The Assembly, at its meeting on January 31 approved the budget Forecast year 2009 with the following Planning Report:
UNPLI Card loyalty card membership of the National Pro Loco of Italy, to encourage members to discounts with major national companies;
support Research of doctors and researchers dell'ANLAIDS onlus , the national association for the fight against AIDS 10/11/12/13 April 2009 in the distribution of the usual gift of bonsai to all those who will support the Association by joining the initiative
Culture Week 2009 - XI edition dal 18 al 26 aprile 2009 in "La cultura è di tutti: partecipa anche tu". In collaborazione con il MiBAC;
Progetto “Aperto per Ferie 2” per la rivitalizzazione e promozione sociale, culturale e storica del borgo di Vicoli Vecchio con convegni, divulgazioni, ecc. (3° fase);
Convegni, pubblicazioni e studi su storia, tradizioni, territorio, cultura e biodiversità ambientale e attivazione di studi sul territorio e archiviazione del materiale ai fini del progetto Unpli Patrimonio Culturale Immateriale per una possibile diffusione e condivisione;
Elaborazione progetti a valere sul programma comunitario " Youth in Action non-formal education for youth mobility and international cooperation with the Department for Youth Policies the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.
Management National Civil Service Office (Project Office);
Conference, Workshop and Workshop related to geography, folklore, crafts, and training in food tourism, cultural and environmental
Disclosure Advertising of the Territorial Park Lanes;
Equipment tourist signs, in collaboration with government agencies;
Opening and operation of a information point with name IAT ;
"Veni Vidi Lanes - Under the arch of the ancient" . Second edition of the successful event in the Old town of narrow streets, with concurrence of dialect theater, conferences, exhibition of antiques, handicrafts and local food and wine;
Training and information for executives Pro Loco;
The Board