will put in the embassy of peace.


The embassy, \u200b\u200bbeing an instrument of diplomacy of the people, must, in carrying out his work, refer to local NGOs or groups similar to these, calling and working to establish a joint working COMMITTEES AND JOINT on the themes of peace, 'ecology, energy, and supportive intervention. These committees should be tasked to identify concrete actions to be taken all the territory (open communication, solidarity and people's diplomacy). The detection capabilities and choice of partners for the Commissions work and activities of the Centre for Peace and Human Rights are primary task of the Embassy.


1- redazione partecipata coinvolgendo gruppi ecopacifisti iraniani sia esiliati (o esteri) sia a Tehran ed in Iran

2- lancio con conferenza stampa il 28 novembre 2009 (anniversario Barcellona) - avvio sottoscrizione popolare

3- delegazione esplorativa a Tehran il Natale 2009

4- eventuali altre "missioni esplorative" in Iran per rodare eventuali, provvisorie, "teste di ponte"

5- approvazione da parte dell'Assemblea OSM

6 - inaugurazione dell'Ufficio/Ambasciata Tehran around May-June 2010

Text by Alfonso of Navarra COORDINATION WITH THE KIDS WHO STOP BY ATOMIC FIRE (based on an original scheme produced by White Berets)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Kates Playground New 2010

"Abruzzo has managed to overcome all difficulties, "he said proudly president of the International Committee of Mediterranean Games
Pescara, June 22, 2009. Mediterranean passion, imagination and character Abruzzo Italian made possible the organization of the XVI Mediterranean Games . Edition record, as has been pointed out by all the leaders who spoke at the official presentation in the board room of the municipality of Pescara, was packed with people. Pescara to go down in history as the edition of World Records, since there are 23 participating countries, two more (Montenegro and Andorra) than Almeria, over 4,000 athletes and 5800 accredited persons (20% more ) 3000 volunteers who assist athletes, coaches and managers for the duration of the event. It is not only the amount that the Games in Pescara 2009 show to be at the highest level, the quality is also respectable with 20 Olympic medals in Beijing in 2008 to make a spectacle over fields, sports halls and platforms.
are two poles of attraction of the Games Village on one side the Mediterranean, welcoming home the whole event was officially launched in the morning, and the room was very special mayor Fabrizia D'Ottavio (World and Olympic silver to gold Athens 2004 in rhythmic gymnastics), the other stadium Adriatic, where the inauguration will be held Friday evening dell’evento. Nel mezzo, giovedì 25 giugno, ci sarà l’importante prologo del viaggio dell’acqua, che ai Giochi del Mediterraneo ha lo stesso significato della fiaccola per le Olimpiadi: l’ampolla d’acqua passerà di mano in mano, partendo da L’Aquila per arrivare a Pescara, e il primo idroforo sarà Amar Addadi, presidente del Comitato internazionale dei Giochi del Mediterraneo, attraversando tutte le zone colpite dal terremoto del 6 aprile scorso.
Il 26 giugno, tutti gli occhi del mondo sportivo saranno sullo stadio Adriatico con la sfilata di tutte le delegazioni partecipanti. Saranno 1320 le persone coinvolte nella scenografia, coordinata dal regista Marco Balich, che culminerà nell’arrivo from heaven Warrior Capestrano surmounted on a structure of 18 meters. The opening ceremony of the Games will last about two hours, will be broadcast live from 21 on the digital terrestrial (Raisport +) and 23 delayed on Rai Uno.
Pescara, June 22, 2009. Mediterranean passion, imagination and character Abruzzo Italian made possible the organization of the XVI Mediterranean Games. There are two poles of attraction of the Games Village on one side the Mediterranean, welcoming home the whole event was officially launched in the morning, and the room was very special mayor Fabrizia D'Ottavio (World gold and Olympic silver in Athens 2004 in rhythmic gymnastics), other lo stadio Adriatico, dove venerdì sera si terrà l’inaugurazione dell’evento. Nel mezzo, giovedì 25 giugno, ci sarà l’importante prologo del viaggio dell’acqua, che ai Giochi del Mediterraneo ha lo stesso significato della fiaccola per le Olimpiadi: l’ampolla d’acqua passerà di mano in mano, partendo da L’Aquila per arrivare a Pescara, e il primo idroforo sarà Amar Addadi, presidente del Comitato internazionale dei Giochi del Mediterraneo, attraversando tutte le zone colpite dal terremoto del 6 aprile scorso.
Il 26 giugno, tutti gli occhi del mondo sportivo saranno sullo stadio Adriatico con la sfilata di tutte le delegazioni partecipanti. Saranno 1320 le persone coinvolte nella set design, coordinated by director Marco Balich, culminating in the arrival of the warrior from the sky Capestrano surmounted on a structure of 18 meters. The opening ceremony of the Games will last about two hours, will be broadcast live from 21 on the digital terrestrial (Raisport +) and 23 delayed on Rai Uno.
a miracle, however, the same pickup does not want to hear: "When they do something other people - said the special commissioner - it comes to talent and hard work, when they do the Italians speak of a miracle. But no: what happened in Abruzzo is the result of the work and commitment. " He does not hide the problems found last year on his arrival: "When I was called to work for 2009 were missing Pescara € 37 million to balance the budget: we did it by cutting all unnecessary expenses. I also found an organizing committee of 78 people: for example, Beijing had 18 and was the one with the largest Olympic Committee. " If the company was possible, further emphasizes the Extraordinary, "is thanks to the confidence that the committees of the Mediterranean countries have nurtured in us, the world of politics for a while, 'he laid down his arms, five years after plunge away, without doing anything. " Pescante wanted to specify that you have made available their expertise to an important goal: "I named to the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, but there I did it for the spirit of service, here I did it for love of my country. " And by the way, Pescante spent another word for a fellow countryman: "A special thanks goes to Gianni Letta, who is Abruzzo like me." The inspector finally remembered with pride and appreciation the stresses received by the IOC during the last meeting in Lausanne, with President Jacques Rogge and other members of the International Olympic Committee: "The composure shown by the following days in Abruzzo the quake stunned the world - revealed Pescante - and the world will be watching us carefully in these two weeks, so much so that the representatives will be in Pescara, Tokyo, Madrid, Rio de Janeiro and Chicago, cities bidding to host the next Olympics. "