Friday, August 29, 2008

Stroke Commercialquote

beach golf tour 2008

Tra il 25 e il 31 Agosto 2008, a Pescara, si svolgerà la finalissima della X edizione del BEACH GOLF TOUR 2008.
Il Sindaco, il vincitore della tappa di Vicoli del 13/07/2008 e il Presidente della Pro Loco, sono stati invitati a rappresentare il nostro paese nella competizione! Auguriamo loro un caldo in bocca al lupo!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

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Beach Golf Tour 2008

“Veni Vidi Vicoli”, nella giornata di domenica 13 luglio, ha ospitato una tappa del Beach Golf Tour 2008.

"What's that?" - You ask! This is a traveling show already tested in summer 2007 for the promotion of the Mediterranean Games, in partnership with APTR Abruzzo and the Presidency of the Pro Loco. He reports to BGSA (Beach Golf Sport Association) and, through sheer marketing efforts, involving the entire region in the spread of the values \u200b\u200bof sport and the promotion of the area. Its slogan is "Sport for all, fun and healthy competition." What is proposed is "anyone can play golf at recreating, with a simple game to hit targets linked to feelings of solidarity, brotherhood and friendship Abruzzo whole." The same values \u200b\u200bthat they want to communicate the Games of 2009. A team consisting of 4 BGSA instructor and a cameraman, was present in the square of our village, and the various places of the municipalities visited Abruzzo, a mobile station. The footage will be aired as a television format dedicated for that specific tour, and on a local channel on Sky.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

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The event Veni Vidi Lanes, provides, among its activities, including the holding of an elective assembly dell'UNPLI ABRUZZO. From every province of Abruzzo bus arrived full of representatives of Pro Loco entered all'UNPLI to elect the National Board and the Delegates to the National Assembly to be held in Montesilvano UNPLI in September.

At this assembly were elected National Councillors who will represent the Abruzzo: John Scopinaro, of the Pro Loco of Villa Romagnoli and Augusto De Panfilis the Pro Loco of the Pettorano Gizio.